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Anonymous · 6mo

Writing so many fics, I hope you get to rest a bit now❤️ Thank you for your hard work. I haven't read them all yet, but I sure will

I think I kind of wrote myself a bit into a writer's block there, though it's not as bad as it may sound. For this new year, 2025, I've vowed to myself to take better care of myself even if that might mean to write a bit less. I love writing stories and sharing them with others so much, so please don't think I'll ever willingly stop doing so. thank you so, so much for your words of support. I hope you liked whichever stories you ended up reading.

Anonymous · 6mo

If two groups were to do a collab, which two would you hope for?

I think the most obvious answers would be SHINee and Seventeen, just because I love interactions between them (Key and Seungkwan's dynamic has my entire heart). Though, even while I've already seen them interact and work together on stage, I'd really love to see Ateez and Stray Kids work together again. Also Kai and Taemin (well, those are not actually two groups but to members from two and well, also from the same group). Last but not least, I'd love to see The Rose to collabs with literally so many artists because I'm certain their musical style would go so well with so many singers and fellow artists.

Anonymous · 6mo

'Flip the script' blew my miiind T_T

thank you. I'm so happy so many people read and really liked this story, especially since it's one of my personal favourite ones I've written in the last couple of years.

Anonymous · 6mo

I just have to tell you this; 'Flip the script' is so special to me. It's really really beautiful and also a bit different, and I was really surprised to find out that it was you. Just wow. Such a great job. I'm so thankful that you shared it with us. Thank you!!

Hello and thank you so much. This story means so much to me. It combines so many themes and fandoms that are so very dear to me. Thank you so much for thinking of it as a special story and for describing it in such a loving way, that truly means a lot to me.

Anonymous · 7mo

oooohhhh hello a question!!! how would you describe your writing process? :o like... you get an idea (how?), you make an outline? or not? could you tell us a little more about it?

hi and thank you for asking. it really depends on what I'm writing. sometimes I write down a rough idea and whenever I've got the time I'll write a oneshot about it in one go. literally, sometimes I write for a few hours and have a full oneshot ready to be posted after that. sometimes, and that's more likely to happen, I make an outline for a story and end up changing it many, many times while I'm already working on the according story. other times, I go solely by vibes and don't plan anything at all and just write and write until I think the story is done (that mostly happens with random oneshot or pwp ideas).

Anonymous · 9mo

What was the last song you listened to on repeat?

I'm currently working on a fic and I tend to loop songs, kind of randomly, if they fit the mood of the scene I'm writing. right now that means I'm listening to HANDS UP by B.A.P.

Anonymous · 10mo
Anonymous · 28d


thanks, I know. what an honor to have this comment as one of my last ones on here before this site shuts down. what a nice reminder that I'm still one of the weird ones. <3

Anonymous · 29d

Hello, i have reading your minkey fic and i reallyy love it all especially service top minho..
Just wondering have you thought about making a fic about how minho would worship kibum legs because i found this tweet ( and now i couldn't think about it. I hope you have a nice day !

I mean, I haven't but I'd write it for sure - and lol at the shirt, that's got to be one of the suggestive writing he has ever worn.

Anonymous · 6mo

Omg you wrote one fic that I did not expect at all! Wooow, it was my favorite fic this fest. SOSOSOSOSOSO GOOD. YOU'VE WRITTEN IT SO AMAZINGLY! THANK YOU

thank you. I think I know which one you're referring to. tbh, I didn't expect to write it either. thank you so much for liking it. it was such an interesting way to write and explore the main relationship in that fic but also the other ones that get mentioned in it. <3

Anonymous · 7mo

How do you find the time to write us so many great fics 😭 But thank you!!

I really try to write every single day, it's not always a lot but I tend to try to write, edit and altogether work on my stories at least a little bit every day.

Thank you so much for liking my fics/my writing. ❤

Anonymous · 7mo

Just started reading, but I am pretty sure that 'no strings attached' is yours😭

Anonymous · 7mo

you+ no strings attached=🤝

okay, let's see:
canon compliant aka idolverse
friends with benefits
mutual pining
porn with feelings
power bottom/service top

...fair enough, I get why someone would think this is one of my fics 🤭

Anonymous · 7mo


I am trying to get them all done in time but yes, I am participating with six fics (I was one of the people asking whether there is a limit for claiming prompts because I didn't want to take anything away from anyone) ^^

four of my claimed prompts are complete, two others are wips (out of these two one is almost complete and the other is halfway done)

Anonymous · 7mo

I will actually be VERY shocked if that isn't you because the first writer who came to my mind was you. It will be very interesting to see indeed. Have you btw read any of the fics?

Thank you - like I always say, that's such a huge compliment when someone reads something and thinks of me.

I have read some of the fics but I won't tell which ones (it would make it too easy to guess which ones are left aka which ones are mine)... what I can say for sure is that I'm so incredibly proud to be part of this writer community and fandom as a whole, there are not only so many talented people around here, they are also so kind and nice to others/each other. I feel truly welcome in this fandom and I am happy to be part of this writing fest again. <3

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