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hey alexis it's boo one more time. what's the coolest robot
we're back once again with the ill behaviour. the coolest robot is motoko kusanagi
Hiya it's Marcy hope you're having a nice day yo like we should do a DJ mix together again that'd be fun also favorite fruit
i am having a very nice though very snoozy day. i was literally thinking i should try make a nyd dj set after such a wonderful live one last year
my favourite fruit is an alphonso mango, but closely followed by all the stuff i would have when i was in south africa: guava, granadilla, nectarines, papaya, litchis. the local fruit was bonkers good i feel like europe has such a shitty deal of it. yes i spell it litchi
AWH pt5 thank you for explaining the different demands of ujd and how its style follows on from that. i can appreciate the story's aims better now, though the dialogue and prose are still an insuperable barrier for me to continue. i have zero affection for mecha or anime girls so it simply isn't for me and that should be ok and not fill me with righteous indignation. i simply find different things fun, and the only wrong kind of fun is mobas. jokes aside i appreciate your willingness to humour my shit.
absolute pleasure! thank you for giving me the opportunity to go off on one a couple times you might have made me decide to blog <gasp>
hey alexis it's boo again. rin, sakura, or saber
hey boo! yes: those are three characters. please dont ask me to pick between them
favourite movie you watched this year?
persona, followed by when a woman ascends the stairs, the matrix, and the lair of the white worm. all were first watches
AWH pt4: it could simply be that i have a supreme distaste for the standard qualities (not the exceptional qualities) of anime and vg. in my (bourgeois?) aesthete mind i think "why should a powerful communist war epic (or any fiction which Does History) compromise itself with the inanity of those standard qualities?" also.. to me the "tell don't show" approach is patronising to the reader (and you say yourself that "readers of serial fiction are dumb and impatient".. why not expect more of them?)
because guns and mechs and boobs are cool and righteous; because a norm about the use of indirect vs direct description is both a key into a certain kind of classed, postured writing and also a decision about what is important between subtext v text. immediacy is sometimes vital, you can talk directly to experience without anxieties and second guessing it, the book also does have implication and suggestion and deep interiority (that routinely people seem to miss lmao) but not for the things it deems it important to be direct about. ujd is demanding on a reader but on the problem of 'how do you objectively relate to life transformed' rather than 'how do you subjectively relate to a partially known Other'. it just doesn't care about the same thing! both are interesting questions but i like it sticking to the first and using 'show dont tell' as a rule when you're so clear about what you do care about is just a bit basic
Cross out the anime in anime women hater, not so funny now is it
Anyway as silly as all that is it did get me thinking, do you think there's something to the fact that a lot of good genre space writing about women being extremely normal has to be supported by objectively evil money sucking machines nowadays to exist? Or is it the reverse, and the strongest lure possible is the siren song of girls having big emotions and doing violence
its hilarious actually. hating women is a time honoured tradition that goes hand in hand with loving them. we're just doing the oldest dance in the book.
i think good genre writing comes from basically every source possible because hot women with guns are cool and will sell, and the form determination doesn't really happen by funding source but cultural logic that it must respond to and incorporate. in the gacha that is endless content, recombinable flexibility and a woman-slot machine, in webnovels that is the serial format and the capacity of an fickle and time poor audience, in anime that is the flexible world with big bold refined characters and a deeply charismatic way of representing both character and violence enabled by genre convention. they are pretty much anathema, but just share a capacity for long extended narratives through which big action can happen slowly. the more interesting question is which forms and cultural logic disallow girls having big emotions and doing violence, and they are any in which history is not allowed to move. serial tv (esp professional procedurals) and movie franchises seem like the obvious target. there is no way to make the war epic that actually matters in those formats, not now. it just isn't intelligible. similarly the aaa video game needs to hold its narrative close to its chest and meticulously crafted 3d environment far too closely, and it needs to be far too generous to the player to actually employ the kind of scale and heft you'd need to the machinery going on Elsewhere all the time. there is no call of duty game which is a war epic. it's just not possible. every big shiny game i can remember that isn't a gacha or at least jrpg where you try and change the world, where you Do History, is deeply compromised by its love of the player's point of view. they aren't historical narratives in any meaningful sense, they can't replicate the historical novel at least. games where you can feel the weight of other agents are rare in design and form are rare and cool, even more so when that is the weight of history: im thinking about heaven's vault, pentiment. some do it with lots of historically sensitive writing, some with specific mechanics, some just by making a formally conventional game with the lesson of historical materialism weighing on the back of their minds. i know there are others with their own way of doing it. the thing to counterpose it too is the rival strategy of making narrative into a museum. every game about an abandoned home or space station freezes history so we're not forced to reckon with too much of it at once, it can still be on side, but it is formally constrained in its ability to show history acting versus imply its effects, potentials or dissolution in the frozen moment of the now. i havent played umurangi generation but given its a photography game im assuming it lines up here too. compare to the zone of interest maybe: in this moment we would struggle to represent the historical activity of genocide itself so we have to make our walking simulator version of a film to think it.
also to be clear hot women with cool weapons are really cool and fuckin rule.
