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Astrid Silva
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A curious monkey · 1y

siapa sih muse dari karakter lo skrg?

RYOKO: Muse karakter yang aku mainkan sekarang tuh terinspirasi dari faceclaim-nya sendiri, Miyeon! Aku ambil beberapa sifat dari Miyeon dan coba aku bawa lewat Astrid. Oh iya, juga ada sedikit pengaruh dari Serena Van Der Woodsen di Gossip Girl, terutama bagaimana dia berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Tapi aku lebih fokus 'nyontek' yang positif ya, bukan yang problematic-nya, hehe.

Erion. · 1y

Mau fi buat aku dong. :3

Waktu pertama kali kenal kamu, aku merasa kamu adalah orang yang betul-betul paham cara beradaptasi dengan baik! Because you are friendly and fun, it doesn't seem to take long for people to like you. You have a lot of friends (A LOT), and it's a sign that indeed, you are someone who is kind and good at making people warm up to you.

Elena Leclair · 1y

Kenapa masih temenan sama aku!

Kenapa harus nanya, ya! I have no reasons to leave you. You truly are the kind of friend that everyone wishes they had. Bodoh kalau aku berhenti temenan sama kamu... Kamu selalu bersedia dengerin whatever nonsense or bullshit I say, and was there for me kalau aku lagi kalut dan butuh seseorang buat dengerin cerita aku. Ayayu, Len. < 3

A curious monkey · 1y

Jawaban yang sempurna, sekarang kamu dipersilahkan bikin agency ya

A curious monkey · 1y

Menurut kamu, pake layout squad di agency bisa berpotensi bikin member lain left out gak?

Menurutku, ada potensi seperti itu. Tapi semuanya kembali lagi ke konteks dan social dynamics di agensi itu sendiri. Kita harus pintar-pintar baca situasi. Imagine if we decided to have a squad layout in an agency where difficulty blending in is an issue? Yup, that would totally make things worse.

But hey, generally speaking, if it's all in good fun and we ask everyone beforehand, "Ada yang mau layoutan bareng aku?" etc., and it doesn't involve the same individuals repeatedly forming a highly noticeable inner circle, I think it's acceptable, as long as we don't overdo it!

Elena Leclair · 1y

Aku mau tambahin PR kamu. Thoughts on Elena, please!

Just thinking about you makes me feel like I'm reliving all the best times in my life. Even though we don't need to talk very often, whenever we do it's if we never stopped talking before. It's an honor to have you as a friend. You offer so much fun and joy, and your loving personality is simply heartwarming. You understand how to treat people with the love and respect they deserve, which is very admirable.
And one of the many reasons I adore you is that you've never tried to be someone you're not and have always been honest about who you are; people like you are hard to come by.

Udah belum, ya? Hehehe.

A curious monkey · 1y

Mau fi dan current opinion about Teddy dong?

Before we became friends, I saw you quite a bit and always took it as a sign that you were a friendly and outgoing person. No matter how long someone has known you, when they first meet you they feel like they've known you forever. And then we finally became friends and... Boom! I was right.

Monaviere. · 1y

Halo, cantik! Mau ikutan fi vs co Mona, dong. 😋

Mona! You're super friendly-to put it another way, you're as warm and welcoming as the sun itself. I haven't been around much so, we rarely talk. But whenever we do, you're always so pleasant and sweet. What a princess! < 3

A curious monkey · 1y

Ernest (dikra) then vs now?

One of the funniest guys I've met in Oruin! Dulu aku pikir kamu tuh tipe orang yang all jokes and would find it hard to be serious but now, I believe you are capable of positioning yourself in any situation. You joke around when there's time and space to do so, and you never cross the line when it's serious. You're also one of the most sensible people I know. It's great to keep brilliant minds close to me because they provide fantastic insights (like you.)

Oline · 1y

TETEH. Mau ikutan fi sama co untuk Olin boleee?

Olin, Olin, Oliiiin! Since the first moment I witnessed the way you interacted and spoke with others, I could tell that you are a genuinely kind-hearted one. 🥺 And turns out, I was right! Kamu orang yang sangaaat amat menyenangkan buat diajak ngobrol karena kamu selalu bisa 'mirror' energi orang yang lagi bicara sama kamu. Kamu juga lembut dan full of compassion. I'm glad I got to know you!

A curious monkey · 1y

Semoga seorang Astrid Silva tau kalau keberadaannya itu berharga buat orang-orang di sekitarnya! Kalau ada pikiran jelek yang lagi mampir, jangan terlalu larut yah... kamu keren! Istirahat yang cukup, minum yang cukup. Semoga kebahagiaan selalu menyertai kamu, amin. 😽💗

Semoga sender tahu kalau apa yang dikirimkan malam ini is life-saving. Thank you from the depths of my heart. I really needed this. I pray that all the good prayers you've offered for me will come true for you as well. 💗

Rosaire Soralaine · 1y

Emang boleh ya secantik ini?

Sssst, jangan keras-keras. The flowers are going to hear you; what if they get jealous? Kidding! Bisa aja deh, Sora. Likewise, luv. Likewise!🥺

A curious monkey · 1y

Color representative for zal?

Gray, perhaps? You're not one to speak your mind all the time, but that doesn't mean you're not thinking deeply about things. A critical thinker, but a really quiet one. Don't ask me why I associate those traits with the color gray, I just do.

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