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She/her. 28. Domverse addict. If I get hate I'll kms and name you in my bye bye letter.

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Anonymous Coward · 11mo

I’m literally foaming at the mouth at what you’re working on. touch starved alpha hj and sh who wants to touch him so desperately he’s shaking with it. omfg! doesn’t help that i feel like once the boundaries come crashing down hj is gonna squeeze him so desperately he’ll leave fingerprints behind. i’m gonna scream i think

Thank you so much 😭 I'm so happy you like it. I'm also foaming at the mouth for it, I hope you still like it now that it's progressed forward. I plan on continuing it and yes, as seen before, the moment HJ gets his hands on sh they both become so desperate omg
Thank you for this message !

Anonymous Coward · 11mo
Anonymous Coward · 11mo

hi i just wanna say i really love ur ideas, sometimes i wanna rt everything but i dont wanna sound crazy AKSDÇDASÇKKD but ur brain is so beautiful! and thank u for all the fem!sj

Omg thank you so much!!! Sorry it took so long to answer. You can rt as much as you want, I love knowing that people like what I write ❤️ I hope you enjoy the new fem!sh 🥰

guidedbypolaris · 11mo

honestly i love a lot of ur prompts but this one!!! never left my mind i'd love any other crumb of it

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

i’m not the loser lesbian hj anon but what if ys made the decision to finally push those two together to confess? doesn’t rly know what’s going most of the time but oh, kcng yecscng was def observing quietly and got fed up 😂

Ys definitely would, she knows more than people think bc she sees everything. She will make those two confess, even if she has to air out their business in the process lmao (accidental gossip queen Ys)

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

In the best way possible… you irritate me! Stop making these threads that don’t finish 😭 I’m dying here! (Sh making rut nests, hj finding an in subspace, etc) please finish them 😭😭😭

This made me laugh bc trust me I irritate myself as well!!! So much!!! I'm so so sorry anon, I'll try my best in the future 😭 (I truly don't know why so many people read my threads when they know deep down they're just getting edged 😭 it's not what I want though, I wish I could finish them)

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

hi hello! we aren't mutuals, so i can't dm you about this, but would it be okay if i wrote something inspired by one of your tweets? i'm more than willing to shout you out on author's notes if that'd be okay with you, or gift the work to you! i'm also of course, completely okay with you saying no!! i just thought i should check first and i would have done it through dms but once again, we dont follow each other. much love!

Hi, sorry it took me so long to answer, I don't get notifications from this app :(

Thank you for asking before writing, it means a lot to me. And I would love to read whatever you write, so feel free to go ahead! Please tag me later! You didn't leave a name so I'll wait patiently, anon ☺️

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

I think you’re a phenomenal writer

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Would you do a fem version of other ships too or only sj?

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Omg wait, loser lesbian hj whos been yearning for years and thinks women are just being nice when theyre flirting vs sh whos been flirting with her for years. The rest just has to suffer thru them being idiots. The question is whod be the one to just say fuck it and stage an Intervention for them lol (sincerely, the same anon as the prev loser lesbian hj)

(I figured it was you. Thank you for coming back)

I feel for sh's struggle but everyone else seems to have it worse 😭 just imagine super jealous sh watching as someone tries to flirt with Hj at s lesbian bar but everyone else is like "baby, calm down, Hj doesn't even know she's being flirted with"
I think wan would stage an intervention bc they're too tired of watching Hj be a girlfailure

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

bc u’re the best 🤧

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

hi parami i’m your no. 1 fan 😔

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Hello im here to discuss fem sj. Especially a loser lesbian hj, shes very important to me

Loser lesbian HJ is very important to me as well. Loser lesbian HJ who's been pinning over her best friend sh for years, even has a dedicated yearning playlist for her dedicated yearning time (she learned to schedule it so it doesn't interfere too much with the rest of her life). The type to think women are just being nice when they're flirting with her

rae · 11mo

ok so consider: phantom of the opera-but-idolverse-adjacentish seongjoong with joong writing music specifically for his muse his shining star seonghwa from the shadows and targeting anyone who tries to get in his way or steal his spotlight- sometimes with violent consequences.

I'm so glad you added what's about bc I don't know anything about phantom of the opera 😭 I'm very uneducated 😊 I grew up in a cult 😁 but I love the idea of HJ writing music for his muse and attacking anyone who tries to take the spotlight away from sh

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

hi!! not a question but i just wanted to say that i really, really love anything fem sj related you write. im so in love with fem sj, i would literally do anything for them!! everytime you post anything related to them i'm so happy!! so thank you. you make me queer happy and well fed lmao

This is so lovely 😭 I love fem Sj too! I'd do anything for them! Please feel free to visit me often to talk about them 🥺

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