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hellooo, hiii
okay, um, i don’t think i’ve read this from you yet, but if you have and i just missed it (or if it’s just not your type) you can just ignore this
so, um, maybe, a request or thoughts on ivan, especially band au ivan, w dick piercings like prince albert/jacob’s ladder/etc..? and till’s reaction to it? 🫣
you’re in luck — i haven’t written this yet!! i have a band AU on deck so i will work this in 🫡💘
thank you for the genius suggestion nonny!!
what in the everloving fuck do i draw
i mean. if you’re asking ME. the answer is always gonna be band AU ivan or fem ivan. maybe even both at the same time. LOL 😂 i’m an enabler at heart tho. so draw whatever ya like good luck 👍🏾
hiya! 💘
Ahhh sorry but ive been kind of in a pokemon kick lately!! But have you ever thought of what pokemon teams/tyeps ivantill would be? 🥺🥺 And how would their dynamic be if they were, say, gym leaders of different cities or smething AHHHHHH
no need to apologize, nonny—you have soooooo come to the right place!!!
idk about the gym leader piece LOL...when i think about pokemon settings i am 500% locked into their teams & types kdsjhdfs. they all have a good sell as former champions honestly…🥺 luka is a no-brainer tho hahaha
OKAY getting down to business. disclaimer: their teams are aesthetic choices, not move-based. to be 100% clear 😂
idk dewey and isaac enough to make a call. i def feel like they should be a blend of electric & fighting. they should come as a set, like enemy grunts, & one of them should definitely have a hitmonchan. the other should have a charjabug.
thanks for asking hehehe 🥳 (also nobody asked, but my favorite pokemon is gengar. 💓💓💓)
I think you have some things like this but have ye any thoughts on horror movie ivti—like musty no speak masked cabin in the woods serial killer ivan...
YES I VERY MUCH DO LOVE THIS VIBE!!! god i so wish i could encapsulate 80s americana serial killer 4 serial killer ivtl...disorganized "accidental" 1-time self defense kill till who didn't want to do it vs organized killer ivan who is so deeply unhinged...
this is not quite the cabin vibe, but like. this is the hannibal fic i envision as inspiration: "turn the page"
something about ivan & till circling each other like wary predators...ivan's whole "i know what i am (a monster) you know what you are" 🤤
i had a hannibal vibes AU i abandoned because it wasn't coming together lol and i can't remember if i ever posted it. so, here ya go!! (very unfinished / unpolished obviously lol)
thanks for asking and for your interest hehe 💓
Till has never been particularly renowned for his patience or his mellow temper.
It takes him half an hour to approach the partition, mostly because a particularly nausea inducing thought crosses his mind. You’re alive. Thank god.
Disgust rises in his throat alongside the bile. The sensation is so powerful that he has to clap a hand over his mouth. The man on the other side of the bulletproof glass doesn’t so much as twitch. He is, most likely, amused by Till’s display.
When he feels less like his knees are going to give out with relief, he puts one foot in front of the other. The guard reminds him that he’s not allowed to step any closer, and thank god he does, because Till was an instant away from holding out a hand and reaching out.
“Hello, Till,” says Ivan, voice a low, smooth purr. It is the stuff of dreams and of nightmares. “I see you got my letter.”
He doesn’t mean to chase Ivan all over Europe—it’s just the way that things happened to work out. Following the ugly betrayal in Ivan’s manor-home and Rina’s blood splattered all over the tiles, Ivan serrating the carotid artery of the girl they had all but adopted with surgical precision, Ivan absconded overseas.
They played a futile game of cat and mouse that landed them somewhere in the underground, chasing the ghosts of each other. Till lamented the fact that he had never truly gotten to know Ivan, even if he was a cannibalistic serial killer trying to fry Till’s brain like bacon.
Perhaps it would have been easier, if he tried, to convince everyone that he was telling the truth. Perhaps, if he had taken Ivan’s hand on that fateful night instead of siding with the FBI, he and Ivan wouldn’t be staring at a painting in a gallery with cuts and bruises all over their faces.
Perhaps Rina would be alive.
You loved her too. How could you stand to do it? Till does not ask.
