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Evening Dew
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Fellas · 1y

nope, i'm not asking for any chance for you. i just want you to know i'm happy i remember you and thats all. kalo pun gua balik gua juga ga bakal balik sama lo karna itu udah lama jadi bagus lah lo ga ngeharap apapun lagi dari gua.

That's good. Thank you for inform me that embracing my new love is the best decision since waiting for you leaving so much pain and vain.

Fellas · 1y

gua akan selalu buka platform ini since i know the link from one of ur friend told me. really? tell me about everything you want to tell me. anyway don't be mad with ur friend anymore, he's nice guy who approach me first and asking me for drop my things here.

I'm sorry I wont tell you here. If you want to know, feel free to knock my dm. And I'm not mad with him.

Fellas · 1y

its been long time isnt? look how happy u're with someone new. i know it's late but i still remember you and kinda miss you here. tadi nya gua mau balik tapi lo udah ada yang baru wkwk happy for you, evening dew

Fellas · 1y

i am blinded by this roler coaster ride that they called life.

Fellas · 1y

kak embun, i just saw your replies, sorry I can't knock on your roomchat. I do worried about you. hop e you are okay. it's ok to be sad but dont let the sorrowness get into you too long yaa. i love the happy kak mbun more. 🩷

Fellas · 1y

hello kakak embun! this probably the last song I am gonna bring you trough the retrospring! but this one isthe best one that really describe my feelings now! specially the lyrics "aku malu tapi mau!"

Hello, fella. Could you please come to my chat room? I need your words of affirmation. I lost my safest place and comfort zone. I need a shoulder to lay. I'm sorry for dumping my stress on you. But I find your words heal my worry. I'm sorry for my greediness.

Fellas · 1y

kak embun! aku adalah orang yang sama membawa lagu kemarin. aku bawa lagu lagu lain lagi, siapa tau juga suka!

Waahh 😳 eve sudah dengarkan. Tapi sedikit sedih ya 🤧 kasihan sekali seperti di PHP 😭 eve berharap kamu enggak di php sama orang yang kamu suka ya 😋

Anyway, eve juga sedang galau karena kemarin ada yang nembak eve, eve takut jadi php karena eve tidak kunjung memberi jawaban 🥺

Fellas · 1y

do you mind if i call you kak embun? hehe 😆

Brielle · 1y

hi, just stumbled upon your retro, mind shooting me a followback?

Fellas · 1y

kak embuun. aku mampir lagi, hari ini bawa lagu lucu. tapi tetep lucuan kak embun sih. 😆

Halooo!!! Eve sudah dengarkan lagunya! Eve suka❤️ terima kasih ya sudah menyarankan eve lagu yang bagusss 🥰 sudah masuk playlist eve! Semoga hari kamu menyenangkan yaa

Fellas · 1y

kak embun! gimana kabarnya???

Halo, fella! ❤️
Hari ini kabar eve baik sekali! 🤩 Sedikit capek, sih. Tapi eve puas! Rate hari ini adalah 9/10🥰
Kalau kamu bagaimana, fella?

Fellas · 1y

kak mbun! hehe. ada cerita menarik kah hari ini? aku mampir sebentar, hope you have a good day kakak! 🩷

Cerita menarik, ya? Eve enggak tahu ini menarik untuk didengar atau enggak. Eve kemarin training karyawan baru untuk jadi rekan kerja eve! Akhirnya eve enggak kerja sendirian lagi 😋

Silakan mampir lagi, ya, I hope you have a good day too!

Fellas · 1y

kak mbun! what is your fave animal?

Eve loves kitties and bunnies. Tapi eve juga punya ketertarikan sama burung hantu. Sooo cute!!

Fellas · 1y

have a good day kak embun!

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