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The land of eternal frost.
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Let me know what's on your mind.


The Curious Whale · 4mo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

The Curious Whale · 5mo

Kangen kamu, kamu kemana aja? Baik-baik aja kan?

There were a lot of things that happened last month. Untuk sekarang, sudah lumayan baik-baik saja. Semoga kamu disana juga baik-baik saja ya.

The Curious Whale · 5mo

Kangen kamu

The Curious Whale · 6mo

Halo Sen. Apa kabar Sen? Kemana aja nih kamu? Ku kangen kamu seliweran di Tlku.

Sudah lewat 29 hari ya ternyata. Halo, Sen-nya sudah kembali. Semoga kabarnya baik ya. Lebih baik dari bulan yang lalu.

Ann. · 5mo

Bosen, jadi mau gangguin aja sih, kangen gak?

Ann. · 5 answers · 6mo

Any movie or series recommendation?

The Curious Whale · 5mo

knp km tu pleek pleek trs pilek kah

The Curious Whale · 7mo

Just so you know, that I never regret knowing you, Sen. You were a good person. Aku yang bermasalah. Makasih udah mau berteman dengan aku. Maybe in another universe, I will be able to hug you again. Take care always.

Nanav · 7mo

Kak Sen ayo kasih rekomendasi film yang seru!

Kamu bertanya ke orang yang salah HAHAHA. Tetapi baiklah daripada kamu kembali dengan tangan kosong, beberapa film yang kakak Sen enjoy:
1. Bridge to Terabithia
2. The Spiderwick Chronicles
3. Arthur and the Invisibles
5. The School for Good and Evil

5 dulu ya, Nanav.

The Curious Whale · 7mo

Aku berdoa malam ini supaya kamu bisa tidur lelap, ya? And no more restless nights. Safe and sound. Rest easy, Senyie.

How sweet of you, little whale. I wish you the same, semoga tidurnya nyenyak dan segala hal buruk yang terjadi malam ini ikut perlahan menghilang seiring kamu tidur. May your dream be as sweet as you, little whale.

The Curious Whale · 7mo

can i randomly dm u and randomly tells my tmi (like almost everyday)? cuz i don't have someone to talk to, and i think it's fun to talk to u😔

Feel free to share your TMI with me, even everyday. But I would like to apologize in advance if there's any delay in my responses. I'm a slow texter which is annoying for some. Well anyway, jangan sungkan ya?

Dal · 17 answers · 7mo

Do you usually eat snacks when watching a movie? Is it spicy or sweet food?

Engga juga, kalau memang sedang ingin sambil makan, ya makan. Bukan suatu keharusan.

The Curious Whale · 7mo

Guess what? We already be friend:] (not in retro tho) Kinda miss you around. Jadi ngobrolnya lewat sini saja aku tidak tau harus menghampiri kemana lagi? Kalau childe dan blade nya ada luka-luka aku yang akan menghampiri kalian!

Ah, I also miss exchanging conversations with my mutuals too. But no worries, I'll be back soon. Kalau mau, kita bisa tukeran telegram. Just send me your id. Saya rasa, saya tau ini siapa.

The Curious Whale · 7mo

Unfortunately this little whale is sick.. but no worries, aku kuat, sebentar lagi akan sembuh! Ayo beri kata-kata lucu pasti penyakitnya langsung kabur ciut lihat kamu!

That's right, that's a good mindset you got there. You'll get through this. You might be little, but you're still a whale—you're strong! And to make you even stronger, don't ever think about skipping your food and medicine, okay? You need to take good care of yourself, little whale, so you can recover quickly. Get well soon. [patpats]

If you think this isn't cute enough, just look in the mirror—you'll see a cutie.

The Curious Whale · 7mo

Senang jika kemarin ada orang baik menghampiri, jadi kamu gak perlu repot memikirkan makan apa. Hari ini makan jangan lupa, sebisa mungkin pikirkan kesehatan kamu supaya tidak jatuh sakit ya? Sehat-sehat, manis.

Thank you for your thoughtful reminder. Jangan lupa makan siang ya hari ini, I don't want you to get sick. Juga minumnya, stay hydrated! Take a good care of yourself yeah, little whale? And have a great day.

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