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haie mika i hope you're doing well :3 i have a few little questions about your story so i hope a list is okay lol
1. what year your story is set in + how boris passes away :,)
2. i was also wondering about the setting for matthias' cult, does everyone in it live in a secluded estate or something like that? and also how matthias' mentor dies!
3. and also in a perfect world what media do you think would best suit an adaptation of your story? like a comic or show or visual novel.. im very curious
1. Even though my universe isn't a 1:1 copy of the real world, there is an estimate year for the story but im actually awful at worldbuilding so i don't think i want to disclose it anytime soon, maybe much later. But i guess i could tell you it takes place in 20th century 🤔 & Boris dies by strangulation in a fight with Matthias, impulsively and "accidentally". Boris was the one who started the fight, motivated by Fedya's words. A quick but unfortunate death.
2. Yup! You would be correct, they're (almost) completely isolated from the outside world. Matthias fled Jerome's (his mentor) mansion with Jerome's other students after he died, to rebuild everything Jerome owned, but Jerome's head housekeeper Maria stayed. She also became a vampire much later on, and kept in contact with Matthias. She's the primary provider of certain resources for Matt's cult, helps Matthias get information on the outside world, and is sort of a mother figure for him. Think of it as a very very gatekeepy commune lifestyle. As for Jerome's death, he was executed in 19th century, when vampires were executed once they were found.
3. A comic and maybe an animated show would be very lovely, especially if there got to be short spin-offs and prequel stories about characters like Yelena and her friends, Matthias and Jerome, Gaia and Kemal, Anıl and his family. However i believe a VN with Fedya as the MC would be PERFECT. It would be much more fun to write, to draw, and it would do the entire thing justice. I think i would feel like i accomplished everything in life if that happened
Favourite chess piece? :3
why are we getting mad over telling fictional characters to k!ll themselves again? huh? that being said, kys navia!!!!!
its so strange seeing people get so angry that you’re annoyed with fictional characters as if theyre real people 😭 chronically online behavior to say the least! im a lesbian so am i not allowed to be annoyed the fact that navia is everywhere while furina gets pushed to the side or i’ll get my lesbian card revoked?? the same goes for liking nvfr, you’re automatically assumed to be cishet if u like them and get treated as such 😭 i dont think genshintwt has been around gay people irl if they think our preferences are supposed to be one dimensional
No bc i specifically put the double venus in my display name even though i dont want it there, expecting the bare minimum: to at least have my sexuality respected and be left out of ship discourse conversations if it ever happened to me or if anyone assumed i was cishet. It's the tamest ship i like too, and the one that's most dear to me. I'm upset and frustrated with the way gitwt treats lesbians that do not agree with their headcanons and ships. If my navia/charlotte tweet was so offensive to them they couldve just blocked me too, i feel like the block button is a severely underused feature of this app 👍 my shipping has never been and will never be my preference of gay activism. It's a hobby i indulge in when i get off uni/work to destress. I hate the community, i don't think they deserve all the free fan work we create no matter what character/ship it is about. This is the worst fandom discourse i had the displeasure of surrounding myself with (not intentionally though) and i've been in the fucking osomatsusan fandom, ACTIVELY participating before.
not to get into discourse but god im so relieved to see someone in the btd fandom without "proship dni" shit in their bio ill forever dread the day these people started infiltrating the fandom... i was an anti back when btd came out back in 2016 and literally every single one of them hated it back then wtf happened. anyways keep being you and being cool and never stop drawing what you like
Yup yup yup! I too hate engaging in ship/fiction discourse however im really glad u decided to talk abt this on here with me, i'm genuinely tired of having to block every new follower i get from my StradeRen art as it it's not the most complicated codependent toxic situation to be in. Those people have associated the term pro-ship with genuine real life ACTUAL pedophilia incest zoophilia etc and it makes me FURIOUS. You're in the horrorporn fandom asking "freaks" to not interact? This is literally our house get out!!! You're not morally superior for being "critical" of the characters and their relationships!!! After all, like i said, it's a fandom for horrorporn. & Thank u anon stuff like this will forever inspire me to create more btd fanart and post about my ren & straderen delusions... <3
im really sorry if this is a weird/uncomfortable question but im curious on what matthias thinks about boris' transfem identity, if he has any opinion at all since you've said in the past that hes homophobic towards himself sometimes and doesn't approve of fedya and anils relationship..!
