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kalau kakak lagi sedih, may Allah heal all your pain ya! aku selalu berdoa semoga kak yui bahagia terus, kalau lagi sedih semoga dikasih kebahagiaan berlipat. (tolong jangan diexpose atau jawab retro aku yang sampai keliatan bentukannya(?) ya… aku takut typingku ketauan hehe, cukup dibaca dan di keep sendiri aja) tapi aku ngga ada maksud jahat kok… serius! intinya aku cuma mampir buat doain kakak yang baik-baik aja.. kalau ngga lagi sedih, berarti semoga bahagia terus aja pokonya. aaamiin. ♥️
Do you set your eyes on someone? By the way I'm 🤎.
Nggak nyangka ternyata ditungguin? 😳🤎 Well, if you're planning to bake something later on the weekend.. I guess that's exactly the time for you to expect someone to show up. (Malu) Entar kita hype Chuu bareng yah. Hype apapun bareng juga nggak apa-apa sih. (GENIT)
I smell CAngitis from here. 😏 Mungkin selain hype Chuu bareng, kita bisa main RP bareng juga? AHAY. I'M SO SMOOTH TODAY.
If I were asked to talk about my days lately it's going to ruin the mood. It hasn't been great I'll tell you that much. But it's alright, I'm doing fine so don't worry about it. We can also talk about this later. Something to look forward to, I guess? 🤭 I hope I don't build up too much of your expectation because I'm literally #just_a_boy. HAHAHA MALU. Kita ngapain sih?
HAH... eh— tunggu kok jadi aku yang takut? sdhdgshsg ya ampun semoga aja tepung sama butter-nya masih ada 😭 semoga gak mati lampu ya soalnya aku gabisa pakai oven kompor hiks. boleh!! aku orangnya mau aja diajak hype apapun hehe (genitin balik)
ENGGAK. udah hampir 2 bulan aku enggak main closed loh! aku lagi aktifnya di open hihi, kayaknya kamu yang cangitis ya? keliatan sih 🧐💭 ada target stb ca gak? yuk daftar bareng? hehehe siapa tau ketemu.
oh, i see 🥺 it’s okay! semoga besok bisa lebih baik dari hari-hari sebelumnya ya. better days are coming! 🥺🤍 eh… eh jangan gitu dong aku juga just an ordinary girl, please don’t expect too much from me ya… GATAU YA AKU JUGA MALU tapi kata temenku retro kan mau tutup jadi lumayan ini kenangan yang gemes sebelum tutup usia retronya 🥺
It's crazy how the default display name for the anonymous question senders are scaredy-cat BECAUSE that's literally me. 🤎 BTW, hi! Been quite some time. I managed to not bombard you with too many annoying messages, go on tell me that I'm a good boy. 😎 I've been holding back the temptation, the crazy high serotonin that literally boils my head after reading all your responses. Thank you for always responding to all my delulu. Jadi ini rasanya parasocial relationship?
By the way anyway bus way, kamu ngerasanya kaya familiar gitu ya? Cemburu dikit sama siapapun yang muncul di imajinasi kamu KARENA itu udah pasti bukan aku. (Emot patah hati>>>💔, bercanda) Why am I so sure, you might ask. Well, that is because we literally are strangers. I kid you not, but NONE of our mutuals ever interact let alone us. Kaya, gimana ya jelasinnya.. Nggak ada orang yang aku kenal, kenal sama orang yang kamu kenal(?) Kita se-ASING itu. Aku bener-bener ketemu kamu on a very random afternoon. AFAIK, I remember clicking on your account while I was scrolling through Chuu related tweets. Since then, I've been a regular visitor. 😳 I was like, bjir ini cewek lucu juga. (MAAF GENIT)
Ohiya. How was your long weekend? Was it any fun? :]
please, i’m not gonna judge you or anything! you don’t have to be scared like that 🥺🤏🏻 anyway hi, selamat datang kembali! come here then? i'll give you a pat pat on your head. aku udah nungguin loh mana ya ini sendernya? setiap ada request message aku kira dari kamu ternyata invitation closed agency, huft kecewa kecil (bercanda)
LUCU BANGET SIH 😭🤏🏻 tapi that’s a relief, setelah kamu jelasin kayak gitu ya makes sense juga sih! but don’t worry, i’m not gonna call you a creep or else. berarti kita kayak yang jauh banget gitu dong ya? huhu sedih, padahal seru banget kalo kita bisa hype chuu bareng! aku gak ada temen buat hype chuu <\3 REGULAR VISITOR BANGET GAK TUH? duh lucu banget kamu ada darah komedian kah. gapapa genit, aku juga orangnya genit HIHI.
it was fun! walaupun libur panjang, it was a pretty hectic and tired week for me so i decided to go to isekai HAHA maksudnya aku gak melakukan hal-hal lain selain tidur dan nonton sih! tadinya mau baking roti (biar kamu lihat) tapi enggak ada tenaga huhu. probably i’m gonna bake something this weekend :p
kamu pinter ya kirim ginian malem-malem, aku baca pas besoknya eh senyum-senyum sendiri while doing my activities (orgil) how about you? how was your weekend? gantian plis, jangan aku terus hmph. 😤
Shoot. 🤎 I didn't expect for you to actually give some sort of response to whatever mess I was writing.. Ini aku kaya ngehalu (lebay) bisa tukar obrolan sama kamu begini. To be back on track, I wish I could be your friend. But, I don't know. I feel like I might come out sounding like a total creep if I suddenly barged into your mention tab. HECK, I ALREADY SOUND LIKE A CREEPY STALKER AS I'M WRITING ALL THESE (big sorry), but I swear I mean no harm.