He does not push Ivan away when Ivan grabs his hand. He does not report this particular incident to the police, no matter how many flashbulbs they shove in his face.
Ivan swan dives off of a cliff with injuries so serious he has little to no hope of surviving.
Little to none. Not none.
Till does not allow himself to consider the prospect of Ivan being alive.
“I’m not here for you,” Till says with less conviction than he feels.
Ivan paces around the cell the same way he would have paced around the stage at the opera house or his sitting room in the manor. The jumpsuit is tragic. The pallor of his skin and the unfortunate texture of his hair betrays the poor quality of life he has been subjected to since he was captured.
How long has he been here? Why didn’t anyone tell me?
Till knows why, but it is easier to delude himself with flimsy questions like this.
“No, no, of course not,” Ivan hums, pointing to the slot for mail in the door. “Hand me the file so I can take a look.”
No one better to do a profile on a killer than a killer. The artistry, the panache, the elevation—it’s the sort of stuff Ivan applauded. The sort of thing Ivan himself would have done.
He flips quietly, dark eyes drinking in xerox ink. It’s probably the most interesting thing he’s read in quite some time.
“It’s a metamorphosis, of a sort,” Ivan drawls, theatrical to the last. “This is his becoming.”
I gave you the opportunity to change, once.
Need your opinion on this: fem Ivan has a whole collection of strap ons that she started before even getting with fem Till and asks her for her rating out of ten after trying out each one. She has a whole excel sheet that she analyzes when she expands her collection. Till is horrified when she finds out how detailed it is.
idk nonny you said it all...LOLLLLL
i firmly do believe any and all ivans have a sexual success document (spreadsheet) with calculations that would have finance bros quaking in their boots. number of orgasms, force of orgasm, strength of clench...etcetera and so forth
till rolls her eyes and is like. ENOUGH. except, well, y'all know me. she can complain and be cranky all she wants but she does appreciate the results of ivan's research and begrudgingly matches ivan's freak. i personally think till would HATE vibrators (too overstimulating) but finds it a little funny how ivan tries to find one she'll like. the effort/enthusiasm is applause worthy.
ivan's immaculate sex toy shrine with gold star stickers rating each one and handwritten notes that till tears down with a blush staining her cheeks and shouts ENOUGH!!! yeah...yeah. 🫶🏾
i love your works hi
stereotypically ivan the obedient good boy is fond of till the rebellious bad boy
all im saying is a coming of age catholic kid x punk rock band kid au might work does it make sense
(yes and no! i’m sort of..kind of…taking this concept and bending it to my whims lol, anyways here’s a small fill~ 💓
tags: roommates, implied teen sex, vague insinuations of religious guilt, vaguely period setting (80s/90s), etc.)
Ostensibly, Till’s father enrolls him in an all-boy’s boarding school to quote-unquote ‘straighten him out.’
There’s nothing to straighten out, so far as Till is concerned, except, perhaps, his abysmal academic record. Choir is available as an elective. With the destruction of his instruments fresh in his mind—hard-won pieces of equipment that Till worked his ass off to acquire—it’s the closest thing he has to an outlet in this school full of prissy, know-it-all brats.
Till’s skin feels itchy from the moment he steps into the principal’s office, listening to such-and-such drone on about the amazing things they’ve managed to accomplish with boys like Till at Anakt Catholic Preparatory College. He promises that Till’s dormmate will be a positive influence, that Urak will have a young man fit for modern society by the time they’re through with him.
They force him to remove his piercings. There are no record players in sight. An imposed curfew is upheld. This place might as well be a prison, he thinks.
It takes an hour for various boys to file in. Apparently, they gather for meals at six in the morning, twelve in the afternoon, and six in the evening, light snacks permitted only if the specific professor allowed it.
Ivan introduces himself with a slick smile. Politely, he goes over the running rules. “You’ll be shadowing me starting tomorrow. I do hope we’ll get along.”
“Not a fat chance in hell.”
The response makes Ivan laugh.
Till wishes Ivan’s perfectly symmetrical face weren’t quite so punchable. He’s not going to get himself put in detention on his first day.
The problem with Ivan is that he’s a little too perfect.