anime women hater pt3: i've read the 1.1 page of unjust depths and it isn't really speaking to me. i found the interaction between the two women contrived and cloying (didn't help i visualised them a la honkai/final fantasy/anime), and the prose felt uninspiring, a bit telling instead of showing, more a functional vehicle for the world and characters rather than an arresting aesthetic experience in itself. i just think i'm aesthetically opposed to the whole kit n kaboodle...
ok yeah sure. it is very consciously tell instead of show because readers of serial fiction are dumb and impatient, and madiha's talked about her feelings re: the first two chapters to that effect before. i dont think im gonna convince you or anything, a thing can simply be not for you! its a strange case though, where it ultimately ends up, cuz i don't think it loses this instinct to tell about characters rather than stylise text to hide substance in the vibe. if there is anything that threads the line between 'you are absolutely looking at anime women' and a text with the confidence to know what it is not saying and why, ujd is the best i have to offer. style matters tho, dont let anyone tell you style is not crucially important. madiha tells quite a lot because there are, in the world of unjust depths, stakes to the style of mystification. i kinda read it as a speculative rebuke to the bourgeois novel: superficially styled in anime glamour, armour plated heart of communist consciousness. sometimes telling isn't to be second guessed. war communism as genre is not the epoch of formal experimentation
hey alexis it's boo. what is your favorite secret or easter egg in a video game. thanks :)
hey boo! i was remembering after that time we talked about favourite args, that i loved following the sombra overwatch arg. as for stuff actually inside a game, its in mass effect when you try and probe uranus.
anime women hater here, thx for responding. i suppose i just find the women and their context too “tasteless” to enjoy. not tasteless in the cool way like john waters, but rather less informed by the taste of the creators and more by a broad target consumer taste, how everything is so standardised. i can find outlandish outfits and guns cool in the right context, but they’re so boring and tacky in this one. can’t derive any fun from it… a failure of imagination on my part to not see how others could perhaps
yeah i getcha - i think i am geared to enjoy at least some of the lanes of homogeneous slop aesthetically (hate genshin, love honkai, indifferent to arknights grim mil, love limbus grim mil), but i have also had intense exposure therapy to the gay fan art. which helps.
it has always perplexed me... what is the appeal of the kinds of anime girls you see in gacha, rhythm games, honkai type shit? to me they look tacky and commercial, practically interchangeable in style with other IP, always with annoying VA, and i struggle to imagine there being much deep, real shit to chew on in terms of characterisation considering they're made for commercial games. what gives? what's the secret that makes my dear friends love these unappealing girls?
lmao i understand your passion dear anon but given you're 'imagining' i hope you can at least understand the potential for a bit of space between your imagination and what's going on
any thoughts on the color space with a monster in it parts of unjust depths
so many. spoilers i guess. in the pod i keep talking about the thing that strikes me reading it as a not-theosophy/Jung knower but a psychoanalysis reader, which is that the aether seems to be a means for materialising the medium of psychic exchange that more or less already existed, but making it visible and digestible and metabolisable consciously rather than unconciously. it is also the bridge between the affect-work and ideology-work and the material force of objects and things and people acting. and it works entirely well in this entirely horizontal ontology up until you remember that any theory of the interpersonal or psychic or material is not a flat array of nodes and relations but a densely swirling dynamic system of flows and resistances and axes of domination and subversion. so of course there are places of immense concentration and dissolution, of course there are well-springs with deep deep structures in the world itself. no one is going to pretend the oedipus complex is not a historical object, but it lies so much deeper than the stuff that trades back and forth between individuals. similarly no one is going to pretend that the nightmare weighing upon the thoughts of the living is a purely capitalist object, and the grieving and caring trees are a testament to a struggle to live and make sense of life that extends in history so so far back, but taken through this modality of life: a necklace without a provenance, a dream to be dismissed, a taste caught in a prey's flesh. we negotiate our relationships to these attractors of death and sex and life in very very different ways, but they will be there under the surface when we face their blinding light head on. sometimes we must, and most of the time they are far too brilliant and terrible to confront. so we live our lives with the colours snaking into our thoughts if we lose focus and the trees and the monsters safely tucked in our dreams.
what's the worst take of 2024
"the labour party won the UK general election". no they didn't. that's not true.
Thoughts on loneliness
complex. i use to act like my sense of self has been crafted in allegiance with my supposed social deficits, so i got attached to my loneliness. letting go of that to actually be close to the people i love means abandoning a way i held myself together, which is painful but deeply necessary. i still struggle to be sympathetic to the version of me ive been at my loneliest and most antisocial cuz that person sucked, but i do not this that person sucked cuz of some kind of deficit that was fixed. i found a more or less coherent way of dealing the social world in front of me which left me feeling bad but being functional, which worked until it didn't, and served me usefully until it didn't. i don't want to be so attached to that way of surviving any more.
tw*f*ld says: Explain “grimewave”
hi robin x
'grimewave' refers to one of the events precipitating the global financial crisis of 2027, the simultaneous wildcat strikes among garbage collectors, recycling centre workers and cleaners of trains and stations from SF to NYC to the Tesla factory and HQ in Texas, bringing the world financial system to its knees over the course of weeks by making public space and centres of polluting industry so toxic and dank that no one wants to go to work any more
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