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This retrospring only open on the weekend, submit your feedback, TMI, appreciation or anything to Sylus or the writer.
No NSFW message will be answered.
Writer answer will be answered as notsylus

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Submit any feedback, TMI, appreciation to @darkestcosmic. No NSFW content
This user currently does not accept questions.
MC · 7mo

IM REALLY ANGRY AT U. I've spend my 500k just for u, yet one of your pair didn't come home. IM VERY ANGRY.

Throwing your anger at someone who didn't even do anything, huh? i think i know the reason why im not coming for you. next time, better ask me to fight Inf*ld instead of doing this useless thing ;)

MC · 8mo

I’m having tremendous headaches today… can you pat my head lightly? 🥹

MC · 8mo

sylus, aku lagi sakit. aku butuh kamuuu☹️

i'm here, sweetie. where does it hurt? should i call my personal doctor? do you want me to help with your meals and medications?

MC · 8mo

I really like to spend my time reading your retro answers. And tonight, it helps me to ease the fear from my latest nightmare. Thank you, Sir!

Wow it's unexpected tho.. im happy for you. Hopefully you wont have any nightmare anymore.

MC · 8mo

Sylus, kasi motivasi hari ini biar aku semangat bernapas☝️

I hope i was enough to be your motivation, but please remember that people around you love you so much, especially me. You're an important person in my life, and you should be here with me.

MC · 8mo

kak sylus aku tadi abis jatoh terus sekarang kakiku sakit😭😭😭

MC · 8mo

Sylussss kamu pernah diinfus ga?? aku sekarang sakit tifuss jadi masuk rumah sakit🥺 aku di infus😓😓 ternyata sakit juga ya🥺 Please pray for me to recover quickly. because I still have a lot of work deadlines. stress bangett

I'm so sorry to hear that, sweetheart. You're strong and i know you can get through this. Please don't overwork yourself, take the time to rest and eat well. Your health is the most important thing to me. Get well soon, my love.

MC · 8mo

It's been a while since I dreamed of you. When will you come to my dreams again? I miss being called princess when I dream of you

Dear my princess, if you want me to come, it wont be in dreams anymore. I will come to you and be in your room. See you soon

MC · 8mo

Sylus, tolong nafkahi aku di tanggal tua ini🙏 uangku habis beli atribut pkkmb huehue. Tapi uangmu halal ga, bang?🤨

Pake nanya. Tapi semangat ya pkkmbnya. Kalo ada yang aneh-aneh silahkan hubungi saya.

MC · 8mo

Good morning, Sy! (At least, it's still morning when she filled your retro)

Anyway, it's her, the one who ask you a favor for Zayne and Xav's sweet words for her friend. She just wanted you (and also Zayne+Xav) to know that her friend is loving the words very much. Her friend even use the pic Xav's gave as her lockscreen haha. This person, who fill your retro, just wanted to say thanks, updating her friend's responses and thanking all of you for the help. Seriously, she can't really thanking enough 🤏🏻🤏🏻🤏🏻

Glad to know that. Hopefully you guys are doing fine, and please take care. Sending my love for both of you.

MC · 8mo

Kak sy, selamat pagii^^
bumi itu tempat yang sangat luas ya? tapi beruntung sekali bisa bertemu kakak,

semoga selalu bahagia, kak sy^^

selamat malam, nona cantik.
bumi nona mungkin memang luas, tapi bumi bagi saya hanyalah nona. semoga nona senang bertemu dengan saya.

MC · 8mo

my boyfriend ignoring me sylus..

Hyacinth · 8mo

Tmi aku akhirnya di acc seminar proposal 😆

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