Perfect grades, perfect demeanor. He memorized his bible verses, harmonizing with the other boys flawlessly. Something is deeply, fundamentally wrong with him. Till is convinced.
He has nothing better to do than indulge in idle gossip. He keeps the holes in his ears open with safety pins, wincing as he draws blood and it scabs. Curled up in the dirt in a corner of the school rarely traversed, he hears the first whispers of a rumor about Ivan that has his pupils blown wide.
“They say he’ll sleep with anyone who asks.” The words are uttered with a swoon. Excitement. “Do you think I have a chance?”
“Don’t get your hopes up,” the second boy says, aiming for realism. “You can’t believe everything you hear.”
It’s a salient point and Till knows it. He also knows, as a teenager who skipped school more often than not before he was chucked into this pit, that rumors like this do not emerge out of thin air. Well-meaning or no, someone had seen Ivan’s deep, dark gaze, had been mesmerized by it, fantasizing about the potential written there.
Praying to god by day and sucking dick by night—this is exactly the sort of dirt Till has wanted on Ivan from the get-go.
Wanting to catch Ivan in the act is all well and good, but the truth is, if he’s up to anything, Till has no idea when he finds the time to be nefarious. His schedule is ridiculously packed.
Tutoring other students, confiscating magazines during monthly sweeps, assignments, equestrian practice. By all accounts, he is a model student.
In the end, Till decides that the easiest way to get the answers he seeks is to ask. Simple solutions are underrated.
He gets Ivan alone on the premise of needing help with homework. Till does need help, after all, and Ivan is excellent at explaining the material even if he does spend a fair bit of time lobbing backhanded compliments at his peers.
Till blurts out the question no-nonsense. “Are you gay?”
Ivan smirks. “Ah. I was wondering what had you so fidgety these days. I should have known.”
Beneath the table, Till kicks him. “M’not gonna rat you out, if you are.”
“No, of course not. You just want to use this information for private blackmail purposes. I’m too obedient to be trustworthy, in your book, and thus you would like something to lord over me. Did I miss anything?”
Till shudders. “You scare me.”
“Thank you.”
“Wasn’t a compliment.”
For a few minutes, Ivan allows him to pretend the conversation never happened. Till’s self-preservation instincts have always been somewhat lackluster. Thus, he can’t stop himself from putting his foot into his mouth. “Must be nice,” Till mumbles. Sexual intimacy had to be more compelling than Chemistry formulas.
“Are you interested?”
“In finding out if there’s any truth to the rumors.”
Till swallows. “No,” he lies.
“I see,” says Ivan.
For days, Till tosses and turns. Long lashes haunt his dreams, accompanied by full lips. He sings his hymns with above-average fervency. He has never been religious, never believed in god, but he would very much appreciate a higher power purifying his mind, purging it of unwanted spectres.
Low chortles and haughty expressions—go away. Leave me alone. At this point, it feels like a curse.
“One time,” Till says, slamming his foot into Ivan’s desk, “and we’ll never speak of this again.”
Ivan puts his pen down with a gleam in his eye. “As you like.”
Till can’t help thinking that the rumors undersold Ivan’s skills.
One time becomes a dozen times.
Ivan is akin to sin itself, given form in the body of a man. He whispers temptation as he dangles the fruit of knowledge in front of Till’s face, showing up bright eyed and bushy tailed every Sunday like he didn’t spend all of Saturday night blaspheming against everything the preacher tells them not to do.
He is the quietest force of nature Till has ever encountered. In many ways, he thinks Ivan is worse than he is. Till, at least, is comfortable in the knowledge that this is temporary. That he will leave this place and break free of his father’s controlling shackles and be his own man someday.
What does Ivan have? An outstanding record. Connections. Money. A family business to inherit.
Happiness, however? Till isn’t so sure his path includes this.
“It isn’t as if you can marry a man,” Till mumbles.
“I’ve made my peace with that.”
In this sense, Till envies him. Ivan knows who he is. Who he wants to be. Even if Till wanted to use this against Ivan, at the risk of pointing the sword at himself in kind—and he doesn’t want to, not anymore—he feels certain Ivan would find some way to emerge unscathed. To twist it and use what should have been a stain on his record to his advantage.
“You might be a vicious bastard, but I’ll miss you,” Till confesses.
