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I love Tartali!! <3 Freel free to send me prompts for tartali or ask me anything.
Awww now I can't stop thinking about clingy fox ajax who pouts when his xiansheng doesn't give him enough attention
AWW YES he is such a cute fox 💖 Xiansheng should give him lots and lots of headpats! 🥰
Do you think zhongli mother's so hard he acts motherly to slimes as well (and ch gets jealous of course, don't ignore your cute fox xiansheng!)
Surely, if there is no threat coming from them! 😊 Imagine him being surrounded by slimes and other creatures like birds and critters, who are drawn towards the Ex-Geo Archon, meanwhile Ch is already aiming his bow towards the slimes, because who doesn't need fresh Slime Condensate? "Wait- is.. xiansheng really giving these slimes a headpat...?!" He lowers his bow in disbelief. Zhongli you better give your fox a headpat too! 🤣
Are you okay with dead dove content?
Yeah! As long as it's tartali, I'm pretty much okay with most DD 👌
I'm gonna be risky here, like downright dirty
Childe and Zhongli
Holding hands
BEFORE marriage!
OH MY!! That's SO lewd- very inappropriate! I hope they are at least using protection when they are holding hands...😳
I love all your arts/comics/fics/live2d/animations/posts/events/zines, you are doing an amazing job in contributing to the Tartali fandom🥺THANK YOU VERY MUCH for being an amazing person, and I'm happy I got to know you Mel, please don't stop talkin about Cholde's big D!!!!!!!!!!
Huhuh YOU ARE SO SWEET T_T I have to thank you all too!! The tartali community is really amazing and I feel so very lucky I somehow ended up here ;-; Every time I host an event it's also so cool to see many ppl join!! I'm having so much fun interacting with everyone here and sharing my love for tartali. HAHA YES, PPL NEED TO PAY ME TO SHUT UP ABOUT CHOLDE'S BIG D!!🤣
It’s not a question but, I really love your work and enjoy following you! You always make my timeline so much better whenever I see a post :)
Aaaa thank you so much anon! I'm happy to know there are ppl out there who enjoy my works and whenever my demons tell me to feel bad abt my art/contributions- I think of all of you!! It gives me such a motivation boost!! I LOVE YOU ALL I WANNA hUG YOU 🥺💖
question. Do you have a patron?
Nope, I don't have one!
Zl finds out he's pregnant and struggles to find a way to tell he doesn't. When Childe arrives in liyue a couple years later he sees a certain consultant walking around with a ginger baby 🤔🤔
tartali - imagine this silly ginger thinking at first that kid belongs to someone else when whole liyue knows who the dad is or must be... 😭🤣 Ch: "wait--- what do you mean I made you pregnant?!😳 "
The funniest is people with ships with no canon interaction saying "yes but mine is better because it's a rarepair and we actually analyze lore" as if ttli/zc shippers don't? I have no problem with rarepairs. But of a rarepair seems "better" because if it's a small ship you can like your own headcanon, while for a bigger ship there's a greater chance of seeing fanon you might not like. But instead they should be mature and block what they don't like, instead of using the canon argument or the "i have a better understanding" argument.
Then they say its bad because of the porn and sex which just proves they have some baggage around sex. I don't agree with the puritan people but you can't even use any stupid fandom arguments for how people enjoying ttli having sex is a bad thing, Childe met Zhongli when he was already a grown man, they have no argument but "its overrated", which is an opinion, and not a good reason to be a bully.
"What if these two people would interact and kiss, that would be an interesting idea to play around with" - That's what shipping should be about no matter which ship and how popular it is or rare, shouldn't it? If you love your ship then contribute on "selling" your idea to others by making at least a thread on why you like to see these two together. You won't achieve that by being rude towards other shippers and just because a ship might be more popular while yours is rare doesn't give anyone the right to be rude towards them. Respect is a two-way street.
