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Thomas Andrieu

When you consider things like the stars, our affairs don't seem to matter very much, do they?

London, England
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Wanderer · 1y

tweet lu nunjukin amat anak ui emang pada tone deaf

Tone deaf darimana kamu yang gak ngerti pointnya karena emang bener kok, kalau nyalahin rektor doang when rektor itself dipilih langsung sama presiden + APBN trendnya turun... To only nyalahin rektor over problem yang emang struktural itu nunjukkin analisa kamu saja sampai mana.

Wanderer · 1y

mari kita lihat sampai mana new lifenya 👍🏻

Wanderer · 1y

hi Thomas! how do you do? i hope you always be happy yaa, im sorry but...fyou mind if i say that i miss you? even tho we're not really close

I am managing well. It is fine though it will never be my responsibility. I hope my answer easen that longing.

Wanderer · 1y

Thomas, are u alr?

I am okay, just busy with everything that is currently happening in my life rn. Thank you for asking.

Wanderer · 1y

hey, rekomendasiin bacaan yang seru dong

If you like dark academia here are some of my favorites: Dead Poets Society, Secret History, Vicious duology, We Were Villains, Frankenstein. Aside from that I love Cursed Bunny, The Kite Runner, and Lie With Me.

Wanderer · 1y

Thomas lagi deket sama orang nggak? Anak mafia ada yang mau deket sama kamu :D

Enggak ada, tapi aku gak mau dideketin sama anak sana juga. We should all just be friends.

Wanderer · 1y

How often do you take selfies?

Wanderer · 1y

Agak lain tp what's your thoughts on CPNS 2024?

Waduh aku enggak ngikutin info CPNS, anon. Tapi kalau kamu ingin daftar semoga keterima ya!

Wanderer · 1y

Follow up question how do you detach from something so familiar and you wouldn’t think twice to burn yourself for the second time?

This is my coping mechanism but like I will just be, "it is what it is." And continue with my day. But when my brain was like replying the memories I let myself cry and make sure to validate my emotions in a positive note. So, I do not use my own relapses to shot myself and make it worse. If burning means you are hurt, I think it is best to evaluate what has happened objectively and be kind with yourself. It is okay to make mistakes, It is okay to fall for the wrong people, sometimes things just happened. I have this mindset and I found myself easier to let go.

Wanderer · 1y

If you go to the show Hot Ones do you think you would survive?

Samudra · 1y

I just wanna tell you that I'm proud of being your moots alias thank you for balikin semangat baca gua thank you udah rekomendasi buku dan tweet ilmu nice to meet you btw ayo mutualan

Thank you for saying this, btw. I hope you find the joy in reading and learning, too. I am currently trying to find that as well. Sudah di follow ya, Jo!

Wanderer · 1y

How do you mend a broken heart?

By processing those emotions: grieving. People grieve in different ways. So, you need to find what works for you. Mine is detaching and writing everything I am feeling then burning it after. I am trying my best to forgive myself for what has happened.

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