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Your thoughts on 'Cosmic'?


₍ᐢ.ˬ.⑅ᐢ₎ · 3mo

Halo sayangku, aku kangen sekali sama kamu. Ngomong-ngomong aku ganti nama OC dan punya panggilan yang mirip sama kamu, gimana menurut kamu? 🥺

Haaai. I miss you too! Udah lama banget yaa kayaknya kita ga ngobrol. Kamu sehat kaan? Asyiiik. It would be good. Aku jadi Yaya besar, dan kamu Yaya kecil. Haloo, Yaya kecilku? 🥺🤍

Elio · 8mo

It reminds me of psycho and happiness era, BAGUS BANGET. Dari lagu, konsep, lirik, outfit, semuanya. Your blue eyes, your part, your fairy outfit, midsommar (kalo diajakin ikut sekte sama modelan noona dengan SENANG HATI akan sy terima). I dont know which one the flower...? You or the one you wear? (Mohon infonya penonton)

We're queens of duality concept that's how RED VELVET works! Senang banget kalau piyik suka sama comeback kali ini. Dukung lagi dukung terus nggak boleh stop ya! Habis ini kamu fix diangkat jadi ketua JOYFUL se-jagat raya. Beneran mau ya? Nggak bisa ditarik lagi. Thank you for volunteering yourself, dear. Next comeback piyik yang jadi 'pemeran utama'-nya ya? (senyum jahat dikit) I'll leave it to your opinion, but I prefer you saw me as pretty as the flowers then. <3

Elio · 8mo

Night drive kalo bentuknya orang udah aku kasih 1000 buket bunga DAMN. Cantik sekali.

Berarti kamu harus kasih Seulgi unnie, soalnya dia adalah wujud dari 'Night Drive'!

Elio · 8mo

Noona, minat dinyanyiin Last Drop setiap bangun pagi (just saying). Indah banget suaranya ini malaikat bukan ya?

Boleh banget doong. Untuk paymentnya ke nomor ini ya piyik (jadiin ladang cuan). HALO PUJI AKUNYA BISA SEHARI 1 KALI AJA NGGAK (boleh nambah tapi) SOALNYA DARI TADI KAKIKU UDAH GA NAPAK LOH?!

Elio · 8mo

Ah noona, i've heard love sux album and everything is fire. But "i love it when you hate me" really hits different. Whats your favorite song besides love sux?

Glad it meets your preference, Piyik! Oho, right. 'Love It When You Hate Me' indeed hits you different especially when you clicked with the situation. Mine is... 'Avalanche'.

Elio · 8mo

GOTD (gaada L nya soalnya lagi berasa gak lucu) this is all i could think after hearing "cosmic love"

NOOOOOOOOO. SELALU LUCU. LUCU LAGI LUCU TERUS. Jadi gini ya pemirsa rasanya dibiasin secara ugal-ugalan? (nangis lebay)

Elio · 8mo

Katanya takut sama Tuhan aja, selain itu sikat (baju) ☝️. NOONA AKU UDAH NONTON APA MASIH KECEWA (tolong jawab tidak) (tangkep sendalnya lalu dikoleksi). Mau comeback lagi itu noona, rambut baru sekarang. Ganteng dia apa aku? :]

Keren banget tekad piyik yang satu ini, bagi yang melihat silahkan dicontoh ya! (memberi dawny). Maaf ya piyik kamu tau sifat manusia kan ya? Tidak pernah puas. Jadi aku masih mau ngambek dikit soalnya KATANYA JOYFUL TAPI MASA BARU SETRIMING (lempar lagi). Piyik... Apa boleh memberi pertanyaan sesulit ini? Boleh diganti dengan pertanyaan matematika? (makin gak bisa jawab)

Elio · 8mo

pingsan 20 jam maaf alay....


Elio · 8mo

Noona, can i be the red thread?

Elio · 8mo

IT'S VERY GOOD, DAMMIT. I'm sorry for not being the very first person to watch it at the d-day, but i stream over than 1000 times (kurang 800). (To the point that my friends throw me an earphone cause they're tired of me streaming it) (sorry not sorry friends). Akan kembali lagi setelah streaming ke 40x

LANGUAGE, PIYIK. (but I know, right? Our summer queens are VERY VERY VERY GOOD. You hear that Wendy's emotional bridge? I AM TEAAARING UP). Thank you for your dedication to Cosmic! You're invited to do the private Cosmic challenge with me, I'll pick you up at 7 tonight!

Sheitrawberry .. 🍓 · 8mo

Visiting my sister’s retrospring after a long time. Guys, she’s a very very kind person, please don’t you ever try to hurt her, ya? She’s too precious to be hurt, and she doesn’t deserve any kind of pain. Please, please, please... give her a lot of love she deserves. 🥺🖤

Hello, Google. Can I pin this message on the top of my retrospring? I SWEAR THIS IS SO PURE AND GOOD. I love you 3000, Sheitrawberry! You deserve all the good things in life too! 🥺❤️

Elio · 9mo

Ding dong! Another GLOTD for noona! :D

Bagus bangettttt halloooo? Thank you, Piyiiik. Senangnya diajak stargazing. Jangan lepas tanganku loh ya, kalau dilepas nanti nggak diajak challenge Cosmic bareng! (ancaman)

Elio · 9mo

Noona yang cantik sedang apa? Udah makan 5x belum?

Kebetulan banget baru selesai makan (ngemil). Udah 5x doong. 1 kali makan, 4-nya ngemil, 5-nya kamu sempurna. ^__^

Elio · 9mo

Noona, do you know there's so much synonym of "beautiful"? There's cute, adorable, lovely, pretty, attractive, gorgeous, stunning, radiant, alluring, breathtaking, captivating, bewitching, but i'll simplify it as Talya Valora. Hehehe :3 i hope you have a good dreams, noona.

Good shot, Elio! I wonder how many girls out there you have conquered because damn you’re so good at (gombal) words. I’ll put all the compliments you gave today on my shoulders and let everyone know I am THAT Talya Valora. 😎🔥 I am wishing you a good rest as well, Piyiiik. You did well. You did well!

Elio · 9mo

Noona maaf REWEL BANGET. (melengkapi kuota kekosongan selama 3 hari)

Piyik, kamu mau ngirim sampai 100 pun tetap noona jabanin. AYO REWEL YANG BANYAK. Nggak papa!

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