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Parisa Moon · 9 answers · 1y

If you could travel back in time and witness any historical event, which one would you choose and why?

I'm always curious about what the 18th century looked like, although that wasn't a specific historical event... but this period marked a significant increase in intellectual and philosophical thinking, emphasizing the importance of reason, scientific inquiry, and individual rights. It's intriguing to imagine the potential chaos that might have ensued during that time! lol

Parisa Moon · 11 answers · 1y

Imagine you have the power to instantly learn any skill or talent. What would you choose to master, and how would you use it to benefit yourself and others?

I have many aspirations, and I admit I can be ambitious because I admire people with skills or talents, especially those who devote themselves wholeheartedly. However, if I were to prioritize, I would aim to master the ability to speak any language worldwide. That sounds like an enjoyable challenge!

Nao · 12 answers · 1y

Kalian kalo suka sama suatu lagu tuh dari liriknya dulu atau musiknya dulu?

Nao · 8 answers · 1y

Guys, kenapa ya orang beli tahu malah dikasih tahu? Padahal ya belum tentu dia pengen tahu tukang tahu.

Gue baca pertanyaan ini 10 menit dan akhirnya menemukan jawaban kalo masa depan gue itu seperti tumpukan tempe yang ada yang di pasar. Tidak ada yang tahu.

· 17 answers · 1y

Kalo kalian punya peliharaan (lagi) bakal dinamain apa?

combro. biar kalo manggil jadinya bro, mau kemana bro, dah makan belum bro, dah ee belum bro, dah minum belum bro, pacarnya mana bro, kok kuat sih hts dengan alasan comsu?

ustadhanbin · 3 answers · 1y

Hewan, hewan apa yang paling jahat? Ya betul, ayam bakar Sukabumi. Padahal warga Sukabumi gak salah apa-apa.

Udah sejak kapan sukabumi? bukannya kemaren bilangnya lagi deket sama teteh cakep penjual cappuccino cincau?

Parisa Moon · 17 answers · 1y

If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?

Neona. · 10 answers · 1y

what is your all—time favorite movie/series?

Shining and Doctor Sleep for all-time favorite movies and Haunting of Hill House for the series!

ivy · 1y

abang, mending makan siomay disaosin apa dikecapin

Dua-duanya... gak tau kenapa tapi rasa bumbu kacang sama perpaduan saos-kecap di siomay itu enak banget. Udah lama gak makan itu deh, jadi pengen.

Parisa Moon · 10 answers · 1y

What would you do if you fell asleep early and then woke up in the middle of the night?

I usually try to regain my consciousness briefly, checking on the internet to see if something bad has happened or not. If nothing happened, then I will just go back to sleep...

· 13 answers · 1y

Shoot your theme song for this weekend!

I've recently found myself listening repeatedly to Semoga, Ya by Nosstress, manifesting good things will come as I currently in the middle of working on it.

cherice, aurielle. · 4 answers · 1y

Ngobrol yuk siapa masih inget aku

Parisa Moon · 20 answers · 1y

What are the small things that made you fall in love with someone?

I am not sure if personality counted as small things of a person but I consider this matter so much of whether I decide to keep the person as someone I like romantically or just merely adore them. I also think their kindness, the way their mind process and sees stuffs could also moved me on falling in love with them like put more gasoline on the fire?

M · 1y

Spill Narnia books in order dong kk Ruz, maw baca (ini pertanyaan ajaib yang telat abis delay)

Boleeeeh. Kalo berdasarkan bukunya, kurang lebih urutannya kayak gini ya. 1. The Magician's Nephew ; 2. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe ; 3. The Horse and His Boy ; 4. Prince Caspian ; 5. The Voyage of The Dawn Treader ; 6. The Silver Chair ; 7. The Last Battle.

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