Retrospring is now in read-only mode until September 1st when the site will fully shut down! Read more


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the follower · 10mo

can you remove the character limit i wanna send people the best book of all time

A curious cat · 10mo

Can there be a more obvious indicator for when a user doesn't have anonymous questions enabled?
Rn there's only the absence of the "Hide my name" tickbox, but an absence a UI element isn't as clear as it could be.

Hmm, what would you suggest? The ability to not set yourself anonymous in a question is the most obvious indication, isn't it?

A curious cat · 10mo

can,,, can you please add,,,,. the cconfession ban to the terms of service,,,, i didn't know,,,, i'm sorry,,, ,

We'll do that! And no need to be sorry really. We only posted about that on our Twitter account so it wasn't really transparent.

A curious cat · 12mo

I know there's a feature where you can upload bug reports but I just wanted to say how if you try to put a profile picture and crop it to what you want, sometimes it'll instead do the entire image very stretched and squashed to fit the pfp size. Very odd!

inhahe · 12mo

Notifications failed me today in a way I've never seen before. It said I had 4 notifications, and when I clicked it showed me something like this:

That's a bit of a tricky situation we are working on still. But this can happen if notifications are not properly cleared when an account is deleted, leaving "empty" notifications.

A curious cat · 12mo

Does Retrospring have an API?

Not yet! We really want to have one ourselves, but we're focussing on improving core parts of the site before adding the same things into an API!

A curious cat · 1y

i think. you should. include an update tab in the. website. because i. don't have. twitter

Not sure if people would want that, but we could post updates on here as questions (almost to also get some feedback on them)

But, if you have any other socials, we also can be found pretty much everywhere:
* Twitter
* Fediverse (Mastodon, etc....)
* Bluesky

And if you really don't have any socials, you could check our GitHub releases page every now and then for something new:

dytamic · 12mo

the suggestions box keeps breaking for me so ill ask here
can you make it so that when you tag an account in an answer, they receive a notification for the tag? i recently claimed the account @coolmathgames because i thought it was funny and when i tagged myself, no noti

That's weird. Do you get any specific errors we could forward to Canny? Because that shouldn't happen (and we still get suggestions from other users).

And we might do mentioning notifications at some point, but considering people often mention Twitter usernames using @ this might be a bit confusing. And it also opens a potential for spam so we want to be careful with the way we implement it.

kuruel · 12mo

Do you plan on adding a switch accounts feature? I think it'd be useful for some, like people with DiD

A curious cat · 1y

Interesting.. anyway high five!
New UI? It's. Certainly interesting (I have no idea how to feel about it) but I don't think it's bad

dytamic · 1y

Nuh Uh you guys Never Showed Up Before

A curious cat · 1y

you jumpscared me in the replies to that one all ask but hi. is it one person managing this or some more?

Actively, one person! There's another person working on this, but not actively, and not interacting with the public!

🦈 Defective Enderman 🐋 · 1y

What size is a header? As in like, the size border thing you have to choose from the image you pick?

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