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Anonymous sleazoid · 8mo

what are milo's main motives? and secondary, what are his favorite methods of murder?

It's hard to pin down why Milo does what he does, he doesn't fully understand it himself but the best i can describe it is a primal lust & burning desire to hunt and feel in control. This is fun to him.
As for his favourite method, Milo's a big fan of brute force & blunt force trauma, he's got a mean swing with that hammer!

Anonymous sleazoid · 8mo

Top 5 cars, go

AUGH SO HARD! the '69 Holden HT Monaro, '75 HJ Sandman, any older Ford Falcon but specifically the XF and XG Longreach, classic era Dodge Challengers, and fuck it showing my medium sized ute love and saying Holden Rodeos

Anonymous sleazoid · 10mo


GUH...HUHHH I NEED TO DRAW ARNIE FIRST!!!! but oh Sacraments of Sin is so dear to me..collab project with my best frand Bo about a televangelist husband and wife in 1980s texas :3

Anonymous sleazoid · 10mo

Tell me abt ur fave oc right nowwww

RUBS HANDS TOGETHER LIKE A SHITTY FLY. last time I got this question I talked about Sawyer but I will splurge about Milo today...
My backwoods serial killer from my story Moonshine Madness, Milo is..a character for sure. Impulsive and easily entertained by his own actions (beating people to death and feding whats left of them to the gators) He lives at the edge of the bayou on his family's property deep in Louisiana's backcountry and spends his nights in the nearby town of Copperhead living out his deranged fantasies of drinking and cruising and killing at his boyfriend, Lonnie's, bar <3

Anonymous sleazoid · 10mo

Do u take comms..

Necro · 11mo

I'm back to give you recs, I don't know what your opinions on musicals are but Cannibal! The Musical is very funny, throws Nope (2022) at you, along with Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter(2001), The Crow(1994) and Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)

WRITING ALL OF THESE DOWN..only one I've seen is The Crow which I loooved, everything else has been on my radar for a while so I'll have to check em out!!

Side note but The Crow's director also made Dark City which is one of my all time FAVES, so Alex Proyas' work gets a lot of love from me :)

Necro · 11mo

Starts psychically transmitting movies into your brain

ripper · 11mo

hi i'm actually a car fan um... DO YOU HAVE FAVORITE CARS!!! CAN YOU SHOW ME!!!

BOY DO I!!!! I love Holdens most!! Biased I know, my uber specific faves are the '69 HT Monaro and '75 HJ Sandman..non holdens I'm very partial to are 60s-70s mopars and 80s ford trucks

Anonymous sleazoid · 11mo

Favorite tv shows??

HRMM well I did get irreversible brain damage from watching Prison Break as a teenager so it's only fair to include that. It's always sunny & rawhide also :]

Necro · 12mo

This is prob such a weird question but whats better hamburgers or hot dogs, if you have a secret third answer you can say that as well.

imagine if you will, a hamburger with pineapple and bacon and perhaps even an egg. burgers always.

Anonymous sleazoid · 1y

Why are you a homosexual

Anonymous sleazoid · 1y

what inspires you the most when it comes to OC creation?

tough one! I get OC inspo from a lot of things, movies, music, but mostly random concepts that just seem fun to work with- one day I woke up and went "I want appalachian vampires" so I made appalachian vampires

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