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i'm actually just three bunnies in a trenchcoat

hannigram avenue
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Hannah · 1y

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prey · 1y

Hi! Im new to this block! And found your blog a bit ago and finally decided to interact! I love Imiebimie so much! Do you have any other Imie or Bimie ships? Or just ships you like in general???

I love ImieBimie, MimieBimie, ImieMimie, and Imiemimiebimie!

hi anon! you're so lovely ♡
imiebimie is definitely my favorite but i think all ships within my bias line are also faves? so anything between imiebimie2minnie goes to the fave list, i also love love love jngchn and bnchn... i appreciate all other ships to some degree, just don't talk abt them as much (chnsvng is definitely on the top of my list too? as well as hyvnho, hyvnsvng, jlx, sevgchn, sevngsvng, i don't talk abt them often but seeing their moments and fics always makes me giggly)

prey · 1y

do you have a video of l!x grinding on svngs lap?

prey · 1y

i wanna join the dc server but im so shy 😭😭😭😭😭

holds you close, pls join us! you don't really have to say anything there if you don't want to, you can chip in whenever you feel ready and if you don't feel ready i don't really mind if you just lurk ♡ take your time and do what you feel most comfortable with (we'd love to have more imiebimiers there tho!)

prey · 1y

oh thanku so much for answering me and i am so glad i misunderstood!
I asked ggl translate for the last sentence and while i did not completely understand it it made me laugh..
aah i feel stupid..
ps i saw my crying emojis were only semicolons of sweat.
anyway, back to your imiebimie content!

that's ok!! everything is alright hahahaj
the last phrase would be smtg like "what the butthole has to do with the pants?" but it makes more sense in portuguese i think 😭😭😭

prey · 1y

okay but imie ending up in bimie's prospect partners when he was asked who he wanted even if they had 1 (one) interaction in the whole 2 eps when he tried to feed imie meat!!!!!!

chngbn's love for imie goes beyond skiz universes 😭😭😭 it made me giggle when i saw it bcs really, he interacted with imie properly just once or twice and that was enough??? and also imie in the first ep saying chngbn was his favorite makes me wonder if he would have chosen chngbn if chngbn had not been chosen first 😭😭

prey · 1y

when you say " i don't really care abt them or talk abt them either, even platonically", does that mean you are not ot8? ;; u dont like those members? did i misunderstand? ;;
i hope i misunderstand, cause i love your account...

oh no, i do love all the members very much!! i love love them all dearly and i could go into reason and details as how each and every one of them are important to me!! but when i said in the ship wheel that i don't care about a ship it's mostly that you won't see me talking much about or writing about them... but not liking a ship does not mean that i don't like the members, that's a completely different thing? bcs if not shipping a pairing meant we don't like the members in it, what would that even mean for ppl not involved with rpf 😭😭😭

prey · 1y

lune eu n sei se vc vai pegar a minha visão mas bora lá: imiebimie como h1ld4 furacão e aquele padre coitado lá. eu n acho que preciso dizer quem é quem

olha. eu to viciada em hilda furacão e literalmente virou umas das minhas series favoritas da minha vida toda, eu falo tanto dessa serie no meu priv q algumas moots ja sugeriram q eu fizesse um imiebimie au disso e eu acho q isso é um sinal, imie as malthus e chngbn as hilda é tudo q eu consigo pensar sobre faz mais de uma semana
anon, eu nao sei quem vc é mas te amo vamos conversar sobre hilda furacão enquanto eu faço o plot dessa fic pra gnt 🙏🙏

prey · 1y

BIIIG (consensual) HUG FOR LUNE!
dont mind the crazies and negatives >_<
sending cute cark curly-haired bimiemie along for more hugs

prey · 1y
prey · 1y

Victorian dressed 🐶 🦊 always make me think of like a Sherlockstyle mystery solving duo. But like 🐶 is the detective & 🦊 is actually just his ghost brother whose mysterious death he’s not been able to solve. And 🦊 can help solver other mysteries but is like no help at all in solving his own murder.😆🤦🏽‍♀️ (secretly, he doesn’t want to move on. He doesn’t wanna leave 🐶 alone.)

prey · 1y

good evening my beautiful gf i hope ur having a great day. i don’t have a question. i just wanted to say i love you 😚🫶🏽

hi loml, i hope you had a great day too i will smooch your cheeks i love you so much 🥺🥺

prey · 1y

this made me think of strong woman do bongsoon so much!!! when i watched the show i kept thinking abt a mnjngbn au where they all end up together and now this!!!!! maybe mnh and imie as childhood friends and him always knowing abt how strong she is, so when there's a new opening in the team and she's looking for a job he doesn't hesitate to call her, he knows chngbn will be insufferable with his flirting but he sees right through imie and he knows how much she actually enjoys it... maybe it also makes him realize how much he likes imie and they all end up happy together

prey · 1y

Chngbn has always had a soft spot for Imie. Always wanting him to come to the gym with him. Always wanting Imie to go on late night snack runs with him. Imie kisses Chngbn one morning when they wake up in imie’s bed after a late night movie binge and Chngbn can’t help but feel so fond and kiss him back.

this is canon! i love this, chngbn who loves imie and barely notices how attracted to him he is, but imie is immune to chngbn's own obliviousness and notices how chngbn looks at him, how chngbn stares at his lips and smiles when he looks into his eyes, how he blushes whenever imie hugs him or gives him a cheek kiss... and when imie takes the first step and kisses him in the morning, chngbn only wonders how he took so long to realize how much he wants this ♡

prey · 1y

chngbn riding imie while he whines and cries underneath him


oh anon you're just the inspiration i needed to write the smut in this fic... chngbn riding an overwhelmed imie who just likes how chngbn feels around him so much that he can barely do anything beyond whine as his eyes roll back, hands moving with chngbn's thighs on top of him... sighs

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