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We dance for ourselves,
and those who, watch leaving
footprint in the sands of š‘”š‘–š‘šš‘’.

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Be kind is a must. ā™”


Anya. Ā· 12mo

Welcome-gate āŸ”ā‚Š āŠ¹

Allow me to extend a warm welcome to all newcomers who may be joining me here ā™” Hi! This is Anya talking and i appreciate you stopping by my retrospring ą«® Ė¶įµ” įµ• įµ”Ė¶ įƒ I'm an INFP-9w1 Libranian who loves my safest-space so much. It's open for you to share whatever you'd likeā€”whether it's questions, jokes, or random confessions. I'm open to all, even the unconventional ones. While i may not respond immediately, i promise to be attentive when i do. Please let yourself at ease and enjoy your time here. š™šĖ™ā‹†.Ėš į”£š­©.

Strangers. Ā· 9mo

Do you prefer to watch movies or read books?

I prefer to watch movies now. It's quite difficult to find a day to read without getting distracted with my current schedule. T___T

Zarin Ā· 10mo

Aww so cutie~ have a great day, pretty

So are you, Ms. Shoko! Thankyou for wishing me a great day, i hope yours would be splendid as well! šŸ¤

ą¹‹ą£­ ā­‘āš Ā· 10mo

Hai teteh nilou ku paling gemes!! Maaf aku selalu datang dengan tagihan smule dan keluhan keluhan lainnya (*ļæ£āˆ‡ļæ£)惎 semoga kamu tidak bosan yaa (ToT)

Maybe for a long time words like this won't have much effect, but honestly I'm very lucky to have met you. Thank you for accepting me to be your little sister (ļ¼“Š”ļ¼“).

May you be blessed with happiness and don't forget to take care of your health.

See you teteh (*ļ¼¾3ļ¼¾)/ļ½žā˜†

Cinta-nya teteh. Maaf untuk balasan yang terlambat, it took me 8 days to answer you i'm sorry ;____; Engga apa-apa, selalu tagih teteh walau teteh malas menyanyi, selalu ajak teteh main smule karena teteh sayang Nea.

It does have so much effect, terimakasih sudah menyempatkan diri mengisi Retrospring teteh dan menyayangi teteh.

Doa baik akan kembali ke Nea, jadi teteh akan cium kamu banyak-banyak terlebih dahulu. See you, see you soon. šŸ¤

Eilsha. Ā· 10mo

nyilou, nyilou. nyilou kenapa selalu cantik? sudahkah nyilou bahagia hari ini?

Hotaru, Hotaru. Pertanyaan serupa harusnya aku kembalikan ke kamu, kenapa selalu cantik? Tapi aku tahu, kamu selalu cantik <3 Thankyou for such compliment, and thankyou for asking too! Kebetulan hari ini aku sudah cukup bahagia karena ada yang membuat aku senang (senang kecil!). Kalau kamu sendiriā€”sudah tersenyum yang manis belum hari ini?

Bea Ā· 10mo

selamat pagi, sayangnya budhe. bagimana kabar adek hari ini? apakah adek sudah mengawali hari dengan tersenyum dan merindukan budhe? budhe harap adek selalu baik-baik aja dimanapun adek berada ya. budhe sayang adek banyak banyak. mari segera ingfokan space atau apalah itu di twitter supaya kita bisa cekikikan bersama, adek. ayayu ayayu ayayu, sayang. šŸ’—

Selamat pagi kembali, sayangnya adek! Kabar adek hari ini baik, sudah tersenyum-senyum sendiri melihat budhe yang selalu (lucu) pagi ini. Aamiin, aamiin budhe. Nanti adek jadwalkan space luar angkasa itu di Twitter lalu mencanangkan teori konspirasi bersama. Ayayu, ayayu too budhe cantik adek <33

Strangers. Ā· 10mo

Wishing Anya a lot of happiness šŸ¤

Wishing the same exact happiness to dear sender. I hope you have a blessed and happy life. šŸ¤

Hayfa.įŸ Ā· 10mo

akak, akhir-akhir ini lagi pengen mam apaa?

