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I might have free time to k̶m̶s̶ feed your curiosity


Little Stalker · 1mo

Kalau ngetik pake berapa jari?

Little Stalker · 1mo

Beneran gak punya pacar?

Little Stalker · 2mo

Hello. Apologies for the sudden message, but would you be open to being friends? I noticed you're really into Genshin lately, and since we're both fans of SKZ, I thought we might get along well.

Hello, don't apologize. I'm accepting any friendship offer. We surely will get along well because of the main interests hahaha. Nice to meet you, by the way.

Little Stalker · 3mo

WKWKWK, honestly speaking, sempet ada niat untuk completely disappeared. It was last month. Thank God, He saved me. Aduh, jadi seneng karena dikangenin [cengengesan]. Bener juga, Desember kan hujan terus, tapi kalau siangnya tetep panas di sini mah, lumayan deh buat jemur baju. Btw, lu keberatan ga karena kita bales-balesan pesan di sini? I was thinking of moving to the chatroom tapi karena dari semalem dah asik duluan di Retro, jadi bingung bawa conversationnya gimana hshshshs - B

Well, at least you're still here. May that thought of completely disappearing never come closer again, okay? Hahaha iya soalnya gak keliatan lama banget, tapi syukurlah lu sehat-sehat aja. I'm fine with talking here or chatroom, anyway. Mau di sini boleh, kalau mau ke chatroom, drop the latest meme(s) you save since my gallery is dry recently

Little Stalker · 3mo

Hwhwhw, kangen ga? Kangen dong~ ngarep

Yah, sebenarnya gua juga bingung sih kalau disuruh jabarin bagian 'lucu'nya lu tuh gimana. I guess I found the way you talked about Genshin is adorable (walaupun gua ga paham game-nya). Jadi, gua harap, akhir tahun ini will be kinder to you, and the new year will be brighter than ever. Amen. Mam jangan lupa, oke? 👍🏻 - B

Kangen ofc, udah lama banget gak nongol soalnya hahaha. I thought you completely disappeared already.

Wow, after I think about it, I mostly trash talking about Genshin? 😂 But thanks B, this honesty brings a smile to my face padahal lagi hujan ini. December has been treating me well so far, I hope the last moment of 2024 be a memorable one for you, too. Aman, mam gak pernah skip wkwkwk likewise!

Little Stalker · 3mo

You are still as cute as ever! Thank you for staying strong in this world, and bringing smile to others (me, hehehe) - B

Oh, it's you again. Long time no see, B. Idk which part you think as "cute" but as long as that trait brings you a smile after a long day, then I'll take it as compliment. Glad to see you again, I hope the end of this year bring you more reasons to smile, okay? Best wishes for you

𖹭 · 13 answers · 5mo

masih ada hidup ga yaaa? karna retro mau tutup, siapa mau mutualan di X?

Little Stalker · 6mo

You sounded unsure? Is everything okay, dear? I'm all ears if you want to share anything, y'know that right. Ofc I remember! How could I not? Hayden dari dulu selalu misuh-misuh kapan Yae Miko pulang wkwk. Kinda cute - B

Everything is so-so actually, I'd be lying if it's all going okay 100% hahaha. But the core of my rants is always about the govt, you certainly know it already. Fury yang satu ini gak ada tanda-tanda pulang soalnya, I'm holding grudges /memijit pelipis/

Little Stalker · 6mo

It has been, indeed. How are you? I hope you're doing well, pal. How's Yae Miko? - B

I've been doing well... Probably. Lmao still remember about my daily thirst for Yae Miko? She's nowhere to be found now, I'll let her hide for now

Little Stalker · 6mo

Knock! Knock! Knock! Hello, I wonder if Hayden's still here. I would like to talk to him, may I? ^^ - B

𖹭 · 21 answers · 7mo

kalo nanti retrospring ilang, gantinya pake apa dong?

𖹭 · 15 answers · 7mo

ke dufan yuk guys, lagi promo 150k aja lho :D

𖹭 · 15 answers · 8mo

tolong rekomendasiin ke aku merk sneakers lokal yang dipakenya empuk dan ga pegel kalo dipake jalan seharian dong 🥺

Aurich Heindelz · 36 answers · 10mo

Apakah ada yang mau followan/mutualan di X? Kindly drop your @ below!

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