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ask me anything!


anonymous · 2mo

hiii tei! I hope you're doing well 💗 I wanted to ask you if there is something specific that inspires you to write (igmtiy esp), like some specific artists, or is it just an intuitive inspiration

oh my god i am SO sorry i only now noticed ur message!! i am doing well i hope you are also! i get a lot of inspiration from songs, their vibes and lyrics and i think thats one of my driving forces to write. no particular artist, except with igmtiy lately i have been taking a lot of inspiration from sleep token and their lyrics. the rest is intuitive inspiration with some other sources like books or movies or tv series or pinterest boards! very often i get the initial inspiration from some source and the rest is me letting the monkey in my brain take over.

anonymous · 7mo

hi tei :) i hope you are doing well!

first of all i wanted to say that i am very excited for this week's igmtiy chapter!

also i recently saw another mnchn good omens fic and honestly couldn't bring myself to read it because your good omens mnchn universe is just so engrained in my mind at this point it's kinda become canon to me tbh and i don't think i can read anything else similar to it?? so yeah i love the world you built and wanted to send some love <33

i hope you have a nice day 💕

hello!! i am doing good!! i’m glad you’re excited bc the new chappy is dropping today hehe :33

and gosh thank u so much i love that u love igmtiy!!! im sure the other gomens mnchn fic is also very good so u definitely should read that but i get it bc i also suffer from the same thing where i cant read two things based on the same thing at the same time! but it will be only like 10 chaps and then i’ll prolly be done with igmtiy (or 15 i suck at planning. or less who knows) SO then i’m sure the other fic will find it’s way to u!!

hope u have a nice day too! 💓

anonymous · 10mo

omgg 'of sunsets and fiery red tails' is one of my fav mnchn fics i think about it ALL the time!! is there anything that inspired the story?

hello!! not really tbh, it was one of the prompts someone had made for mnchnfest 2022 and i chose it and then just. winged it!

anonymous · 10mo

hiii teitei, how are you?

hello! im doing alright, thank u for asking!! just waiting for summer and spending my days in maximum level dnd brainrot! how abt u dear anon?

anonymous · 11mo

OKAY, wait, I haven't been able to read the chapter yet because I've had a busy weekend, but TODAY is the day, expect my reaction later, I'm very excited.....

anonymous · 11mo

ok, I forgot to come earlier butttt THANK U FOR THE NEW CHAPTER, I can't wait to read what's to come

take care and have a nice day 💗

thank u so much for reading!!! 💓 you take care and have a great day as well!!

anonymous · 12mo

oooh what is happening next monday 👀 i'm excited already!!

anonymous · 1y

how are you, Tei?

im doing good! just working and playing bg and in my dnd era! a bit stressed abt life but when am i not hehe. hope you are doing good as well dear anon! ❣️

anonymous · 1y

oh hello 🥺🥺 thank u so much for your message!! it really cheered me up! you have a great day as well 💓

anonymous · 1y

hii i just really wanted to say that i'm a big fan of your writing style!! i look forward to each new igmtiy chapter it really always makes my week <3 i wanted to ask what year the last chapter was set in roughly? also since it is inspired by good omens are we gonna reach the present at some point in the fic? i'm really interested in how you spread out the story over the course of history!!

i hope you have a nice day 💕

aughhhh thank you!!! right now in the fic we are around 1351-1352ish or so right now, and yes, we will eventually return to the present! i hope you have a wonderful day as well! 💓

anonymous · 1y

I can't stop thinking about the fact that at some point the angel Minho will also do something that will hurt an already very hurt demon Chan.... I just... sigh

ANYWAY, thanks for the chapter 🤍

oohhohohoo i promise it all will ….. hopefully be worth it ……. ☺️☺️☺️ thank u so much for reading and for ur lil message, u have no idea how much they light up my days! 💓

anonymous · 1y


the story of Chan... the pain... physical, mental and emotional... i'm crying...

he is a bit of a sad one indeed ….. luckily he is a very resilient little demon <3

anonymous · 1y

hello….. dear anon…… i think i might be in love with u (a hearty joke). thank you SO much i ammmm so glad you liked the chapter!!!! the trick to describe chan like one is in love with him is to be in love with him and simply use that well as an inspiration! as a chan biased since day one i can tell you i have a lot of that inspiration! yes i am trying to drive u insane to be honest i think my readers deserve a little bit of suffering like that! keeps life worth living! ANYWAY thank u SO much for this message and for your kind words and aaahh hhh thank u 💓💓💓 o wish the deepest kind of happiness to you as well! 💓

anonymous · 1y

HELLO hehehe yes i assume you are the one who’s been commenting on the chapters (sorry i’m an extremely slow comment answerer) and thank you SO much it’s been so nice reading your thoughts!! thank you so much for your kind words as well, i’m so glad to hear you’re having a blast with the fic! and fear not, there are many chapters left after 11 - and even an epilogue fic, so you’ll still have plenty to read! 🫶

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