Retrospring is now in read-only mode until September 1st when the site will fully shut down! Read more
i love how ur story keep in the line without rush to reach the ending. krn kadang ada yg ga konsisten gtu loh ka nulisnya, jd kek karakternya labil hiks. cerita-cerita lu keren bgt ka, big appreciate it, keep hwaiting! <3
hello, sorry baru bales karena baru inget password login wkwkw anyway thank you? well kadang selama nulis juga gua labil soal karakter, tapi kalau udah keliatan ngga layak karena saking blurnya itu chara sudah pasti ngga akan jadi gua upload mau sebanyak apapun chapter yang sudah ditulis, mau lebih mengutamakan kenyamanan pembaca euy (karena gua juga pembaca) yang kadang ngeliat hal itu so thank you 🫡
ka ajee kpn update au virtual peepz nungguin bgt😭✊🏻
kak je virtual peepz nya kapan update lak?? akh galau berad pake D karena nungguin mereka engga update update 💔😿💔😿
halo kak aje. sorry sebelumnya. aku sempet liat kakak marah marah di teel perkara au barunya kakak. tapi katanya kakak takedown ya? padahal ak mau baca soalnya ak cinta sekali dengan sunsun buatan kak aje🥹 once again, sorry kak. aku mungkin gatau gimana perasaan kamu sekarang soal kamu yang merasa kurang di apresiasi soal au kamu yang baru itu. tapi nih ya kak, MAAAF BANGET😭 tapi kamu uploadnya di tengah malem?? jujur jam segitu gak banyak juga orang yg blm tidur apalagi bukan weekend gasi? termasuk ya diriku yg udah tidur jadi ketinggalan😭😭 nangis jujur padahal udah lama nungguin kamu update lagi😭 maaf kalo mungkin menyinggung, saran aja ya kak maaf🙏🏻 kayaknya lain kali kalo mau au kamuu rame, updatenya jangan terlalu malemm kak. emang gak akan sekejap langsung rame sih, tapi aku yakin karena kak aje yang nulis aunya pasti bakal rame dan reader kak aje juga langsung cus ngecek updatean kakak. di jam 7-9 biasanya kan suka masih pada aktif tuhh. BIAR AKU GAK KETINGGALAN SIH SEBENERNYA PLIS MAU BACA LAGI AU KAMU INI MAH KAK😭🙏🏻 makasi sudah mau baca (kalo dibaca) curhatan panjang lebar aku ini ehehehehehhe. salam sehat kak aje✊🏻
halo sayangku, aman ya gapapa kemarin kan au nsfw emang kalau nsfw mah diupload nya jam malam biar sekalian ngikut rules base kalau nitip/promosi menfess nsfw ya di jam malam jadi itu kemarin karena suasana hati gua aja yg rada kurang mood karena sakit so yeah sorry ya grgr sakit jd kebawa baper dan capek liat pada diem² aja padahal gua yg sakit aja bela²in upload dan semangat (kemarin baper karena mikir kaya gini) sekarang aman kok makasih ya remindernya 🙏🏻
Je, aku mau pengakuan dosa.
Dulu bgt waktu awal2 ikutin akunmu awalnya karna tertarik sama karya2mu, akhirnya follow sampek follow juga di akun yg sekarang. Dulu km ngerant sesuatu di akunmu dan tbh aku lupa waktu itu km ngerant tentang apa 😭 tapi setelah baca itu aku merasa kurang sreg sama apa yg km rant dan berakhir ngirim kata2 jahat ke akunmu. I realize what am i doing at that moment is really wrong, and i know its been so long tapi aku bener2 minta maaf ya je kalau kata2ku saat itu menyakiti hatimu 🙏 terimakasih banyak udah dan masih mau berbagi karya2mu, terimakasih udah menghibur
🥹 au yg km buat tuh selalu menarik dan unik jadi seneng bacanya 🥹 maaf juga karna ga banyak komen soal aunya tapi beneran deh waktu lagi capek2nya terus baca tulisanmu yg kocak2 itu jadi kayak healing, berkurang capeknya, mood juga jadi bagus 😆
Pengen mutualan dan sering jb2, tapi karena kesalahan di masa lalu aku jadi sungkan hehehe.
Sekali lagi maaf ya je untuk perkataan dimasa itu yang menyakitkan dan merusak harimu 🙏🙏🙏
Have a nice day Aje 😄
Hello, sender. Allow me to reply to your confession and also take this chance to share everything at once (not bcs your fault, I just want to convey something through your message. Besides, I'm really thankful that you showed up at the perfect time).
Honestly, I logged out because I’ve been out on the streets for the past two days. I’ve barely slept, almost not at all–my whole body aches, and I’ve got a few scratches on my forehead and ring finger. But I’m glad I could at least contribute a little as a uni student (sorry for the TMI, I know this is outside the RPS context, so I’ll end the TMI there). Anyway, I just got to stretch out my legs today and finally crash on my soft bed in this quiet house of mine, since I live alone. For some reason, as soon as I got home after updating my condi to friends and family through messages, my mind went straight to Retro, so I opened it up in a flash.