Kamu tau nggak, aku kadang berharap satu hari kamu nge-drop retweetable FCV yang bisa aku reply dengan smooth-nya biar bisa kenalan sama kamu. Now that I write this one off out of my chest, please don't ever do it. 🥲🙏 I can tell you want to keep your friendly bubble small, please keep it that way.
Been busy with work and being and an adult, I'm assuming? Though I can't help much from here, I hope everything goes well on your part. Remember to always drink enough water everyday and.. be grateful? I AM SO SORRY I AM SO BAD AT THIS.
I wrote too much already. Maaf nggak bisa jawab pertanyaan kamu, kayanya aku nggak semenarik itu juga deh buat diceritain. 😏 (Insecurely flirting) I'm looking forward for more cake pictures though. Lordy lord, they always look yummy. (NGILER)
Also, you don't need to thank me, really! You deserve all the kind words. Terus, aku kayanya misusing retro ini deh. Jujur aku nggak pernah pakai jadi maaf ya retrospring. 🙏🥲
hi, good morning! what’s with that brown heart? is that a tiny little hint? 🥺🤏🏻 anyway— jujur aku bingung balesnya, kayak diconfess seseorang gini. 3 jam aku baca ulang-ulang terus (lebay) please, please i'm okay with any kind of friendship offer, i'm just an ordinary girl jadi gapapa loh, don’t be embarrassed about it. aku justru seneng kalo ada yang mau temenan! i don’t find it creepy kok, malah gemes! seriusan gemes aku nulis ini sambil senyum-senyum sedikit 🤏🏻 i didn’t expect ada seseorang yang merhatiin di luar sana (kiw)
HAHAHAH lucu banget, seriusan lucu. thank you so much for being honest 😭 aku emang gak minat buat drop fcv gitu soalnya kadang suka jadi strangers and i don’t want my timeline to be filled with strangers… if that makes sense…? 😮💨
hm-mh, buzy buzy week but it’s gonna end soon, today is friyay!! 🫦 WHY ARE YOU SO ADORABLE. iya, iya paham kok! makaci ya, i hope you had a good one as well.
eh why…? you seems familiar somehow, have we ever talked before… but okay! kalau belum bisa muncul gapapa. whenever you’re ready, ya? jangan malu-malu aku enggak gigit paling cuman cubit aja. my dm always open! atau mau id tele? (winks) BERCANDA. duh jadi pressure gini ada yang nungguin 😭 gaboleh gagal deh ini kalo lagi baking… iya, ditunggu ya! 🤍
no, of course i need to say thank you! you made me smile with all those sweet words, thank you sender!! anyway, i hope you have a blissful day today 🌷
Hi! 🤎 I’ve been wondering if there’s ever a chance for me to be friends with you or even talk to you. Though, I get the vibe that it might not happen anytime soon since you keep your circle pretty close-knit. But, hey, nothing wrong with shooting my shot here, right?
I remember stumbling upon your account one day and seeing your Chuu PFP. Being a huge Chuu fan myself, that immediately caught my attention! But honestly, it didn’t take long for me to get drawn in by your personality—the way you interact with your mutuals is so wholesome and charming. Plus, I’ve seen those adorable cakes you bake! You’ve got some serious skills, and it just makes you all the more interesting.
So, I guess, how’s life going for you these days?
hi there! well… you’re right about me wanting to keep my circle small but i'm always open for any friendship offer! please, don’t hesitate to reach me up. i would love to have new friends.
especially, another chuu's supporter?! i'm here with my arms wide open 🥺 i actually don’t know how to respond this, but thank you so much for the compliment. i really appreciate it!! thank you for your kind words. you definitely put a big smile on my face 🫵🏻
oh.. it’s just my hobby! i'm still learning how to bake properly, but thank you again. and— i wonder who you are though? you seems know a lot about me, are you sure you weren’t a mutual…? 😮💨
life is pretty tiring these days, not gonna lie. especially this week, but i enjoyed it so far! i feel so excited to face another day because surprises always come, like today, thanks to you. thanks a lot for asking! do you wanna tell me a little bit about yourself, please? 🤏🏻
What is your current favorite song at the moment? (Kinda need a new playlist!)
Gimana sama target pasarnya, Yui? Kalau belum ada progress, aku aja ya yang maju?
hai, kalian lagi sibuk apa? boleh kan ya aku kepo kegiatan kalian?
yui.. cantik.. cwk km ada di net tv jam 5 sore. semoga bisa ngobatin capeknya km ya cantik!
If you have a chance to go back to the past, what are you going to do?
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