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Anonymous Sprout · 10mo

Can you please also tell me your thoughts on each of the april fools events and the caiowen dynamic in them. or maybe / additionally, how your yume would fit into each of them because i am curiouse

YIPPEE this one's fun let's goooo

fogaku caiowe is. honestly kind of a fav because cain is lowkey being a freak about it FHJDFHJ like. imagine. cain has like what i think it's 1.5 million followers and he went out of his way to note that this one specific hater follows him...and decides it must be because his hater actually likes him... like when you read the card story he plays it off so naturally but if you think abt it for more than ten seconds it's like Hey Wait A Minute. owen, a completely regular tsundere, unaware he's caught the eye of a very popular yandere. watch out buddy

as for how my yume would fit into honestly . probably wouldn't actually GHJSHG i dislike having my inserts be "human" just in general but i also like. straight up didn't actually attend high school for more than 6 months (pulled out for health reasons) so if i was going to insert into this verse at all it'd basically just be the caiowe dynamic but with more steps so i'll just leave those lovebirds to it

pararoid caiowe!!!! we all know and love them. getting to experience a more "pure" owen is always fun, but . god pararoid cain was my first cain ssr and it was another one i got on the first roll of the banner so i feel vaguely sacrilegious saying this but pararoid cain is kind of missing the sharper edges that i enjoy in canon cain. him faking accepting a bribe kind of ruled though i won't lie and i also love that he's more willing to be direct abt the fact that what he does is for his own sake to adhere to his personal shape of justice (even if it means he kind of rejected owen's fantastic setup for a love confession. god)

i like reading pararoid caiowe stuff but like i said since cain kind of lacks the insane person quality i like in him in canon i'm not, like, super invested in it or anything. and while i was typing up this whole pararoid paragraph i was thinking abt how my yume would exist in vollmond city and to be completely honest i'm just picturing myself as a potted plant assistroid. won't die even if you forget to take care of it but if you don't it'll still look all drab and dry and dying so if you DO it'll perk up and be nice and green again. has a programmable Nice Scent for when it's healthy. it does also have a personality and can take a human form but when owen's like Hey you told me you didn't Have an assistroid what's it look like what's its personality cain's like Let's not worry about that! (it's very sweet towards cain but after the incident cain doesn't invite anyone over anymore. he's considered getting a replacement personality chip but that's Expensive, and he tried to get rid of it once but when he woke up it was back in his apartment so. it's just there. watch out, cain)

i actually haven't read gekka youi-tan so i haven't formed an opinion yet since fanworks are not really a good indicator of what goes on in any of these. i also don't know any plant youkai off the top of my head. sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

squama au caiowe is kind of bittersweet to me bc i still fondly remember the rush we all had when we were presented with the possibility that it was CAIN who took OWEN'S eye this time only for it to all come crashing down. i guess it's too similar to like, kind of surface level readings of their canon relationship for me to feel very strongly about it? willful tsundere owen who won't admit he likes cain vs cain who is oblivious and is just trying to help. ehh

i'll freely admit that my yume in squama au would actually not be a squama but instead a good old fashioned people eating mermaid that cain saves from having accidentally beached itself or something and now it follows cain and arthur's ship everywhere it goes. it's considered an unofficial member of the crew. they just kind of look away from the blood in the water when someone on the other side of a naval battle goes overboard and into its jaws (everyone on their ship is Clearly Marked so that it knows to not eat them, but there have still been some close calls) (burial via feeding to the ship mermaid if they don't have anyone back home sounds like a prospect at least some members of the crew would want to go for once they're dead also but i just like thinking abt death rituals in general)

ANNNND ALTEREGO AU!!!!!!!!!! i think alterego caiowe has potential to be fun, esp if cain found out how the alteregos work re: why owen has that special gold eye now. i bet they enjoy fighting each other........... i don't know if this owen has a reason other than the eye to fixate on cain though. it Would be fun to have cain pursuing owen though don't you think

my yume in alteregoverse... would be an innocent bystander that died purely on accident because of cain, whom he then desperately brought to snow and asked to please let him revive them because of circumstances. it'd sort of be like one of those arranged marriage aus except it involves accidental murder, a technical zombie, and navigating how much of these feelings are real and how much of them are just guilt. it could be fun!

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