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just made this to steal the grimsley username.
ask me about my OCs!

Valenwood, Tamriel
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Answering inquiries, just not for Thalmor dossiers.


RhymewithRay · 11 answers · 3y

KINDA INSPIRED by the fantasy generator thing ( BUT imagine your OC as a DnD character what would they be like? TUT

interesting! (as a disclaimer, i have zero experience with DnD, so this is going to be wildly amateurish.)
Ophelia: Half-Elf sorcerer, specializes in celestial arcane magic
Penelope: Elven Cleric
Kinesa: Air Genasi Rogue

RhymewithRay · 11 answers · 3y

If your pokeOC had a battle quote right before you fight them what would it be? :>

Ophelia: "You're quite the persistent one! Well, if I must..."
Penelope: "Leavanny and I will weave our way to a seamless victory!"
Kinesa: "Good luck. No holding back!"

Den · 8 answers · 3y

With Legends just 4 days away I wanted to ask to my PokeOC friendos, does your OC have an ancestor? If so, can you tell me a bit about them and their stories? ( ╹▽╹ )/

ophelia has a tentative ancestor! during the events of pla, he's around her age and an astronomer from a distant island chain, seeking to chart the night sky above hisui. unlike ophelia, who doesn't seek risky adventures, her ancestor is more than willing to give life or limb for the sake of scientific advancement. also unlike ophelia, he doesn't seek out spacial anomalies such as wormholes- they come to him!

RhymewithRay · 16 answers · 3y

what do you listen to when you work on drawing/writing ect?

mostly my personal playlist which has a lot of beastie boys LMAO
when drawing i don't usually listen to anything, just whatever's happening at home or what's on tv

Den · 9 answers · 3y

To celebrate me going back to college after a year and a half sabbatical, I wanna ask my PokeOC friendos: Did your OC go to school? (Like, School and college) how was it? Were they good students? What did they major in if they went to college?

ophelia finished school! although ophelia started out well in college when she moved to unova, her grades began to decline as she paid them less attention and instead put more effort into constructing her own devices. she majored in astrophysics but delved into engineering on her own terms.

penelope is currently enrolled in college and pursuing a degree in dress history. elsewhere, she studies fashion design while in pasio.

RhymewithRay · 13 answers · 3y

How well does your oc handle rejection on a scale of 1(is cool) -10 (meltdown)

ophelia: depends on who it is! if it's something simple, probably a 2 or 3. But if it's something more serious, more like a 6. even so, ophelia's pretty cool-headed, and she takes rejection very well.

penelope: on the other hand, penelope's perfectionist attitude lands her anywhere from a 6-10. again, its situational, but she's much more likely to get hung up on little things than ophelia. if she doesn't happen to win something over, penelope's gonna be upset about it.

RhymewithRay · 15 answers · 3y

[to all]
what does your oc's ace pokemon think of your oc?

mahura (ophelia's lurantis) is essentially soulmates with her. ophelia caught it when it was a fomantis, and it's lived its entire life under her protective care. to say mahura would risk its life for ophelia isn't a far cry at all; mahura has cared for its beloved trainer before in her time of need, and it wouldn't hesitate to do so again.

RhymewithRay · 14 answers · 3y

Do you consider your oc as the main character or side character? Or ultra gigachad npc

both of my ocs are ultra gigachad npcs KEJSKABS

ophelia would probably get the same amount of time as grimsley 🗿 she only appears a few times (but we still love her)

Anonymous Coward · 3y

(ok actually this time) to ophelia, what do you think of/how do you see pheromosa?

"Oh, Pheromosa... To tell you the truth, I didn't believe they existed at all until I met one; now, she's my partner at home! Pheromosa truly are the paragon of extraterrestrial biology. Their lithe yet armored form could've only come to be under the most harrowing conditions; not to mention their speed, which transcends anything I've seen in this world. Now, if only the public were educated about Ultra Beasts... ah, but I'm rambling. It's a charming habit of mine, no?"

Anonymous Coward · 3y

to ophelia: is there a way to order only hash browns at mcdonalds for breakfast? :normal:

"I would assume so...? Surely there's other ways to order besides the kiosk. Unless I'm mistaken; I don't frequent fast-food joints as often as I once did. Besides that, you know... your curiosity" (she is promptly crushed)

Anonymous Coward · 3y

this is my first time using this but i hope you have a wonderful day my friend and icw to see what you accomplish this year! 💕

hehe thank you anon you too!! i think this year will be the same as last, but i got Better Art

RhymewithRay · 12 answers · 3y

when are we doing ask-me-anything but answering as our ocs

RhymewithRay · 11 answers · 3y

What makes you more attached to an oc over others? :o ie: the difference between enjoying them causally and being F E R A L about them

i'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but i'm always more attached to an oc if they have some tie to a canon character JSDJHDS for instance, my oc/canon ship with ophelia is probably a big factor as to why she's so fleshed out (and why i talk about her so much). penelope's still a little shaky, but she's supposed to be in kahoots with pasio's royal family, so I've kinda put in some extra effort on that front as well.

RhymewithRay · 12 answers · 3y

If you could manifest ONE comic/written chapter about your oc's story into existence what would it focus on? (aka: what part of your oc's story do you most want to tell?)

HMM good question.. for ophelia, probably either when she loses her memories or reflects on her memory loss...? like, when she sees her old work and thinks, 'wow, i knew my stuff back then.' for Penelope, definitely when she was a child, and how she was raised in an aristocratic family.

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