Ivan chortles. “Let’s stay in touch, then.”
It’s easier said than done. There is the process of exchanging addresses and landlines. Tracking each other down as they move across the country.
Still, they’re willing to try.
If this is to be their dirty little secret until the end of time, so be it.
(a/n: as i was writing this, i thought it would be fun to imagine post school aftermath. till got engaged at some point but it fell through; he called it off at the last second. ivan lives up to his family’s expectations and gets married and has kids but he’s bored as hell and the divorce is messy to boot.
(waves hand) they wind up together again somehow after the dust settles. feel like they wasted a lot of time. but hey. ivan retires early and spoils till with his money. ivan’s kids think he’s way more fun around till than he ever was with their mom lol.
thanks for the prompt!!)
Heyyyy i just wanted to know
is there an ivantill bonus book? that is official or somehow?) i just saw yui's post abt it and i was curious :(
anyways ty
hi there! i'm not really sure on where to buy it these days, but it is an official collection of sketches and stuff. :) there's particularly a sketchy version of the art from this [poca set] that yui was referring to.
as vivinos & team have kindly asked people not to photograph or redistribute the work, i would keep an eye out for ebay resales and/or the official shop reopening with a listing in the future. 💓
its time for my inconsistent love letter to you 💌💌💌💌💌💌 also thank you for sharing even your incomplete pieces... for me personally i always felt pressured to share only polished things on my socmed, but following you and your work makes me realize that when the food is good, it is GOOD regardless of its state of completion. fans will love to see it. i, your adoring fan, love to see it. hope you are having a great day/night 😘😘😘
oouggh thanks cutie!! 🥹 your love mails always make my day 🥰
i’m all about the core principle that life is about having fun, yk? sometimes things (meaning fics, in this case) just don’t work out, but that’s okay. doesn’t mean it was wasted effort 🌟 it’s fun to share creative ideas because — what if i inspire someone else to write or draw? you never know, right? 🥳
that’s the secret to my whimsiness, i never take myself seriously (finger guns)
MUCH LOVE, xoxo 💋
Why is ivantill so sexy? I don't know if I want to be till or if I want to be ivan. I'm too attracted to both. On the one hand ivan is so beautiful, elegant and sexy, a mysterious hottie with a deranged mind, on the other hand till is so pretty and cute, his catlike expressions and emotions, being a savage revel make him more attractive...
U want to bully them till the end 😭😭😭😭🔥
something something toxic yaoi mess something something.......if it wasn't obvious with [this post] i have a type and it is exclusively depressed rat men and/or autistics i want to hug.
i have to bully till every day or i'll implode. ivan is my type but i have to kick his ass because he drives me so crazy. he's so handsome he's so my type and also if i don't punt him into the sun for being god's most annoying asshole every day i'll also implode.
i never win!! (makes them kiss)
I just saw today a pretty ivantill guideverse au, and i remember seeing another one few days ago, i'm still looking for it...
anyways, ARE U INTO GUIDEVERSE? i think i fits so well with ivantill, mainly bc of the angst, blood, the sci fi elements... and fluids yeah. I'm new into it btw so i had some questions: who fucks who... The esper or the guide? i'm still new and i'm a little bit confused
anyways tysm <3
hi hi!! maybe these 2 are the pieces you're referencing? 🥰
i am very much into guideverse!! i don't know that i see enough guideverse out in the wild to equate it with angst & blood, but i do love the energy of it sooooo very much.
1 - for the sake of convenience, i refer to it as "sentinels & guides" although i've seen some recent takes refer to sentinels as "espers" and "sentries."
2 - there is not necessarily a strictly sexual (penetration) element to sentinels & guides. it refers to their skill sets. in very loose terms, this is the way i have classically seen the setting/trope play out:
2A - you have a sci-fi setting in which there are "dungeons" to trawl, or otherwise some situation people have to fight monsters for pay. there may or may not be an organization that oversees all of the monster destroying and thus doles out the role assignments.
2B - you have sentinels who are the primary fighters. the tanks / front-liners, if you will. they can use superhuman strength and/or magic, special abilities, etc. (kind of up to the person designing the universe) BUT (and this is the major drawback) they have a format of...psychological/physiological backlash that causes their bodies to rebel against them whenever they use their powers.
