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pretty visitor · 4mo

Halo! Maaf bertanya di balik anonimitas, namun apa boleh saya tahu kapan pertama kamu bertemu dengan Micah? Sebetulnya pacarmu itu sangat mirip dengan pacar saya, dan kami berpacaran sejak bulan Desember..

pretty visitor · 6mo

Hai, Kak Hengkara! Aku kembali lagi membawa life update. Sekarang udah betulan lagi baca Cosmos. Huft—akhirnya. Setelah habis dibabat buku buat belajar bahasa asing dan setiap hari selalu tergiur bacaan lain... It's a tough war. But, "why should we, tucked away in some forgotten corner of Cosmos, be so fortunate?"

Dan, aku sekarang juga sedang baca Shatter Me series hehehe. Btw I've moved on too. How about you? It's been a while, so—I got a little curious and I hope you had a pleasant day too

Selamat sudah menyelesaikan Cosmos. Oh, kamu lagi belajar bahasa asing? Bahasa apa? Kamu mau kabur dari rezim Mulyono ya??

Shatter Me series pernah dengar, tapi saya belum meraba-raba.

Hmm. Sepertinya saya juga udah move on, habis ketemu orang yang kayaknya memang jawaban dari doa-doa (cielah). Semangat juga untukmu semoga bahagia selalu.

pretty visitor · 6mo

Saya sudah lama ingin tanyakan ini pada kamu. Apa kamu sedang membuka hati untuk dekat secara romantis dengan orang "baru" atau barangkali sekedar mencari FWA? Jika iya kira-kira orang seperti apa yang jadi tipemu?

halo. saat ini kebetulan sedang tidak bisa dekat secara romantis, pun tidak sedang cari FWA. maaf sekali ya. tapi kalau berteman selalu terbuka lebar.

pretty visitor · 7mo

Habisnya keburu retrospring tutup nanti nggak beres-beres bacaannya.

I don't know either, lass/lad. Break ups always make you feel sucks, I don't think anything could help.

Tenang aja, kafein saya masih aman kok. Makasih ya. Kamu juga semangat.

pretty visitor · 7mo

Do you have any recs for thriller fic books? :]

pretty visitor · 8mo

Hello, Kak Hengkara! Ketemu lagi sama aku yang masih struggle nyelesein Cosmos tapi malah baca buku lain.

How's life?

Kalau sudah selesai Cosmos bisa pindah ke Pale Blue Dot yang jauh, jauh, jauh lebih ... how to say it? Kayak merasa dialem saat baca itu. Hai, lagi baca apa kamu?

Hmm, life gitu-gitu aja cuma sibuk kerja dan sebulan penuh agenda. Hbu?

pretty visitor · 9mo

What's your current read?

pretty visitor · 9mo

Hello, Kak Hengkara. It's me again. And I haven't finish Cosmos yet. Been so slump these days. Wanna check on you, how's your day going?

Hi. All I can do rn is keeping my sanity. Thanks for asking anyway. I might not be around in some period. Be healthy, always.

pretty visitor · 11mo

after "Cosmos" you shall read "Pale Blue Dot" it's way more comforting. and please do consider to read other Sagan's works. cukup membantu pas lagi kena krisis eksistensi.

my days are so so, unending works as usual. it's kinda boring for anyone to hear, ig. hbu?

hmmm until today I'm haunted by the way Gibran met Salma in her house hahaha it triggers more scene to write in my works so...

mhm, nevermind, and pardon me that I don't catch up immediately. yeah, you too. stay hydrated an be happy.

pretty visitor · 11mo

good thing! your're welcome. tbh, i don't read as much as i used to be, but i find Stephanie Graber's are quite fun, actually. and... i found new obsession about Kahlil Gibran recently.

oh... why do you even need a courge... idgi, i'm sorry. eventho anon message made me quite anxious, please contact me in the most convenient way.

pretty visitor · 11mo

Kak Hengkara, what is one book I need to read at least once in a lifetime?

Let me think... I don't wanna shove the ideas you won't like so here you are. if you're into fiction, try The Little Prince, you will have different POV and ideas and grasps it differently every time you re-read it. And if you're into non-fiction, try Cosmos by Carl Sagan, even tho he talks about universe, it will help you to see the universe in the most "human" way. I love it because it didn't give you any patronizing vibe, ig? and feel free to ask me directly about books. hope it will help.

pretty visitor · 1y

I admire your thoughts and wonder what was on your head during the day. They are indeed captivating.

My head is a terrible place, sender-nim. A place someone can't be there. My head during the broad daylight just focused on works, how to end my days ASAP, and mundane things. After all, thank you for admiring it.

pretty visitor · 1y

Mau berteman, tapi ada suatu alasan sepertinya yang buat kita enggak bisa saling mengenal. Dan entah kamu pun berkenan atau tidak.

pretty visitor · 2y

Hidup selalu kacau, dik. Kalau tahun lalu kamu merasa demikian, sekarang giliranku. Makasih udah mampir. Nggak banyak yang diceritakan tapi I deal with great loss(es) this year, nanti juga tau kenapa. Also, dipersilakan banget kalau mau sambung pertemanan lagi karena pintu selalu terbuka lebar.

pretty visitor · 2y

Let's just say I'm one of your fans, and Hengkara, I wish you warm hugs and a warm life. There days may will be long journey to finally smile while remembering someone you lost, and Hengkara saya berharap dalam perjalanan kamu nanti, kamu tidak sendirian dan selalu punya lengan buat beristirahat ya. Sekadar berbagi resah dan canda. Sehat-sehat selalu ya.

Thank you fans-nim. Will do, will live my life at best and fullest. :) Harapan beliau juga agar saya 'tidak sendirian' but, we'll see. Thank you once again for passing by and sorry that I don't have proper response about it.

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