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For a dollar, you can ask me anything.


Undisclosed · 11mo

Nic, I always like your writing. Can you write something, a poetry probably, for someone that you think of right now?

Undisclosed · 11mo

what makes you happy?

Small, mundane things make me happy. For example, going to fairs eat unhealthy funnel cakes, and laugh until my stomach hurts. Or maybe laying in a grassy field and looking up at the sky and letting the sun kiss freckles onto my skin. I want to sit next to someone in the library while doing homework and distract them by dancing weirdly and stealing their pencils.

My happiness is doing all the mundane things and all the extraordinary things with someone and everything in between.

Undisclosed · 12mo

Do you have any plans for the future?

I don’t really plan anything specific, but I do have dreams that I’m gonna work hard to make it come true in the (hopefully) near future. Can’t tell you what they are cause most of them sounds silly haha.

Undisclosed · 12mo

kalau agency-an ngomong dong agency-an dimana.. pengen seagency sama kak Nic! :>

Siap, nanti dibisikin ya kalau sudah ada tenaganya untuk agensian. Tapi, gimana mau dibisikin kalau gak tau ini siapa?

Undisclosed · 12mo

Menurut kamu soal orang yang suka selingkuh?

Undisclosed · 12mo

bang, bang, FI & CO bibianne donk! 😏

Undisclosed · 12mo

Boleh dong ceritain kenapa bisa deket sama temen-temen kamu yang sekarang?

Undisclosed · 12mo

Menurutmu, apa hal paling penting & krusial yang harus kamu ketahui tentang calon pasangan kamu sebelum kamu memulai suatu hubungan

Cara dia memperlakukan orang lain, pandangan dan ekspektasinya tentang hubungan seperti apa, genre film dan musik favoritnya, serta hal-hal kecil lain. Tapi sebagai duta bucin (self-claimed), once I fall in love with them I’m gonna love them just the same no matter what they do.

Undisclosed · 12mo

Apa pendapatmu kalau jadian sama temen mantan & kalau mantan kamu jadian sama temen kamu

Undisclosed · 12mo

Rekomendasi top 5 lagu kamu dong

  1. Lorde - Liability
  2. John Legend - Conversations in The Dark
  3. Niki - Lose
  4. Bruno Major - Just The Same
  5. mgk - twin flame
Undisclosed · 12mo

Spill tipe cewek idaman kamu

Apa ya… Sejujurnya selalu merasa gak punya tipe “ideal” karena kalau dilihat ke belakang, orang-orang yang pernah menjalani hubungan pada masanya pasti punya perbedaan signifikan di sifat masing-masing. Jadi, sepertinya butuh orang yang… mutually attracted to each other on the same level of intensity, and we both equally admire each other? I’m not saying we don’t have disagreements or whatever, but at the end of the day, there is no one else I would rather be with, and they feel the same. Someone who made it not hard to believe that people just naturally fall in love with each other and that neither feels pressured to change.

Undisclosed · 12mo

first impression & current opinion / describe @naradiIIa in your words!

Undisclosed · 12mo

I admire you.

Undisclosed · 12mo

Do you still believe in love?

Undisclosed · 12mo

Mind telling your biggest trauma in the aspect of your love life?

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