Boris (almost) never outright talks about her gender in the story, it's i guess more "implied" than explicitly shown, maybe except when she has more personal conversations with Fedya later on. So, it's not like anyone who lives around her acknowledges it, she didn't even understand it herself for a looong long time. I won't deny she was made to present more femininely by Matthias himself since birth, mostly because of the weird association of Boris with the twins' dead mom Yelena. However, this didn't make Matthias acknowledge her identity. I doubt he would be nice about it even if Boris understood her own identity/feelings and was open about it with Matthias. To Matthias, Boris was his "son" who just looked like a girl to outsiders. People also generally referred to her as how they perceived her (you won't see Fedya calling Boris his sister for a long time, causing confusion to those who perceived her as a little girl). Basically it wasn't something anyone understood let alone discussed. In another universes where they could bring this up more easily, like my already existing human AU, Matthias seems supportive of Boris and her transition, but even then he's very disrespectful to her, mainly using approval and acknowledgement as a grooming tactic against Boris.
In short, he's not only homophobic to Fedya, Anıl (and himself) but also transphobic to Boris. It mostly stems from self hatred he's not even aware he has, though even if he %100 loved himself he would still be a piece of shit to everyone around him.
how do they try to cheer themselves when theyre in trouble
Fedya just freaks out, probably nothing would calm him down in a moment of panic. Even after the said trouble is resolved he'll keep panicking over the thought of "almost getting in trouble" for the next few hours.
Anıl just tries to think rationally, accepts when he's in trouble most of the time. Doesn't beat himself up over it but he's not going to be cheerful or anything like that either.
Erina keeps herself busy, she usually doesn't get in trouble though. Tending roses or talking to others will most likely cheer her up.
Boris would only ever cheer up with Fedya's company.
Gaia also would only cheer up with Yelena around because she was her first and only friend, so now she doesn't really have anything to cheer herself up with. When she was younger, before she even met Yelena, the thought of being a good person Matthias would calm her down & cheer her up though. But now she also doesn't trust Matthias, so...
Matthias simply doesn't get in trouble.
Zümra also thinks about her family and it'll keep her calm for a while.
Yelena is mostly a cheerful person anyway, she didn't let her troubles affect her that much - at least before Matthias.
Kemal likes to isolate himself and it helps.
As you can see, most of them feel better with someone they trust to keep them company :]
whats everyones lucky number
You mentioned Matthias was imprisoned and I was wondering the reason he went there. I assume it's related to him abusing Boris but I wanna learn the offense that got him convicted specifically.
[human AU] Your assumption would be correct! He got around 6 years for statutory rape, and it's only because Yelena found out about it. Everything else he did, he managed to keep hidden. Boris was 16 at the time, and she insisted whatever they had going on was consensual, there was no recurring sexual relationship (she has her own reasons for defending Matthias), didn't want to press charges but Yelena sort of forced Boris to. I'm aware statutory rape usually has "lighter" sentences but because Matthias was involved in Boris' life since she was 6 (so he knew Boris' age when they had intercourse) and it was determined that Matthias was a caregiver/father figure in her life, he got more years than the average
I wanna know more about gaia's character journey, i remember you talking about it a while ago and id rly love to learn more
Hmmm not sure what else you'd want to know, besides all the information I have about her out there (there aren't many but she's sort of neglected so...). I assume you're talking about how I said she would eventually find her own path and break free from the cage she was born into and was kept in by no one other than the one and only Matthias lol... I unfortunately still haven't decided on her "fate" or her future in the story, because I'm honestly not really sure how to approach it. After all, how can she break free without putting an end to Matt's "cult"? And for that to happen I suppose Matthias should die or be beaten somehow, but what about the other humans? This might not be the answer you're looking for, it might be very underwhelming so I'm sorry about that. But I can still tell you about her character journey, from creation to her childhood to finally adulthood! At first, she was going to be my second "villain" (from Fedya's POV) with Matthias. But as time passed I started to dislike the idea, I made her to be a more "motherly" for the lack of a better word, caring person who has no ill intentions. Mostly because I started to like her a lot, like, A LOT lol. I also have to mention I wanted Yelena and Gaia's stories to contradict each other at all phases of their lives, as you know I prefer to talk about my characters by emphasizing the relationships they have with others. Gaia is a girl that I like to think was born in a "cage", as in literally, separated from the outside world and has no idea about modern society. Raised by Matthias, (just like Boris later on) to solely serve Matthias' and basically be another pet for him. Like many others, she was once a little girl who worshipped Matthias, and believed he could do no wrong. After all that was her "creator", the one who made her who she is, basically a god in her eyes. Her "peaking" was the result of her coming to the realization of Matthias' love being conditional. But that wasn't enough on its own unfortunately, because Matthias was all she ever knew after all, she couldn't just go: "You're not as nice as you're making people believe you are so I can no longer be your right-hand woman :(". You serve him, you do whatever he asks to do, you educate the younger ones to be like you, to look up to him. Going against anything he doesn't approve of is the worst thing you could ever do. Everyone, including Gaia (especially Gaia) were conditioned into fearing him. Being assigned to be Yelena's and twins' caregiver was what actually convinced her and helped her find out her doubts about Matthias were right. She didn't want to believe Yelena, but after experiencing her first ever loss, she quickly became very protective of the twins. Only to a certain extent though, because how could she go against Matthias? If Matthias wanted to harm Yelena's children he had "every right to do so". Boris' health worsening to the point where he wouldn't eat, speak, even move was the final wake-up call, nothing Matthias ever did was for "their safety and happiness." It was the exact opposite, Gaia and everyone else were caged animals for Matthias' entertainment instead. At this point she's the only person to realize this, everyone else is still unaware. Except, the twins, duh. And also our beloved "outsiders": Zümra and Anıl. With mostly Zümra's encouragement, Gaia was able to rebel against Matthias in very subtle ways. As I mentioned before somewhere in my previous infodumping, Gaia's primary obligation is to reproduce. She refuses to do so, she rants about her frustrations to Zümra, complains about her position. She helps Anıl plot behind Matt's back. But this is still all for now, because like I said earlier I don't know how to approach it yet, I just know I eventually want her to completely get out of this cage I kept mentioning, and maybe even set others free from their cages.
Who’s the most boring character to write for you?
thinking of your friends' ocs, who would your ocs befriend????
I want human Fedya to work under @_usagi.sama 's Can's (Ceo Bey) company so desperately you have no idea. And also older Anıl to be Haluk's (by the same friend) gym buddy PLEASE PLEAAAAASE. His goth boy Sezin and human au Boris need to meet too imo they'd be the bestest of friends!!!!!! :3
@yuyu_emy 's beautiful Emyst and my baby Boris are besties in my mind's eye actually... I haven't got them off my mind for months. Please be childhood friends who like to eat dirt
@teflon_tava_haha 's all women seem to be so promising (lorewise designwise everythingwise) so thoughtfully written and they make me feel like I'm a mother for my socially awkward daughter Gaia, who is pressuring her to befriend other people's OCs if that makes sense... I feel like Tef's Bilge and my Gaia might've got along actually! Desta (also Tef's) too!!!
@aiimiegg we need to push Aras (belongs to Aimi) and Matthias against each other like little girls playing with dolls but not in a gay way more like in a bullying and humiliating way.
@mdnttx 's beautiful boy Mishima and Boris need to meet up and talk behind their brothers backs together in the afterlife imo <3
@reinaaaureo I'm a flower in the middle of a desert waiting for little drops of lore to keep alive and this is my last message before wilting completely and passing away. GOOTBYE WORLD. I want Setareh (Reina's) and Gaia to get to know each other as women who are expected to do great things by the ones they were raised by and bond over it...
What’s your favorite aspect of developing your universe?
I say this each time whenever something about a creation/development process is asked but definitely self projecting anfvnkdkcksnx.... Creating seriously over exaggerated parallels with real life events in fiction most of the time... Dunno if that counts for your question though...soooo maybe establishing different kinds of relationships between the characters!! My least favorite is definitely worldbuilding and it unfortunately shows
Sorry about the bitchy anon... Maybe questions will distract you so i want to ask what Anil's family think about his sexuality. (Like are they accepting or not) Especially in the human universe since i assume his both parents know about his relationship
Yayy thank u for including human au :] as you would expect, in the original universe he doesn't have the opportunity to explore his sexuality healthily let alone be open about it with his family. He was pretty young when he lost his father so his father never knew in the original universe. Zümra would've been like "I already suspected" if Anıl ever came out to him lol. She finds out later on, from Gaia after befriending her, pretends not to know. I imagine she wouldn't complain, she wouldn't refuse to accept his sexuality but if they were still safe and happy back in their homes she might've felt a little sad about the fact that she wouldn't have grandchildren lol. In human au, she sort of felt that way at first but she really doesn't care as long as Anıl is happy. His dad in this au however, claims to be okay with that but never acknowledges it as if he wants Anıl to hide it from his acquaintances. Especially when Anıl's around him. Anıl's dad is a minister in human au, so this puts Anıl under a lot more pressure about his sexuality.
Why is anıls name turkish if hes arab
The original universe might not take place in the world we currently live in but if it were a modern AU or something like that -like human AU- his nationality would be Turkish, his ethnicity Arab/Turk (his dad's a Turk, his mom's Arab). His parents chose to name him something of Turkish origin.
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