Kakak akhir-akhir ini lagi kepingin banget makan Ramen, Hayfa. Tapi jujur lidah kakak juga picky banget soal bumbu Ramen jadi harus spesifik disatu kedai aja T_____T dan belum kesampaian (cidih). Terus, kakak lagi dan selalu mau mam donat. Padahal baru seminggu lalu beli Jco tapi pengen lagi, kenapa mudah sekali kambuhnya </3 Apalagi yang oreo nanis. Hayfa sendiri sekarang lagi pengen mam apaa?

Strangers. Ā· 10mo

Would you eat a cactus?

This question seems quite odd. I'm open to trying it under certain circumstances. However, with my sane mind, i'd rather not eat one ;______; But i think it would be okay if it's only the fruitā€”

Strangers. Ā· 10mo

kalau boleh jujur, aku kadang liat kamu lewat di timeline aku. dan aku beneran suka banget sama pembawaan nilou dari kamu :c may your life always be filled with happiness! <3

You're too sweet... and kind. I'm deeply touched that i'm unsure of how to respond at first, butā€”thankyou, thankyou for watching and viewing me and my portrayal so kindly. I also had good impression of you from the start, so i hope we can get a long well from now on, sender. Wishing you all the happiness and blessings, and may good prayers also return to you <3

Hayfa.įŸ Ā· 11mo

akak, kenapa nilou dari semua karakter genshin lainnyq?

Kakak rasanya jatuh cinta sama Nilou, multiple times since my first encounter with her (in game). She easily stands out with her red hair. Not to mention her super kind and sweet demeanor. Sekarang lagi, kalau kakak tilik. Kakak sangat suka juga sama Nilou bahkan dari hal sekecil dia memperlakukan sekelilingnyaā€”she's pure and kind inside out. She's full of love, and i adore that from her. Jadi kalau ditanya kenapa Nilou, the answer is she's the type of character that brings me comfort in portraying and has a positive impact on me.

Strangers. Ā· 12mo

Lebih baik leave atau rest rp??

Engga boleh leave dan rest kalau khusus kamu. Ingat masih ada teteh dan Lilacly dan semua anime dan genshin yang belum kita mainkan šŸ˜  But serious answer, kalau rp bikin kamu lelah dan pusingā€”lebih banyak sedihnya dibanding positifnya. Engga apa-apa rehat dulu. Terpenting kamu tahu kalau teteh ada disini yaa? šŸ¤

Strangers. Ā· 12mo

Do your friends know much about you?

They pretty much know about me. But, i tend to not show my whole feelings as much. But for the closest-closest-closest one, i'm quite open.

Anya. Ā· 12mo

Welcome-gate āŸ”ā‚Š āŠ¹

Allow me to extend a warm welcome to all newcomers who may be joining me here ā™” Hi! This is Anya talking and i appreciate you stopping by my retrospring ą«® Ė¶įµ” įµ• įµ”Ė¶ įƒ I'm an INFP-9w1 Libranian who loves my safest-space so much. It's open for you to share whatever you'd likeā€”whether it's questions, jokes, or random confessions. I'm open to all, even the unconventional ones. While i may not respond immediately, i promise to be attentive when i do. Please let yourself at ease and enjoy your time here. š™šĖ™ā‹†.Ėš į”£š­©.

Strangers. Ā· 1y

Are you afraid of going outside at night?

The answer is... yes. I am afraid if I have to go outside at night by myself. So, I refrain from doing thatā€”like finishing whatever I have to do early so I can get home before it gets late. I'm just afraid of the dark and easily get quite anxious sometimes if I have to go alone. So, mhm. But, it's fine if someone accompanies me though.

Hayfa.įŸ Ā· 1y

i love you so much, kakk! šŸ’–

I do, i do love you so much too, Hayfa. Kakak nanis jelek nih, kamu sampai duluan follow padahal belum dispill-spill. What did i do in the past to deserve this kind of treatment? ;_____;

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