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Be the reason why the flowers bloom.


Anonymous Guest · 1y

Also... you seem a bit down just some time ago. Semoga waktu kamu baca ini, suasana hati Lily sudah lebih baik. Things don't always go as smoothly as what we desired, but I'm just here if you ever need someone to lend her ear.

Woops, bocor satu deh identitasku. But still, tidur nyenyak, cantik.

Mood aku udah mendingan sekarang, walaupun masih berharap-harap cemas tentang apa yang akan terjadi hari ini (expecting something that I wished since yesterday can happen today). Thank you for telling me so, Sender! hope everything goes fine and well to you today, too, ya.

Gimana mau cerita ke kamu Yaa, mana ada identitasnya yang bocor itu!

Anonymous Guest · 1y

Satu lagi. A song dedicated for you:

Selamat beristirahat, Lily. Besok ngobrol lagi, ya? Terima kasih sudah mengizinkan aku ngekos di Retrospring kamu. 🤍

Selamat pagi! Terima kasih juga sudah tinggalkan pesan yang manis-manis terus di sini. Nanti tolong biaya kosnya dibayar segera. ya.

Btw, aku tadi udah dengar lagunya sambil kerja. Walaupun belum tau siapa kamu sebenarnya (maybe I can take a guess still :P), lagunya manis kayak kamu. Good luck for today! <3

Anonymous Guest · 1y
Anonymous Guest · 1y

Hello, Avery (guessed I'm the only one who'd call you that). This is a beta-testing message.

Anonymous Guest · 1y
Anonymous Guest · 1y
Anonymous Guest · 1y

In case my answer wasn't specific enough, the PFP Winter biru I meant is @blushinpetals...!

Anonymous Guest · 1y

ADUH. Malu banget, kok kamu baca aja sih [sudah nungguin tujuh hari tujuh malam tanpa beristirahat][mengarang TMI supaya kamu cepat jawab]. I came accross you through this account, kok, yang PFPnya Winter cantik biru-biru itu. I have this hobby of scrolling through everyone's Retrospring but you're so lovely.... couldn't help to not slipping some love messages here. Nanti kasih tahu aku dong, suka ayam goreng yang rasa apa? Bumbu kuning atau goreng tepung? (Dengan intensi untuk mengenalmu lebih dekat)

MAAF SENDER.. Aku lagi mental breakdance dari pertengahan Januari ini (karna jadi budak korporat di tempat baru, TMI). Terus, aku juga jarang buka retrospring karna aku kira gak akan ada yang ngasih pertanyaan juga, but then you came! 😠🫵🏻 Kata aku sih mending ngobrol aja langsung kita kalau mau kenal lebih dekat (semoga gak nyesel juga kamunya). Aku sukanya ayam goreng biasa, btw!! Apa namanya, diungkep biasa gitu. Tapi ayam tepung juga enak. Pokoknya yang goreng-goreng suka, tapi gak begitu suka yang kuah. Kalau Sender sendiri sukanya mam apa?

Anonymous Guest · 1y

Hey there, Lily! I'm the sender from the ssefnum menfess. How's your day? Did your eat your dinner yet?

And... can i just point out that i like your vibes? It's like... there are kindness surrounding you. You seems like a gentle and sweet woman. That's the impression i get when i saw your reply. Sorry if its a bit extragavant hehe.

:( When I said it's a kind of you, it really is. You're the sweetest person that really made my day here. Thank you for sparing your time and passing on my profile page here, and even having that impression of me—which I am really grateful that you told me so. I hope I can really radiate the kindness to my surroundings like you said there.

Anyways, almost forgot to respond to your questions before; my day was so so.. and I even went to the doctor because my stomach was really hurt this afternoon (but now all is good!). And I already ate my dinner. :] How about you, Sender? Mind to tell me about your day?

Anonymous Guest · 1y

Do you prefer to take baths or showers?

路. · 2 answers · 1y

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, dead or alive, who would it be, and what would you ask them?

Oppenheimer! I am getting interest in getting to know him well after watching the movie. I might ask about his true feeling when he knew about his 'masterpiece' could kill many people..

Anonymous Guest · 1y

What is your dream job?

Mathen. · 1y

Last night, I meant to ask your name, and is it Lily? I'm always charmed by names inspired by flowers, and "Lily" has a lovely ring to it. It's a beautiful choice, especially following Daisy. I find a certain elegance in floral names, don't you?

Hey, Mathen! Haven't seen you around, even on my Twitter timeline. I hope you're still doing good and well whenever you are now, ya. And, yes! My name is Lily, just exactly same like the flower name (and I stole it from Calla Lily, precisely). Thank you for saying so, Marten. I'm flattered! 🫣 Hoping to have a chance to talk more with you.

路. · 5 answers · 1y

Good day, everyone. The new month has come! ★ Let’s hope it marks a joyful beginning for all of us, so, how about we sit there for a tea session? Since I’m interested about your plans this month, are there any plans you’re excited about, or are there any plans you’re dying to avoid? (For me, I wish I could skip my exam and just laze around for 2 weeks.)

My bad that I just replied to this one when we're near the end of this month.. I didn't plan anything, and that also happened so far, but I wish for the rest days of this month will be nice to all of us. Are you excited to welcome December in a few days? :]

Anonymous Guest · 1y

Do you date woman too?

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