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Gideon F. Lowell.
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Aca · 8 answers · 1y

Have you ever felt like overwhelmed with your own feeling..? How yall deal with it? :(

I've ever felt that many times before and the way I deal with it was took my time away from internet and everyone irl. I'll try to focus on myself more, be it through writing a poems, watch some movies or simply have a good sleep with my cats. To be alone for the time being has always been our right, Ca. Semangat!!

Shainè Noura G. · 12mo

Impers Noura bisa gakk bg?

"Ih makan dulu, kak."
"Makan yang banyak plis Kak Gio!"
"Stase major itu belajar tentang (dijelasin one by one)"
"Aku tuh di stase yang terakhir kemarin (ceritain pengalaman)"
"Iya tahun depan sumdok, doain ya Kak."
"Gini nih makanya kisah adekmu KCJ mulu"
"Kita dikira pacaran sama ..."
I still got a lot more in my head but those are my top picks. Bagian paling serunya kalau udah bahas pengalaman coass, maklum kakaknya seneng nontonin K-series bertema medis.

Ocean Flower · 5 answers · 1y

Happy (early) new year, everyone. Hope y’all always healthy and get more happiness. Thank you for being here!

Happy new year, my dearest lil sister! I'm thankful for your presence in my life and I hope we will stay close for as long as possible. Let's keep going and grow even stronger in 2024! 💐❤️

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Owellism, happy university yaaa! Selamat 1 tahun menjadi T. You've done your best and everyone so proud of you. 👊🏻
Owellism, makasih yhh dah bikin orang lain bahagia. Semoga km dapatkan hal yang sama. Makasih dah jadi orang baik di tengah orang-aring. Semoga tetap berbudi baik ya.

University cenah, tau aja aku sebenernya Sullyvan biru. Thank you for the wishes you whisper through here. I'll say amen and hope it all goes back to you as well.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

kakak, kapan open form januari? T___T

Sebenernya belum kepikiran, tapi mungkin tengah ke akhir bulan des ini. Coba tanya mamah bundaku aja dulu, ya?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

kakak~ apa boleh aku sebangga ini sama kakak? super duper mega jumbo bangga kenal kamu, kak. Semoga abis ini hal-hal baik selalu menghampiri kakak hehehehehe super seneng kalo kakak juga seneng 💗🫰🏻

Baca jumbo malah kebayang lele nder maafin... Tapi btw makasih ya buat doanya! Aku juga maunya kamu bahagia selalu 🤝

Anonymous Coward · 1y

kak mau bertanya, kalo kakak bangun dengan keadaan menjadi AI GPT dan dapet pertanyaan disuruh buat gambar semut lagi marah besar dan mau menggigit ayam jago, semut warna apa yang bakal kakak gambar? 😱😱 dan ayam jagonya kelahiran tahun berapa? jawablah pertanyaan ini dengan tidak terlalu dipikrikan karna ini asbun aja 😱😱

Plis sebelum asbun lebih panjang lagi minimal kasih tau dulu ai gpt tuh apaan yak? Yang bisa bikin kartun imut itu bukan?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

kakak henlloooo! how was your november so far? neeway, sampai jumpa di tanggalan november kita nanti shajgzjahs malu

It went quite tiring during the day but thankfully there's time to unwind and spend qtime with loved ones when the evening comes. Iya sampai ketemu.. minggu depan, ya gak sih? Semoga gak salah tebak orang hehehe

Anonymous Coward · 1y


Hi there, thank you for missing me. I can only hope this life will always treat you well. God bless you 🙌

Anonymous Coward · 1y

hahaha, no am i gio. we met exactly on january 2023, that’s all.

i think, you can’t guess who i am. but that’s good for me!

Sadly I couldn't get the right answer about who you are. But please know that I'm thankful we've met before. Also thanks a lot for keep checking up on me until today!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

i’m not gonna tell you the specific month, but i’ll say we met between jan-april, and another clue is we’ve met at late night conversations

Such a minor clue.. but still, let me try again. Kamu pemilik miung yang mirip sapi, bukan? Ini kalau salah lagi, aku kabur aja ya hahaha

Anonymous Coward · 1y

i’m sorry, i mean we met on a half of year between jan-june. not the “month six”.

and answer for all those questions is, no.

No, I'm the one who should've said sorry cause I misunderstood your sentences before. Can you tell me the specific month instead? Or gimme another clue, perhaps? It's gonn' be hard but yk I won't easily giving up.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

the clue is,

i only once that ever talk a lot with you and it was on the first 6 month of 2023

Would you please answer me with yes or no since tbh I have a name in mind. Do you mean.. we met around early June? Am I used k-actor back then when we talk? Do you know "Our First Song"?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

just scared… but i’m still okay,

well, we’re gonna see how long this will be taken, i guess(?)

sure, let’s start it!

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