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Got a thought to spare?


ᯓ★ · 4mo

Hi, I miss you

Hello, I have returned. Do let me know in person perhaps? So I can reciprocate the feeling.

ᯓ★ · 4mo

I care a ton about you, Emmy. Please be well.

This message came just when I needed it. Thank you for the sweet message, you. I'll be sure to take care, please do the same?

ᯓ★ · 6mo

I thought this was just a temporary feeling that would go away on its own, but what should I do, Emmie? I think I really like you.

Oh, mm.. I am not sure either, sender.. though I find this sweet, I hope the feeling won't bother you too much..?

ᯓ★ · 5mo

Em, would you care to indulge my curiosity for a bit? What kind of partner do you wish to have?

Sure, mm, I suppose, someone who is naturally gentle. I'd love to be treated with tenderness. This one is rather obvious, but also someone who would be down to make the time and efforts to learn and re-learn each other as time goes by.. oh and, it would be very great if their interest aligns with mine as well. I think it's important to have common interest.

ᯓ★ · 5mo

a friendly reminder that you are so loved, em. hope you know :-]

ᯓ★ · 6mo

Emmie, i miss you.. maaf maaf maaf cuma berani bilang lewat retro.

Hey! So sorry for noticing this late.. thank you for thinking of me fondly.. warms my heart. I wonder who this might be.. but, regardless, you can always hit me up if you want to chat. Promise I won't bite!

ᯓ★ · 6mo

You have been missing for days, I miss you.

Hi, there. Maaf adminnya kemarin sakit.. but most importantly, you know where to find me if you miss me. (thumbs up)

ᯓ★ · 6mo

It has been a while. I miss you.

ᯓ★ · 6mo

get well soon emmie :(

Hi! I've recovered enough to let you know that you have nothing to worry about and also, thank you.. you're kind. :(

ᯓ★ · 6mo

Take your time with everything, cil.

Cil..? Oh, this is the first time someone ever called me by that. Strangely enough I do not hate it.. and thank you, for saying that. I will be sure to do just that!🙂‍↕️

ᯓ★ · 6mo

Since you're not seeing anyone atm, may I approach you?

To approach someone, means to unveil your identity, are you brave enough? That is the question. Cat blep!

ᯓ★ · 6mo

You can call me kuna (kucing jenaka)... or just whatever you fancy. Anyway, it's been awhile, how's life treating you so far?

Kucing jenaka, you said, that is cute. Kuna it is, then! If you were a cat, what color would you be, I wonder.. Mm, it's been a while. Life has been treating me fairly well, I am content. I hope you have been well, too? Also, thank you for still coming here and checking up on me and stuff.. I am grateful.

ᯓ★ · 6mo

Do you have a type? Asking for a friend

ᯓ★ · 6mo

i wonder what would it feel like to be the person who get to listen to your daily life updates and more

That would be... boring, I suppose? My days are pretty mundane... if not dull... (unless you don't mind me yapping about the shows I'm currently watching.. and other interests of mine..).

ᯓ★ · 6mo

Hello, Emery. Tweet kamu kemarin lewat timelineku, and I was wondering if you'd be fine with me dropping you a message, mayhaps? Maaf aku ngescroll profile kamu sedikit, not to be creepy or anything kok, genuinely think you seem nice so.. may I?

Oh, I feel a bit flustered, but of course! I wouldn't say no to a new possible friendship. Please, by all means, leave me a message? I'd love to talk to you, too! (And thank you for visiting my page... I am: visibly embarrassed..)

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