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𖤣𖥧 Your letter came and went, but lingers.


A tale hidden between lines. · 3mo

Hi, I hope I wouldn’t come off creepy. I’m a Stranger who’s accidentally stumbled upon your account and found myself wonder— if you currently set your eyes on someone? Have a great day!

Hi... maaf banget baru kebaca, aku jarang bukain retro... I currently don't have someone I set my eyes for, actually. Hope it answers your curiosity!

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

So, you’ve got a name in mind? I’m curious to know, would it be alright if I reveal myself and let the mystery show? Either way, knowing my fruits have made your day, makes this fruit farmer’s heart feel some type of way! And since you’re mango-less, I’m on a quest, to bring you a bounty, your favorites at best. (The rhyme game’s back, tempting you to say yes to my offer) ;)

Oh, I think I guessed it right. The rhyme game tempted me because I'm not very good at it, so I'll say yes, you can come! We can have a chat while eating mango, my favorite. Please feel at ease!

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

Jeruk manis, jeruk mandarin
Hai dek Silla yang manis, lagi ngapain?

😭😭 IH ini abang dangdut ya? Makasih... lagi rebahan santai aja sekarang. Abang lagi apa?

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

Apologies for not stopping by yesterday! So, any updates? Have you figured out who this mysterious Mr. Fruit Farmer might be? :p Now that we’re mutuals, and can interact anytime on the timeline, should I keep delivering your favorite fruits here in Retro, or do you prefer I close my little fruit stall? Your call!

Hey, it's fine. I also checked on my retro just now. UHHH I think I have a name, but I'm not sure if I got it right. It would be embarrassing kalau salah... Honestly, Mr. Fruit Farmer, it all depends on your comfort. It has been heaven for me to receive such sweet fruits from you. I'm forever grateful in any way 🧑🏻‍🌾🍊

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

Don’t worry about the albedo, I’ve got it covered—I’ll peel it for you, no problem 🍊 Just focus on enjoying the sweetness, like how you’re enjoying your bihun goreng and telur dadar. Sounds like a perfect combo! By the way, we’re mutuals now, maybe soon you’ll figure out who’s been taking care of the oranges all this time.

NOOO WAAAY, REALLY? So, were we just being mutuals on a random Thursday night? Okay I'm looking at you carefully even though I'm bad at guessing. 🔫 And to peef off the albedo from my orange... thank you for taking care of me.

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

Oranges for now, but a mango? Consider it done 🥭 Hope it brings a bit of sunshine on those moodier days. I’m here for the fruit orders and to listen if you need. As for my day, steady so far, but hearing from you definitely made it better.

Eating an orange is such a chore, you have to peel off the white part (what is it called? albedo?). Still, the taste is good, so I can't complain. At this point, you will become Mr. Fruit Farmer 😹 Thankfully, we are both fine and ready to thrive!

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

Soft spot for losers, huh? Lucky me, I’m practically trademarked for that. Maybe someday I’ll drop the mask and let you see the man behind the fruit… if you’re curious enough. For now, here’s another 🍊 (picked with twice the care). And don’t worry, rhyme game’s on standby, I’ll make it up to you soon. By the way, how have things been for you lately? Just wanna make sure my favorite orange-eater is doing okay.

Aight, I'll just eat the oranges for now. Maybe you will get me another fruit. (🥭 please). I'm doing okay these days, but I've been having mood swings a lot lately. Sighs. Thanks for asking tho... And how's your day going?

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

Maybe it’s because every time I see you on the timeline, I end up smiling in adoration… so I keep thinking about how nice it’d be to hear you blabbering in person (even if I might faint). But hey, a man is a loser, and that man is me. Anyway, here’s your orange for the day, handpicked with care. 🍊 (Abang Jeruk’s rhyme game is out today) (fake poet #boo) (yesterday was a clickbait)

Hi, Mr. 🍊 head. I'm flattered, truly. I hope my presence will always bring a smile to you. So, are you going to keep hiding as Abang Jeruk? As far as I know, I have a soft spot for losers. 😉 And, thank you for the handpicked orange you brought me today, it goes straight to my stomach. Yum. Don't worry about the rhyme game, you can take it easy. I have plenty of time to wait. :3

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

Bukan, kita nggak mutualan. Tapi, aku sering lihat Silla lewat di timeline! Jujur, bikin kepikiran. Makanya, aku ke sini karena terlalu malu buat ajak kenalan. Kalau Silla nggak keberatan, boleh nggak aku terus-terusan mampir sambil kupas jeruk buat Silla makan? Percaya deh, satu jeruk bisa ngehasilin satu senyuman. 🍊

Kepikiran gimana? Kenapa gak disamperin aja, aku suka kenalan terus ngobrol banyak. :O Aku sih gak keberatan ya... kalau gak ngerepotin. Nanti aku sering-sering cek retro buat makan jeruknya.

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

Bukan, aku bukan abang-abangan yang itu. Kalau aku sih si Abang jeruk. Sengaja melipir ke sini karena hawanya sejuk. Janji, tujuanku mampir nggak mulu-muluk. Aku cuma ingin buat bibir Silla senyum, jangan sampai tertekuk. 🍊

You worded it so beautifully. I like the rhymes... lovely! Aku udah senyum tiga kali hari ini. Makasih ya, akhir-akhir ini emang lagi susah senyum. 😕 nanya lagi dong, are you oomf?

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

‘To love is to share an orange!’ So, Silla, would you let me share my perfectly split half-orange with you? 🍊

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

Abang rasa, dek Silla dunia abang lah.

A tale hidden between lines. · 4mo

Do you set your eyes on someone, Silla?

A tale hidden between lines. · 5mo

What’s Nevaeh?

A tale hidden between lines. · 5mo

Hey, you seem nice and attractive. Boleh temenan ngga ya?

Hi... makasih... telat banget udah 6 hari ya? Maaf aku jarang cek retro. Ayo temenan!

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