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ash. · 1y

hi. i won’t answer malkev main au-nya dimana, so please do not send me questions about it. i will not answer.

Rabbit. · 5mo

Never in my 25 year i feel so related to a character before. But i literally bawling my eyes out for two days after reading your AU. It hurts to see how similar me and Elias are.. :( My dad once a pianost too and he used to play me Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 and i feel both warm, logging, yearning and hurt when i read every chapter. Thankyou for creating such a masterpiece. :'] Will surely be waiting for the next updates.. So sorry if this cringey lmao. :'D

oh noo :( not cringey at all, hello?! thank you for sharing your precious memories with your father to me. semoga kangennya sama dad bisa sedikit ditemenin sama elias yang juga pianist dan suka piece yang sama seperti papa kamu. thank you for reading too, anak baik 🫳

Rabbit. · 5mo
Rabbit. · 5mo

Kak Olivier kenapa sexy banget sukaaaa😭😭 ini kalo mau jadi pacarnya oliv kriterianya apa aja ya aku mo memaksakan diri😉

HAHAH sejauh ini apakah kamu melihat ada love interestnya olive!!!! kalo ada, berarti itu kriterianya :p

Rabbit. · 5mo

kak ash! deo bisa bahasa prancis juga? fluently?

Rabbit. · 5mo

olivier shooters, i promise you will always be so loved by ME 😭 writing this mad long and thoughtful essay… like olivier, like the lovers. terima kasih udah sayang side characterku ini :( dan semua karakter di outlier. this makes me so happy, thank you so much for taking the time to write all this. so honored<3

Rabbit. · 5mo

Kak i found my own Eli, doain semoga jadian ya 🙏

(sigh) want to bfrent ava yj yang bisa diajak ngomongin franz kafka dan suka ngirim stiker polite fox/polite cat.

Rabbit. · 5mo

dua hari tanpa kak ash di tl aku… langsung lemes 😞

Rabbit. · 5mo

kakak ada punya plushie pusheen yaa aku lihat, aku mau tau kakak beli itu dimanaa, soalnya aku mau punya jugaa :( pelis ka ash sepil sepil

halo sayang, aku beli di official storenya gund yaa. di sini juga dulu tuh adaa. tapi sekarang kok stock pusheennya pada habis ya :(

Rabbit. · 5mo

Kak, setelah baca narasi terakhir aku baca ulang dari awal elisam ketemu buat ngulang detil detil yg jadi kerasa beda karna selama ini cuma baca pov sammy yg cautious bgt. Dan aku makinnnn suka ceritanya huhu ternyata my little lily udah naksir dari pandangan pertama dan sesayang itu sama samuel :(

oh this is exactly how i wish the readers would do! aku suka bacaan yang kalau dibaca dua kali, sensasinya beda karena experience kedua kita sudah tau lebih banyak soal suatu karakter/detail. i love when people can spot the details they were missing while reading the first time, karena itu salah satu reading experience yang aku pun sangat gemari sebagai pembaca. thank you for saying this. nggak akan pernah capek bilang makasih udah sayang samlili<3

Rabbit. · 5mo

sedih bgt, thank you for all this love for sam :( pov sam is just showing that he’s a little boy going through a lot of his firsts, despite reading so many.

Rabbit. · 5mo

Kak, pertanyaan pentingggg. Di kamar eli ada cctv nya gak?? Takut olivier nonton adegan minum obat 😭

Rabbit. · 5mo

kak ash, I was never one for love, but reading your elisam and diving into their aching love and their desperation makes me wanna try to love again. To love and be ready to lost it all like eli and to love for everything unknown like sam, thank you for bringing them to me ya kak ❤️

Rabbit. · 5mo

Kak... Aku paham kenapa ka ash butuh waktu banyak untuk nulis outlier.. kalau outputnya secantik medium yang di upload tanggal 19 oktober pukul 19.59 itu, aku rela menunggu selama apapun untuk baca kelanjutannya. Kak at this point I won't really put attention to all those angst thingy you're gonna put us into. I trust you. I'm just gonna enjoy the beauty of pain you give to us kak. Gapapa kak, ayo sakiti aku, aku punya olivier.

you’re too kind, calling my writing a “beauty pain” is such a flatter! tenang, kalo ada angst-pun everything is foreshadowed, jadi nggak tiba2 muncul out of nowhere. sebenernya minggu2 ini termasuknya aku sangat fast update haha biasanya bisa seminggu sekali. semoga aja meskipun lama dan dikit2 updatenya, akan selalu sabar nungguin ceritanya lili sammy ya (dan olivier too of course).

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