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911, what's your question?


Agent · 2y

BOOO! hello ka tamtam, how's life? waccu doing? udah jarang aktif twitter ㅠㅠ kangen interaksi di tl 🤼

Hello, there! Life has been like a roller coaster lately, but gladly, I'm still survived here. Thank you for checking up on me. How's your life lately? I hope life treats you well. Anyway, I'm up for any conversation both on timeline or direct message, just hit me up. 👋🏻

Agent · 2y

No prob kak, okay nanti aku review kalo udah selesai nontonn. Aku masih di episode 2 season 1 soalnya T____T oh yaaaa, I had a lot of fun time yesterday. I went to my university in the morning and then turning around malang with my friend. OH, aku juga ngajak mama sama papa kulineran disana hihi. I ate mie hainan and nasi lemak which is taste SOOOO DELISH. Kakak harus coba kalo ke malang!!! 😆 How about you kak? Nggak baking/kulineran lagi kah? :p

Take your time, pelan-pelan aja nontonnya soalnya nanti kalau udah selesai malah bingung mau nonton apa lagi. Sounds fun! Seru banget jalan-jalan di Malang, aku juga mau. Okay noted, kalau berkunjung kesana aku cobain makanan rekomendasi kamu. Hari ini biasa aja, soalnya cuma di rumah aja. Kulineran belum ada sih, kalau baking aku ada plan mau buat cookies tapi masih nyari recipe dan ngumpulin niat dulu hehe. Kamu ada plan baking lagi enggak? ✌🏻

Agent · 2y

makan nasi kak..

Halo! Ini udah makan nasi kok. Thank you for paying attention to this little thing ya. Don't forget your dinner too, there! 😬

Agent · 2y

Good boyy, sweet dream later kak! Thank you for keep answering my menfess here. And thank you for existing, precious soul! ✨

It makes me happy to read and reply to your adorable messages, I should've be the one who said thank you. How was your day, anyway? Is there something fun that happened today?

Agent · 2y

Oh really? Kakak nonton jugaa? Ooh, wishing you a tons of luck. Tapi kalo nggak menang, it's okaay, at least you tried your best and you already did a great job! I'm so proud of you. Btw, have you eaten? kalo belom, go go mam yang enak kak. Have a wonderful wednesday, Kak Tamie!

Iyaa, it's one of my comfort k-drama. Nanti review dong kalau udah selesai nonton, mau tau menurut kamu gimana. Thank you, yaa! Your sweet words means a lot. Maaf baru sempat bales yang ini. 😬

Agent · 2y

Glad to hear that. Same here, I'm not doing any productive activities. Just laying on my bed and get out from my bed only when I'm hungry. Oh, today i spend my time to watch kdrama too! I watch hospital playlist because everyone keep saying that the drama was worth to watch, so I watch it too, hehe. By the way, are you joining a competition? (Maaf tadi aku ngecek akun kakak)

Hospital playlist is a good choice! It was a memorable k-drama for me and surely worth to watch. Yes, I'm currently participating in a competition, but I have a little hope for winning since I'm not confident enough. 😬

Agent · 2y

Kakak! How's your tuesday? Is there something makes you happy today? Or maybe today was a tiring day for you? But, however, you really did well today so don't forget to smile okay!1!1! You must be look so gorgeous when you smile. Be happy kak.

Hello, it was actually pretty good. Even though I spend my time without doing any productive activities, but I enjoyed it. How was yours? Please share it with me, I'd love to hear that. You too, please always be happy!

𓇼⃝ ∗ · 5 answers · 2y

if you could only be in one (1) situation, would you rather be falling in love or being loved?

Agent · 2y

Udah minta maaf ke orang-orang yang lu sakitin belum? Bahagia bgt kayaknya di cyber yang baru 😂

I usually don't care about hatred, but my DM request is open if you want to educate me.

Agent · 2y

IT'S FINEEE, no need to say sorry. Not well enough but it's okay, I just need some rest kok! How about you? Jaga kesehatan ya kak, makan yang cukup, stay hydrated juga. I'll knock your DM later kalo aku udah reactivate lagiii oke oke? Btw, hihi Jiwoong look so attractive yesterday at KCON. He always reminds me of you :D

Take your time and have enough rest then; don't overwork yourself. You too should eat well and drink plenty of water! Oke, don't hesitate to hit me up whenever you want to talk. See you!

P.S. He is indeed attractive, the stan attractor.

Agent · 2y

No... this is not star or even kitten, it's me. A girl who loves baking so much. Hehe. Well, I'm a bit scared to reach you again because... I don't have any topics and I'm scared I'll fall more deeply if I still keep in touch with you Run '-'

Oh, hi! Sorry I didn't recognize you before. How are you? Just knock my direct message if you want to talk to me again. Don't worry, I'm up for any topics and we can talk about everything.

Agent · 2y

Hi, kak. How was your weekend went? I hope it went well. To be honest I miss you a lot and I really want to text you again but I'm scared. Not because of you're intimidating, but I'm just scared hehe.

Hello, is this Star? I had a pretty good weekend, spending my time taking a rest at home. Mind to tell me what's the thing that makes you scared? I'm not sure how to respond to this message since I'm clueless.

Agent · 2y

Upon your statement, may I know if we are following each other on Spotify? So I can figure out about that playlist.

Anyway, good to hear that. Please make sure to eat well, drink plenty of water, and treat yourself something since you deserve it after all your hard work. I guess I'll eat noodles for today's dinner; how about yours?

Anaheim? You've got a good music taste. But I wonder how I can solve your clue with this song.

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