Mentioning how ttli has a lot of NSFW and saying we are all just horny here to see two tall men bang is silly. Yeah sure- with the amount of food it might appear we have a lot NSFW, but are we going to ignore the percentage that TONS is SFW? We could say this to every other ship, there is always quite an amount of NSFW, nothing can ever escape Rule 34! Ttli really isn't that special in this category. And still, if NSFW isn't for them, there really is enough SFW arts/fics to look at. And oh- these people gonna be very surprised how many NSFW artists/writers are analyzing the lore of the characters, before they draw/write about them. Just because a person likes to see ZL getting railed in ttli doesn't mean they don't know Ch's & ZL's lore and didn't do their homework.
Myself, I enjoy seeing them in love and the idea of them having sex just comes with their relationship, because why not? Childe is a young adult and Zhongli is enjoying his retirement, now living life like a mortal. It's just harmless fiction (and a challenge to draw). HCs might differ between ppl here and not everything might be your thing, but it's really not that difficult to skip the things you don't like and eat what you like. Just like ppl really don't need to come up with arguments why they don't like a ship; learn to ignore what isn't created for you, instead of being rude.
People mad but tartali won't go away because archon x harginger is fire, different cultural exchange is fire, so is oldest + youngest, there's perspectives that are opposite but can complement each other which is why the ship is so good. All the things people use to praise other ships like complementary color palettes or a web event tartali also has, its just Genshin fandom has a goldfish memory.
Goldfish memory seems to be the case and then we also have many new ppl joining the game, who will not even know about these past web events and these other time limited events. But yup, we will keep creating and spreading love for our ship, if they like it or not, because WE love ttli and why should we care that other ppl don't? There are so many reasons why I adore this ship and it stands out for me and why it is loved by many others too. Reason why we have so many arts, comics, fics, events and more even after 3 years.
And yes, you would be naive to deny that the earlier ship influenced the newer ships, because hoyo isn't blind and knows what sells well, hence you are seeing some similarities between them. How did this became some kind of competition between the ships though, when you can just enjoy multiple ships and eat more food? And if you don't like a ship, then don't interact with their stuff, learn to mute/block. Nobody is forcing you to ship them, ship what makes YOU happy and respect each other.😔
No but Genshin fandom is making me feel crazy because why are you pretending Zhongli and Childe didn't interact because they did. They literally did. They had just as much as current ships in Fontaine now where people are saying so and so is canon, do people need something shoved in their face for them to admit it's canon?
I'm going to be mean because these people are being mean, half of them ship something like Childe and Diluc, when they've never even met, and then dragging Zhongchili for something that's not even true when their ships fit that description. I don't care, ship what you want, but stop using the "there's no canon" excuse. Zhongli and Childe DID have canon interactions.
And I'm sorry but people using the new Sumeru ship to put down other m/m ships like its a contest need to stop, if you can't enjoy your ship without needing to put another ship down for no reason then you're immature.
Yeah... these ppl need to take a look into the mirror.😔 There is really no use to discuss with these kind of ppl that only seem to love spread hate in hope for us to stop loving what we love. "Live and let live" is important to create a nice environment and they aren't helping at all here. Wouldn't it be better to use your energy to create more fanworks for your ship and spread love instead of spreading hate towards what you don't like? Is being united to hate on something together, what makes your ship better? It all keeps boiling down to: you only hate it because it is popular. Nobody would care to attack us if it wasn't. The many times I had to read that we only ship them because it's two tall men. Just leave us alone then, why is it so difficult? Isn't it funny when even "neutral non-shipper" lore enthusiasts talk about them being friends and having canon interactions, while the group of ppl who obviously hate the ship, are denying it?
It's very strange to me, because when I first started GI with 2.0 (I already was aware they were kind of a popular ship & I started because Raiden Shogun is my waifu voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro in JP) and then when I got to meet these two, I immediately understood why ppl ship them together. Their dynamic, them being harbinger and an archon--- there are so many things that made me fall in love with these two, but I can also understand when it's not someone's cup of tea. I would still respect the character's relationship even if I didn't end up shipping them just like I do with many other characters and their relationships. But hmmm, guess it's no surprise knowing how majority of the fandom lacks reading comprehension. Where everything was heavy implied in the older patches, in the new writing style everything is just presented directly to the reader. And then we have the many times paimon repeats something in AQ again which was already in many cases obvious to make absolutely sure we understood things correctly.
