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Adekk!! :]
Akhir-akhir ini aku lagi suma dengerin Cardigan, nih. Kalau Mici gimana?
Because we got some taste in jajanan, saran jajan yang paling lo suka.
Takoyaki kecap enak, tuh. Kalau yang manis-manis, gue lagi suka donat sama bambolini, creamy mango boba Mixue, popcorn caramel alfa/indomar, roti kukus/bakar, kue sus, sama salad buah. Kalau yang asin, gue sekarang suka tteokbokki, shihlin dan ayam goreng sejenis (yang dikasih bumbu / saus), takoyaki, corndog mozarella, telor gulung, odeng Lawson dan kawan-kawan, cimol, risol bihun, sama batagor. BANYAK BANGET YAAA. 😔 Kalo Rion lagi suka apa? Apa jangan-jangan udah gue sebutin juga? 😔
Lu masih saudaraan kandung sama Alex Turner atau udah beda pohon keluarga?
Weh, rahasia aja tapi gue adek kandung Alex Turner yang disembunyikan. 😌
Penting banget? Minimal makan sayur, sama jangan kebanyakan makan junk food. Soalnya dulu ngerasain bedanya keseringan makan junk food sama makan 4 sehat 5 sempurna dan berasa banget bedanya. Pokoknya nggak sehat!! Ngaruh ke kesehatan. Banget.
Selamat hari Kamis buat kamu yang manis. A weekly update please, how has this week treated you so far? Kalau ada yang jahat, nanti kita gebukin bareng-bareng ya! Kayi, it's soooo fun to be around you. I'm glad I met you and made a friend with you. I bet your other friends would also think the same, you are such a good friend, very much expected from a good person like you. Kayi, I hope you know that you are so deserving of being cherished for being you. Kamu anak baik, I hope anak kecil yang ini is allowed to say that ya, Kak Kayi. I hope happiness will always be in your path. But if there is a day, where you can't seem to put the frown off your face, Kayi selalu bisa bilang ke aku, or your other friends. I would do anything to make you feel the warmth of shared laughs and comfort again. It's okay if you ask for a helping hand from other person, Kayi. It's okay to not be okay, it's okay to dwell in that feeling for some time.
Selamat malam di hari Jumat ini, Anon. Maaf aku baru balas kamu karena dari kemarin aku digangguin terus sama seseorang. Kalau kamu tanya mingguku gimana, minggu ini seru?? Banget?? I spent two days strolling around the city and went to watch movies too, and something incredible happened today! Coba tebak siapa yang seharian ini senyum-senyum terus? Aku, aku. Nah, kalau weekly update kamu minggu ini gimana? Also, thank you so much buat kata-kata baik yang kamu tulis di sini. Kadang aku mikir, aku habis ngapain sampai deserve kata-kata lucu begini, kayak?? Makasih banyak buat kamu?? Bahkan buat retro-retro sebelumnya juga, I'm so thankful for all of it. Semoga kamu juga, Yaa? It really means a lot untuk aku yang lagi mendung terus dari kemarin. Pokoknya bahagia selalu dan happy weekend, Anon. Banyak minum air juga Yaaa, sama makan enak yang banyak. Sayang kamu. :]
Kamu lg suka sama siapa woooooii
Coba tebak. Bobot pertanyaan 1.500 points buat kamu.
Menurut kalian bubur diaduk atau gak diaduk itu penting gak 🙂
Menurut gue ini sama pentingnya kayak bikin playlist buat nemenin mandi sama milih jurusan di kampus. Gue tim nggak diaduk, ngomong-ngomong.
Pak ustadz, apa hukumnya kalau suka sama yang beda agama? 😅
Hard question. I'd rather not to answer it karena kita udah sama-sama tahu jawabannya, kan? 😅
Pak ustadz, izin bertanya, bagaimana mekanisme kerja senyawa antioksidan sebagai pelembab dan pencerah kulit? Mohon arahannya 🙏🏻
Hey, menurut pemikiran gue, Yaa. Lu punya senyawa antioksidan, lu bisa melembabkan dan mencerahkan kulit. Alias, taruh dulu hapenya, Yaaa.
Thoughts on Shaula Adeeva?
To think about one word that could describe you, it's definitely beautiful, both in terms of physical appearance and inner soul. I love you so much that I wish you could use my point of view for awhile to see how much I adore you and want nothing but the best for you. Kamu sangat radiate positive energy dan hangat—tapi sumpah kenapa kadang kamu ngeselin. Thank you for accompanying my ups and downs for the past three years. We haven't met yet, but I do really cherish you as my best friend. Ayo temenan terus selamanya, Deev!!
thoughts on claire?
Sejujurnya nih, Yaa, you’re the sweetest person I’ve met in Fearlude, especially after the kebab date that night. Dan enggak nyangka dari situ kita jadi deket terus sekarang malah BFF. Tapi sekarang Claire tiba-tiba kerasukan gorilla tantrum—tepatnya, bayi gorilla, soalnya kamu tetep lucu di mataku. Kamu koplak anjir, omongannya bikin ketawa terus. Tapi aku bangga karena akhirnya kamu menemukan jati diri kamu sesungguhnya. Pulang nak, jangan main RP terus. Hutan memanggil kamu.
Mau jadi anak kucing.
It's Thursday again, it's the middle of the week. How have you been going, Kay? I just want to drop a reminder that you don't have to do all the things in one sitting, you don't always have to do something. It's okay to take a break, it's okay to treat yourself nicely, it's okay that thing takes time differently between you and anyone else. You've always mentioned that you're so gateful that you're getting a lot of love and support from your loved ones. You are so deserving of it, I hope you are always feeling loved, always so full of love. Today, like any other day, I wish for happiness for you.
Hello, Dear! I do really appreciate the reminders you have written here when I am currently in a not-so-good condition. Thank you so much for your kindness, and I hope the same goes for you, Dear. Also, thank you for remembering a little note about me! I wrote it at the time because I always thought that in the midst of this harsh world, love always made it more resilient. But I just realised today that something more important is the love we give to ourselves. To feel loved from the outside and from the inside must be so beautiful. Thank you for always being a precious soul. I will take your reminder for myself, and I wish nothing but the best for your future endeavours! <3
Mind to tell me what’s your favorite movie? Your top #1!
It's actually hard to pick since I have a list of them (Alias banyak banget yang aku suka!!). But if I had to choose one favourite movie that I would never get bored watching repeatedly, it would definitely be Wall-E—yang udah banyak nemenin masa kecilku dulu!! :]
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