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hii :3 pls send me anything.
You once said you weren’t into selfcest can i change your mind with this fanart of till self cest
the art is great dgmw but im pretty set on not ever liking slfcst. i wont say the reasoning but ty for trying anyw😭🩷
till x mizi shippers are like random boymoms who want their precious uwu bachelor babyboi to get the girl they deemed as the most attractive like a trophy For Him & get mad when said girl doesn't want to date with their son and try to force her to change her mind
luk@/ivan/till all have their own set of boymom fans so this doesn’t surprise me
girl alpha how do u feel about straight homophobic till headcanons (I can't stand this fandom)
do people actually unironically think like this
THANK YOU. I have nothing against characters being bi. Till is bi in the canon universe like yes love to see it. but if you really pick up on how hyuna behaves towards men/women…like come on. Is always shown getting physically close with women, kissing them, flustering them, touching Mizis boobs…like come on. even showing that she’s extremely popular with girls all the time. and then showing her being playful with dewey it’s clear that’s how she’s behaving with a friend. with luk@ she’s actively avoiding him. she looks angry, uncomfortable, and scared when she’s around him all the time. and even before, she just treated him like a regular friend and because he was so deprived of that kindness, he took it as something else. people only view hylks relationship as what he wants but especially when it comes to their past. it’s like they’re viewing their relationship through lukas eyes and speaking about it the way he believes it to be. even if they’re advertised together, it doesn’t always mean canon is gonna be the same way. it’s just for vv to make content as a creator. I hope she doesn’t expand on it in the wrong way but whatever. also with mizi, she’s much more free. you can tell mizi is someone she quickly realized she can rely on. someone she can relate to as well. they came from the same place and both lost someone that was everything to them. she’s been in that place before…so she can help her in that way. people saying she’s only been vulnerable with luka are wrong, please. saving mizi wasn’t even some group effort. she saved mizi because she saw herself in Mizi. LESBIAN HYUNA FOREVER.
LMFSODJEK ppl think shes only vulnerable with luk@ 😂 im dead she just straight up doesnt like him but no matter how much you tell that to ppl they will try ANYTHING to make it seem like hyuna does like him ijbol. and ur so right ppl only like hylk from luk@‘s pov and imo i dont think theres any other way to like hylka which is why it will always be mid and absolute hetslop
Girl alpha i love you
the reason why t*ll/mizi shippers hate ivan is because they think that only male boundaries & feelings deserve to be respected
i’m confused . elaborate
hyuna is a lesbian!!!!!. idk how people claim that she likes luk@ Lmfao when she’s only shown discomfort towards him. even the art that is deemed “romantic” (lord save us from this fandom) hyuna clearly looks distressed and pissed off and is actually pushing him out of her way.
she has never shown mutual attraction to that man idk why ppl think she likes him that way😂
I would say till’s feelings for mizi are like a fan’s relationship with an idol like sometimes it really be that Serious for idol fans
oh see ive seen ppl say this and i see the vision to an extent but the reason i can’t wrap my head around it fully is bc there’s a clear difference here: Mizi is reachable and idols aren’t. till chooses to kinda keep mizi as an unattainable figure (and as he should). do u see what im saying. (sorry i think too logical and deep abt these things💔)((i see the similarities but also i feel like there’s only so much to compare, there has to be a line somewhere))
I have this tillmizi oomf which I unfortunately can't unfollow because long time moot but god her opinions on till and IVAN SPECIALLY are so shit she keeps shitting on Ivan as if he's not the reason till is so loved by the fandom just imagine how hated till would be if Ivan didn't exist and she keeps calling Ivan pathetic as if till is any better mattr of fact he's even MORE pathetic
I cant believe ppl actually ship mztl and arent npcs like. whatever. sry let me not be a ship police but😂😂#miziisalesbian
yayyy I was scared u wouldn’t like it I send u long ivtl and hyumizi nsfw whenever I can but IM NOT TOO EXPERIENCED IN WRITING NSFW more so just good at writing scenarios
keep it going . You are so so good at it wow.
f!ivan and m!till is worse than f till and m ivan
. well❤️ (i won’t say my opinion on this matter)
i’ll think about it 😂🩷
ur not my croomf ur my enemy oomf. frenemy actually I don’t know I feel like u hate me sometimes so I be a little scared to interact then I do and it’s even more nerve wracking. is this one sided frenemies
this is so funny why are you scared. it’s going to be okay. i only bite sometimes
this made me laugh well. i don’t know what to do with this information im so awkies should i be thanking you
I feel everyone has some weird het lenses on because when I first watched round 2 it didn’t even cross my mind that till was romantically interested in mizi until I found out vivinos said he has a crush and I was unironically confused like “What…? Wdym….? Doesn’t he just want to be friends….?”
ehhHHH i feel it’s so obvious idk. i don’t know how his feelings for her can be considered as platonic no matter how much i look at it
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