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Eridanus Constellation
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Let the universe guides your inner maze


Elysian · 2mo

No, that's fine. Thankyou for telling me your felling toward me, sender. It's just, i didn't expect someone to miss me this much... You're the same sender 3 months ago, don't you? thankyou for always praying and caring for me, dear. I pray for you as well, may all your kindness return to you a hundredfold. Selamat tahun baru ya, sender. Semoga di tahun ini hari kamu berjalan lebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya. Be happy as well, dear.

Elysian · 2mo

Have you ever written in Japanese?

Eh lucu banget pertanyaannya hahaha. I have, tapi cuma hiragana dasar. Masih cupu banget MAAF. Kamu pasti jago Japanese ya?

Elysian · 2mo

I don’t know, Kai… I miss you so much it hurts. It’s the kind of longing that sits heavy in my chest.. I just… I miss you. How’s life been treating you, Kai?

Ah... do you miss 'me' or the memories with me...? I apologize for making you this way, sender. About that- to be honest, my life has been pretty tough lately. Thankyou for asking, anyway. How about you?

Elysian · 2mo

Kai, kangen..

Elysian · 4mo

Oh! And I hope you find someone soon who you can put on that song! -🦋

Oh that "Blue" song ya? Hehe sudah, sender. I dedicate that song to oknum gemini alias Sung Hanbin hehe.

Elysian · 4mo

Hey, how are you? It’s me again, the one who confessed to you 9 month ago (I think????) so.. I just wanna say that I hope you have a nice day, semangat buat kesibukannya, and be surrounded with happiness. Semoga cepet cepet bisa makan nasgor seafoodnya hueheheue. I’m happy to see you around in my timeline again :D please rest well ya, jangan begadang dan makan yang cukup (minum air putih juga!) -🦋

Hello there, dear Elysian. I deeply apologize for not replying your messages 😓. Yes, i remember. The sender behind that butterfly emoji haha. I'm still wondering who you are, actually. Anw, terima kasih atas doa-doa baiknya yaa, i hope the same goes to you as well. Tmi, aku udah makan nasgornya dong hahahaha. Thankyou once again, i will take care of myself and please take care of yourself too.

Elysian · 5mo

Hello there, dear! Aku baru sadar kamu kirim aku retro lagi... I'm sorry for the late response. My day went well so far :] cuma lagi agak hectic aja nih. How bout you, dear? Hope you have a good day ahead!

Also thankyou for all of these kind words, this means a lot to me 🤍 hope the same goes to you yaa, sender. Thankyou for surviving this far, may your day filled with happiness! Thankyou for knocking my retro once again.

Elysian · 5mo
Elysian · 1y

Nath, jangan lupa buat tetep istirahat yang cukup ya, you need some rest. Aku paham rl kamu lagi sibuk banget tapi tetep dahuluin tubuh kamu, minum vitamin juga kalo perlu. Semoga cepet sembuh ya!

Hehe, siap! Thankyou so much for the reminder, sender. Sekarang udah makin membaik kok kondisinya, tinggal recovery aja. Thankyou for your concern. 🤍

Elysian · 1y

Sorry if this message comes out of the blue and anonymously. I just wanted to say that I've had a crush on you for quite some time. The reason? Well, I don't really know.. ahhshshahash you're just funny and charming. I hope you're always happy and healthy. I think I'll only send this message once, so I apologize for doing it anonymously. I just wanted to express what's been on my mind, and now I feel relieved. -🦋

Hello, sender! I'm sorry for the late respon, aku sampai lupa buat bales retronya karena kaget ahahshaha. First of all, thankyou for letting me know about you're feeling towards me, whoever you are. I really appreciate it, you don't have to apologize, that's fine. Anyway, semoga doa-doa baiknya kembali ke kamu yaa! Thank you for confessing to me, getting something like this makes me feel loved hehe. Have a wonderful day ahead, sender.

Elysian · 1y

Halo Biyu! haven't seen your around, how are you btw? Hope you're doing well.
It's okay, Biyu. I understand, gapapa kok. Yaampun disimpen ahahaha thankyou for appreciating my works. WKWKWK DIPANGGIL IKAN NEMO GAK TUH. Ini gimana ceritanya btw, lucu kayak badut tapi nggak badut? berarti emang lucunya lucu badut dong?

Anyway terima kasih kembali, Biyu. Semoga doa-doa baiknya balik ke kamu yaa, may the universe always love you. 🩵

Elysian · 1y
Elysian · 1y

On serious note, beneran lucu banget, serius. I really love the gift, sekali lagi makasih yaa biyu kecil.

Oh enggak ya ahahahaha aman kalo gitu. JANGAN PUSING DULU, masih ada satu lagi. Hehe. Karena biyu udah baca jadi kakak kasih tau. Anggap aja ini sebagai hadiah tahun baru buat biyu juga, just a little appreciation for you. Sama balasan dari hadiah yang udah biyu kasih hehe.

p.s Ini kak nayel bikin sendiri lho. 😉
https:// www(.)flipsnack(.)com /786979FF8D6/dear-biyu-kecil/full-view.html

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