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yurihead · 7mo

First off- love your writing so much! Your stuff lives rent free in my head.
Secondly- are you open to your mutuals dming you for a chat?

Thank you!! And yes, but with the warning that I'm really bad at keeping up with DMs;; I have debilitating social anxiety and get stressed about it really easily so fjdjf only if you promise not to take it personally

yurihead · 7mo

HOLY FREAKING SMOKES I LOVE UR WRITING. i am going to try and draw a scene from ur most recent farcille fic if that is ok >:)

yurihead · 7mo

hey sam i know u just finished the 6th chapter of little creature and want a break but do u think there will ever be a sequel to luno curitis?? i lovee this fic and i ADORE the way u write marcille's mother and their dynamic

Sorry this is late but yes! I absolutely love thinking about and building lore for Marcille's mom lol i think it's mostly that like. I'm on emergency supply for mental energy so I keep gravitating towards the stuff that gets me the most attention in return (porn and angst) ;; I have many ideas tho and I WILL be pursuing them one way or another

yurihead · 8mo

random but do u think marcille and mithrun would ever b friends….

Yes I LOVE Marcille and Mithrun content where they're becoming weird friends. Marcille would be so awkward about it at first before getting blindsided by Mithrun nonchalantly apologizing for talking down to her. Bc I do think his utter condescension for her when she was dungeon lord stemmed from his insane self loathing and like. He's working on that now. Maybe I'm woobifying him too much but I really like the idea of him turning into a weird but placid dude who's actively working on himself djfjjf

yurihead · 8mo

the shuro threesome is adorable but consider this: farcille pattadol threesome. pattadol looks up to marcille and calls her "lady marcille". falin gets two blonde elf girls.

Bad news folks. I know patta/cille is a popular side ship for many farcilles but I like them better as weird coworkers who are very fond of each other but so equally uptight that they just like. Really awkwardly toe the line between work friends and real friends every now and then while being embarrassed about it

yurihead · 8mo

Ohhh I see your interest in that Shuro, Falin Marcille threesome. But that fic would not be in the context or universe of 'a little creature who loves you' right? Hopefully it's gonna be a separate thing? It would just feel weird with their characterization but hey maybe it's just me hahaha. But hey, you're a talented writer, not doubt you'd write something good.

LOL god I mean I don't think it'd matter if it was the same continuity or not bc it'd have to happen YEARS after Falin and Marcille settle into a relationship and their own sexualities. Like anything less that three? Five years? And you'd have Marcille still losing her MIND about the indecency and furiously stammering at just the thought of it instead of going like narcissistic mommy dommy on them LOL

yurihead · 8mo

im interested in your take on how marcille might have realized/come to terms with loving women. with your perspective of marcille constantly trying to live up to an idolized version of herself- i can imagine it would Not be easy for her to accept being Not Straight in any capacity

yurihead · 8mo

Omg baby nooo the other thing that used to work for me was cuddling with my gf, but her being my ex gf now makes that option kind of impossible 😂😂 but I think it’s better that way anyway, maybe you have someone to hug you 😊

orz i live alone the best i got tonight was just ffxiv with friends LOL at least the thunder died down

yurihead · 8mo

Omg I hate thunderstorms those are the kind of loud noises my brain can’t process so I just put on some noise canceling headphones to try and survive 😭😭

Help it's literally so loud it goes right through my headset and sounds like something's slamming into my apartment wall from outside

yurihead · 8mo

Your dissection of marcille's character is SOOO SPOT ON in my head that it feels more revealing than being stripped naked LIKEEE im glad that the general fandom doesnt think of her as the whiny female character(tm) because despite her constant whining she really is just a very sympathetic character all flaws considered. That being said will u ever make an analysis on Falin... more on about how much of an "exception" she is to marcille's life as you've mentioned

Thank you! Also I guess I don't talk about Falin as much on social media bc I feel like I don't have much more to say other than what I'm already doing with her in a little creature? Also, she's a little more unfamiliar to me--I have Marcille figured out 100% but I'm still discovering more and more about Falin even as I'm writing each chapter so I don't have many definitive thoughts outside of the fic

yurihead · 8mo

what do you think is wrong with Marcille? like if you could list everything wrong with that pathetic little elf what would you put down

  1. Anxiety around her lifespan, as was detailed in the main story
  2. Being a gifted child who had no friends other than her parents until she was as old as 37 and accepted into a school based on her homeschooled merits
yurihead · 8mo

is there any book or piece of literature that inspired the way u write? or just something u rlly liked and would recommend

yurihead · 8mo

Do you have any headcanons about the kind of cute dates farcille would go on?

Unfortunately I'm kind of the cute comedy "what goes wrong on their dates" kind of guy LMAO but I imagine it'd mostly be Falin taking Marcille out to various new shops in the city to explore and stuff

yurihead · 8mo

hey do you know graceless by the national the lyrics suddenly reminded me of ur little creature falin -- tunnel

I do not and I'll look it up but also fjsjdkf "tunnel" bro I've got your face and name already what are we doing LOL

yurihead · 8mo

if you are brainstorming in the shower you can bring your phone in a ziplock and type it there or if you have an iphone use siri to use the notes app or make a voice memo or something

I've gotten a lot of helpful suggestions and you're all very sweet but my problem is mostly that I can't see more than two inches past my face without my glasses and I cannot talk about my porn ideas out loud in the shower for my neighbors to hear through the cheap pipes

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