2C - the sentinels are thus paired with guides, who have the ability to calm them down. i personally once read an s&g AU that really stuck with me that described guides as "detangling" the thoughts of sentinels, so this is the format of s&g i still rely on personally. basically, they can reach into a sentinel's head, connect with them emotionally (i'm paraphrasing here, and, again, it's largely up to the person writing/designing the AU how they decide to approach this element), but at the end of the day, their job is to keep the sentinels from frying their own brains.
3 - NOW, with all of the above being said — when i first saw s&g AUs start cropping up, it was pretty classical that the guide was the bottom and the sentinel was the top. something something power fantasy, the guy who goes crazy needs a leash blah blah. nowadays, it's become pretty loosey goosey.
4 - and now for the very final piece: per the art referenced above, i think till makes perfect sense as a sentinel (extremely driven, but also easy to emotionally fracture) and ivan makes sense as a guide (calm, collected, capable of administering first aid while till is thrashing and going through it.)
i'm ivtl preferential, lol, so i prefer top ivan, but the rest, of course, is up to reader discretion 🫶🏾
🌟 you can read more about s&g AU basics on fanlore wiki [here]!
thanks for asking~ 😘
my friend, please believe me if i had the core competencies to write mafia/organized crime style by myself i would!!!! 😭 i need a collab partner to hold my hand and come up with ideas and plot and do half of the homework lmfaooooo. sowwy... ♡♡♡♡♡
Ivan barely eats and sleeps and still trains every day. How he doesn't faint? we don't know, but I still assume that although he is not super muscular he must be very toned and lean....
I am just thirsty for Ivan... my loser pathetic babygirl
i'm going to be completely honest with you, my friends have brainwashed me into being a swole ivan enjoyer but in my heart of hearts he is like. 1 step above a victorian waif LMAO. i know it's just the way he's drawn, but it's really funny to look at ivan's model shoot in top 3 vs r6 and how he goes from looking like a mega twink to looking like roy mustang
anyways, all jokes aside, i think ivan is built something [like this] because i don't want him to be a dehydrated noodle!! sturdy arms with which to hold till and slim enough to wear all his model-y lil fits.
happy for you being thirsty for ivan, he is sooooo my type and also i'm going to hit him with my car (affectionate) he's so beautiful it makes me angry lol xoxo
i adore your brain worms and your fics,, and a bl Ive read just reminded me of something you’d come up with and I’d really like to see your review on it! “ A Room Without Space “ by Dacto is the BL.
ahhhh your timing is amazing, my friend just rec'd this to me a couple weeks ago!! and said the same thing LMFAOOOO 😂 at least i'm predictable (thumbs up emoji)
BIG FAN, huge enjoyment of the stockholm syndrome vibes and the violence and the darkness and i 🤤 me when the toxic yaoi is toxic-ing...delicious. (for anyone curious, it is also sometimes called "a room with no windows"!)
thanks for the rec, nonny! mwah 💋
Okayy but ivantill and........ "Practice" edging mwhehehehhe
okay. i keep thinking about this one. and how to make it a full fic. but it simply cannot work because ivan’s stamina is shit…hear me out
i see ivan’s sex stat list as:
—dirty talk 3/5 (it’s not actually intentional most of the time, it’s just his nasty inner monologue spilling out against his own will (he doesn’t realize he’s doing it) it’s just dirty to TILL who is like “oh my god please shut tf up you are so embarrassing)
—physical endurance: 5/5 (exercise freak)
—kissing: 4/5 (he’s excellent at it he just drools a lot)
—foreplay: 2/5 (he has more patience for it than till does…only wields this blade when he wants to he a pest)
—sexual holdout: -10/5 (he gets like the TIP of his dick inside till and he’s a goner)
BUT! the bonus is that his refractory period is once again a 5/5 so he bounces back in no time at all
if the goal of the experiment was to edge till…he would probably last 20-30m tops. comedy of errors. till voice: i’d honestly rather you fuck me and get it over with. by the third time ivan brings him to the precipice and backs off, till is already doing a cost-benefit analysis of killing him fr. they never attempted this again.
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