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Send Adam a thing he doesn't know.


Anonymous Coward · 2mo

jujur pen mengenal km lebi dekat :> semoga ada kesempatannya aku bisa berkenalan dgn km :D

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

HIIII!!! Mau main gakkk kayaknya kampus kita sebelahan??? (Kenalan dl gak sih???)

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Hi, may I ask how tall are you? I saw that your outfit are really cool..

Hello. Thank you for your compliment :D, I really am happy to hear it. I am not a type of tall person, only around.. 160 cm, hehe.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

hi, adam! i was scrolling down my timeline and then i found your picture with a cool outfit. i also stalked a bit of your account and i just wanted to say that you are really attractive 😬😬 mau ngajak temenan tapi masih minder. jadi izin dulu deh disini hehehe, boleh aku follow duluan gak? terima kasih sebelumnya! [geter]

Hello, Anon. Jangan gemeteran gitu.. aku ga nerkam. Thank you for visiting my account and complimenting me here.. I didn't expect to receive this kind of mails. Thank you also for asking my permission to following me beforehand ya, that's so thoughtful of you, Anon. Boleh, please do follow me and DM me so I can give you a follow back. Terima kasih kembali, Anon!

AStER · 5 answers · 10mo

Gen ask, what do you do if you wake up in the middle of the night?

I usually go to sleep again, immediately. Yet, if I can't sleep, I would play with my handphone for hours until I fall asleep again.

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Oh.. Reading this with a mournful feeling makes my heart feels better a little bit. I think I know who you are.. an angel, aren't you? First of first, thank you for being so dedicated in writing this warming paragraph and sending this to my inbox even when you don't have the energy to interact. I have read all of the words you wrote here and really appreciate it. Thank you for taking care of me from out there, truly. Hopefully the world will be more gentle to you. Once again, thank you so much for being so tender-hearted, lovely human.

j · 6 answers · 10mo

Kalau seandainya reinkarnasi itu beneran terjadi dan bisa milih, kalian mau reinkarnasi jadi apa atau siapa?

Shaka. · 5 answers · 10mo

what's your coping mechanism, guys?

Kalau lagi burnt out karena tugas, biasanya tugasnya malah aku biarin. I'll head to bed and sleep all day. Tapi jelek, karena bangun-bangun malah feeling guilty.

Rory · 10mo

Hi, Adam! Kalau kamu dikasih kesempatan untuk keliling dunia gratis, destinasinya bakal kemana aja?

Oh, I'm not ready for this question... I haven't found places I really want to go to, but recently Switzerland really attracts me. Bukan cuma untuk dijadikan destinasi wisata, I also would love to live there. Selain itu mungkin Paris—I want to kiss the person I love there, Italia (mau coba pasta di sana), and mmmm.. ke mana lagi ya? Do you have any destination you really want to go, Rory?

𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒 ! · 18 answers · 10mo

hari Rabu pagi kalian ada kegiatan apa aja nih🤔🤔 kalau aku rebahan seharian xixixi

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

lho punya pacar loest?

I refuse to answer this question since I feel comfortable to keep my love life (and any other things) private.

Won So-ri · 5 answers · 10mo

Kalian hafal ibukota negara-negara di dunia gak?

Won So-ri · 9 answers · 10mo

Sebutin satu sayuran paling kalian gak suka, dan satu yang paling kalian suka dong :3

Aku ga suka lodeh. Karena apa ya? Ga banyak yang bisa aku kunyah gitu... Paling suka capcay! Karena kebalikan yang tadi, isiannya banyak. Ada yang pakai ayam juga alias ada proteinnya. Capcay is just so good.

Rory · 10mo

How would you describe a perfect day?

The weather is great. Sunny and cloudy so it's not that hot and it's not raining as well. It is a day where I wear comfortable and good-looking outfit. My lips are not dry. And it would be perfect if I had someone to exchange kisses.

Catherine. · 7 answers · 11mo

Lately i've been lack of something. Any movies to cheer me up?

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