Now going back to older updates... how can anyone read 1.1, trying to understand Childe and Zhongli's character and come to the conclusion they didn't interact? It shows that we do not share the same base for a discussion. We had a bunch of crumbs in dialogue, Ch revealing "secrets" about ZL, other fatui members saying that ZL is a close person to Ch, the Fatui working together with WFP... all which showed us that they must be close friends. THEY EVEN HAVE VOICE LINES ABOUT EACH OTHER! But apparently for many ppl this isn't canon, because the game does not straight up spoonfed you and now with the change of writing makes me wonder if ppl are trying to invalid their relationship even harder. I do wonder.... Has too much time passed since 1.1 that people just forgot all these scenes and lines of dialogue? Or did many ppl just skip the story, because they had no interest in it?
I don't understand this idea that you have ships for being "old" or even that three years is "old" WHAT. These people wouldn't understand ships that function for years. Drarry is still a huge popular HP ship and in canon they don't interact that much or even get a homoerotic rivalry but fans still like the potential and have fun despite the books being almost twenty years old. I think once it stops being popular to hate zcz (bc of the new popular mlm ship bc people have to treat it as a contest), just wait, you'll start seeing posts being nostalgic for zcz again as people remember their first genshin yaoi.
Really though... it's been 3 years! And here I thought these ppl's attention already shifted to new ships and we can just continue ship in peace, but apparently it's still a cool thing for these ppl to intrude our space, shit on tartali and be rude towards their shippers just because it still managed to stay popular. (Well no surprise here, because it's a damn good ship!? However no one is forcing you to like it and afterall everyone has different taste) I'm really wondering if it's because gshn in general has a quite young playerbase and many ppl being new to shipping. Many ppl seem to not even understand that you can even enjoy more than one ship. Personally there are many ships I enjoy (and I'm lowkey sad, when shippers from that ship are shitting on my fav ship), but childe x zhongli is that one pairing that makes me never run out of ideas to create more art/fics and I enjoy interacting with the community a lot. And that is what shipping is about isn't it? Having fun with your play dolls!
And yeah 3 years is not "old" at all... is it because GI gets a new region every year with new characters?! You really don't have to jump a ship completely with every new big region update, turning your back towards the ships you used to love, just because of new characters get introduced and the whole thing about ppl seeing it as competition, hoping to see the new ship "to beat ttli" in popularity (I saw this with inazuma for first time when I just started GI and was new to ttli, realized with sumeru this just keeps repeating itself every big patch and new (especially mlm) ships being introduced). Also the thing with ppl comparing which ship is more "canon" than ttli due to having more ingame interactions is quite strange to me... 😔 Look, ttli didn't have interactions since 1.1 and is still is so very loved by many, because to be honest, we got a great basis for an awesome ship in just one single patch which kept us going for all these years and that is most important. THERE IS JUST SO MUCH POTENTIAL HERE! Really though, just ship what makes you happy and no! Comparing and bringing ttli down, doesn't make your ship look any better.
And after all... every shipper is delulu, wanting to see our fictional ppl kiss and hold hands, but this is exactly what keeps us going and keeping a fandom alive many years after a story/series is already finished, creating more wonderful stories for them. 🤗 I am absolutely sure I will still continue shipping tartali even if GI story is done, that's just how perfect they are to me and how much I love them.
For a kinktober prompt... what about ttl in cosplay?
I was looking at some kinky outfits the other day from bg3 and think I think tartali would look great in them, I can draw for the prompt! Thank you anon for bringing the idea up 👀💖
Childe's ass is really flat?
It wouldn't be him, if it wasn't flat BUT THAT IS SO CUTE?! I LOVE HIM THE WAY HE IS UWU
What is one thing you would like to become better at?
Well, I want to become better at art, but thanks to my hyperfixation on tartali I'm improving greatly!!☺
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