And look at the menfess that just popped up? I read it like three times/?kinda over the top, but I’ve never actually gotten an apology directly from someone who’s done stuff to my RPS before. Usually, if I’m not the one apologizing first, even when I wasn’t the one at fault (though I have been wrong, no one’s perfect), I only get an apology when I call out or reach out to that person first.
This is the small thing I’ve always wanted. An apology from people who weren’t directly involved or didn’t have issues with me but judged me anyway just because they were following the crowd, defending a friend, or didn’t like some small thing I did (nothing harmful). I’m kinda shook, feeling a bit stiff but also super relieved and happy. I really appreciate the sender, you turned my tough exhausting day. Especially with how drained I am from my own country’s democracy into something that seriously helped my physical and mental state.
Whoever you are, sender, thank you so much, really. I truly appreciate you, and thanks for being brave enough to show up and apologize. So, I’ll also apologize sincerely to the sender if my actions were a bit much (I used to be harsh and easily triggered). I regret that, and as I’ve grown, I’ve realized I was a bit annoying back then, especially with how often I used harsh words. In my early days of being part of RPS, I didn’t have anyone guiding me. RPS and ENHA FA were my first real experiences (before that, I had a small, private account in another fandom, just quietly fanboying), so when my account grew, I lost my way and got too caught up. Maybe, it was star syndrome? But a huge thank you to the sender for being brave enough to come forward. Thanks for making my day. The menfess was short, but I’ll remember it in my writing journey, knowing that some people finally realize there’s no point in hating each other in the RPS world over petty reasons (big cases are different, that’s up to each person, and it’s normal in the virtual world for things to end in blocking, but what shouldn’t be normalized is bullying someone just because your friend got into it when, in fact, your friend was the one who started it).
Believe me, I’ve often been made into someone’s WhatsApp story by people I don’t even know, so when someone reports it to me with a screenshot, I’m always confused about how to react because I don’t know them and have no idea who they are. The worst was with two people I’ve never met or interacted with, who still had the nerve to type my name along with animal names and other nasty stuff. Remember, I don’t know them, and I’ve never done anything like that to them because I’m super careful about my real-life privacy, especially my WhatsApp number, since in real life, I’m kind of known. That’s what I protect, so I’ve never bullied someone or made them the subject of gossip in a story just to passively show off to viewers that we’re powerful and can trample on someone’s reputation, rights, and privacy.
Thank you, have a nice day 👋🏻🖤
aku suka banget baca AU kak ajee seruu bangett!! aku gak sabar tunggu updateannya^^ kak aje sehat selalu bahagia selalu yapp
baca kael-hira kaya ngerasa baca au yang KAK AJE banget gatau kenapa, mungkin karna ASIK KALI YAA. kak aje kan sangat asik dan seruu menurut ku 😤😘, lovee banyak banyak untuk au sunsun nyaaa, LUCU DAN GEMAS SEKALI SEPERTI YANG BUATT, hehe muach daddy aje (HAHAHA BANGKEE GELI 😭 )
Kak, mau nyumbang ide boleh gak sih? Soalnya gaya AU lu seru banget and I adore your AU that much alias ELUKH DOANG BANH author yang paling gue suka.
Idenya begini banh, jadi sun sama hee/hoon (boleh deh sapa bae) tuh temenan deket, bestie abis lah. Terus si sun ini dari dulu ngebet punya pacar soalnya suka nonton film dan novel romance. Nah tapi dia gak dapet pacar karena standarnya tinggi kayak tokoh novel lah, idol K-Pop lah. Terus dia jadiin hee/hoon tuh simulasi kalo dia punya pacar. Jadi suka ngabarin terus nge-pap hee/hoon dan bilang "ini POV misal gue punya pacar." Nah ternyata tanpa sun tau sebenernya sobat kentelnya ini udah bucin abis sama sun, jadi seneng-seneng aja kalo sun act like they have a relationship. Pokoknya gitu deh, barangkali bisa diterima ide saya, saya akan menangis 7 hari 7 malam soalnya ide gue dinotice elu. 🥺
Kak, au² yang di account Ian dulu udah pada ngga ada draft-nya ya??😔😔
FINALLY!! Vasko di up hehe aku suka banget sama au kamu yg vasko itu kak, terima kasih sudah mau di up lagi 😊🙏🏻 sukses selalu kaak 🥰💞
Kak Ajeee, hehehe. Au-aunya bagusss, aku selalu gak sabar nungguin kakak update. Terima kasih ya kak sudah nulis au yang bagus-bagus. Semangat terus kak Aje!
Thanks a lot dah re-up dan lanjutin virtual peepz. Seneng banget.... ga sabar next update banh. Habislah km chuka klo dah ketahuan vasko😋👊🏻
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