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is yaoi good oomf?
And the Lord gazed upon his creations and saw that it was good
do you ever get to a point where you just…genuinely don’t understand why ppl are against noncon? there’s some discourse going on today that I unfortunately saw about yuri stuff. It started out with critiquing the argument about noncon being okay for yuri and yaoi but not for het, and that there was little difference—which I agree with (noncon all the way), and then segued into this weird argument that they were weird for liking it and that ‘normal people’ who are against rape irl would think that they’re weird, implying that someone with a fantasy is somehow not against IRL rape. it feels weird, as someone who’s written a few noncon fics in my day, that some people can’t swallow the fact that noncon is one of the most popular ‘extreme’ fetishes out there, and will go through hoops to harass people who simply make content based off of it and moralize against it…and it feels like this pushback is growing, or perhaps just becoming more visible. it’s almost like they can’t separate their personal disgust from reality? anywayz sorry for venting just something I noticed + slightly disturbed me as a yuri reipu author
I used to be one of Those People years ago so I understand the emotions and mindset, I just obviously disagree with it and find the conclusions and implications of that mindset flawed and undesirable.
It sucks that it's just harder to idk, be separate from "Normie" spaces in the internet these days, it's too easy for art out of context to get picked up and noticed by tons of people who will then go on to spread it for the sake of announcing their Disgust, which is not conducive to art. I think disgust and being grossed out by things is fine, it's just not necessarily going to be logical or moral.
The reasoning that's hard to get past is the "But How Will This Affect your SOUL" in a Christian Corruption way. The argument is usually about "society as a whole" but if u look carefully at the way a lot of people tend to word their talk about such things, it's clear that there's a fear of people's Souls being damaged ("porn addicted/rotted" and such language), and that inherent damage affecting their decisions and actions irl.
The implication is that if Everyone Could Be Disciplined about your Icky Fetishes and Tastes and walks back onto the straight and narrow, or, if you can't fix yourself, at least Feel Appropriately Ashamed, we can correct the deeply engrained inequality and misogyny of the world we live in. Which as I and others have talked about many a time, is putting the cart very much before the horse and is ignorant of how humans and media actually function lol. Also like u say noncon is VERY common of a fantasy lol, even in more "mild" kinks the implication is there in the background, even if softened. I think some of the kinky artists/people who enjoy idk the aesthetic or use of handcuffs/bondage, restraints etc or art where it looks like one person is intimidating the other sexily but who are """uncomfy""" with an Obviously Pretend rape fetish that actually uses the word is like.... Bro the language is just a hop and a skip away XD (not to mention the radfem posters who will see anything that has the "aesthetic" of violence and be like "well this is CLEARLY Rape in Real Life!!" It's all the same to that conservative surface mind)
For ex the people who enjoy Yuri/yaoi/femdom noncon but not m/f maledom or vice versa that's fine and there's a LOT of reasons why those preferences would exist. The point is in fiction sphere it's all fake, it's Artifice that we take from real life and then transform into works and Fun but that doesn't mean we won't have various individual different Relationships to it.
do u have any tips for getting better at art/writing/etc? specifically getting stuff down on paper? i feel like ive got enough skills but my ideas just refuse to be put down on a page my brain just refuses...and then when i do make smthin nice i dont know how to post it for an audience..? like if its writing do i just put it on AO3 original works and hope for the best and that someone finds it amidst the sea of new content..?
Unfortunately the annoying thing is there really isn't a way around the two Big Actions of well, Making stuff (whether it ends up Good or not is irrelevant) and Posting it/sharing it. Which is all Easier Said than Done but here are my thoughts on it.
As long as ideas are in your head, they don't actually exist as works, stories or art, but more the idea of an art existing unspecifically. When you write or draw something down, it's frustrating because you're forcing yourself to make a Decision. Ideas must be translated into words, or lines/pigment on paper. This stage, of working with the Tangible, is where a lot of frustration but also improvement happens, because then you actually have something to work with, respond to, etc.
My tip for art is that if you're stuck, do STUDIES, copies, from life, reference photos, or fave artists. Get used to the physical motion and action of making things, and the feel of your materials. This will break down "resistance" to starting or knowing where to start because your instructions are are already in front of you. It doesn't need to be pretty or perfect, but the important part is moving out of the Thinking/imagination only stage to the Tangible stage.
While drawing for me is very intuitive, writing is a real struggle XD but I've slowly sort of been getting better at doing more this past year. I write on my phone, in my docs/Google note, in designated notebooks. I end up scrapping a lot of stuff but it's good to have on hand so you can look back if you need to. I think there are also ways of doing "studies" with writing you like, copying, transcribing, reading and taking note of writers you like and how they do things. I'm still working on this too so we're both in it together.
Sharing work:
It's a dual process of reminding yourself that you should be creating For Yourself and your pleasure and not just a fickle audience; however, art IS communication and you do need to do some presentation if u want people to know what you're about. AO3 original stuff is good, if you write anything with specific tropes or kinks it's good to tag so people who like the things you write about can find them. I think it's easier for porn bc of how Direct it is, maybe less so for more narrative stuff. If you work in a specific genre–fantasy, sci-fi, mystery romance etc–or even not fiction-specific, but if about a niche topic that pertains to your work--see if you can find communities that specialize in that genre and post there. But that's the next step of the process of "Make Things" , it's "Describe what you made," be able to talk about your work so you can connect with people. It's all complex and easier said than done but hope this is a bit helpful.
I’ve been thinking about the hierarchy of desire that you mentioned, that there’s a difference in what gets treated as real desirous facts vs crazy fantasy—and I think it applies to some things consumed by mostly women as well, but moreso around the popular culture surrounding dark romance? on one hand the contents of those novels don’t bother me at all, but it’s kind of jarring to me to see tiktoks of girls fawning over dark romance protagonists as if they’d really like to be subject to something like that, even outside of a fantasy—I feel like there’s at least a sizeable overlap between the readership of those novels and true crime community/serial killer fans who actually wanna go after guys like that? I’ve met plenty of normal dark romance fans tho. I don’t express this opinion publicly tho bc I don’t wanna get grouped in with ppl who think noncon fanfic is contributing to real world assault. I’ve just been feeling like a hypocrite because I apply it to while not . But thank you for introducing me to that idea, I’ve been able to apply it to a lot of stuff I’d previously been confused about.
Idk maybe I regularly trawl some rancid (positive) tags on sites regarding what some might regard as Crazy Woman Fantasies but I just don't find this concerning at all. Do I think some tiktokkers are cringe in how they express their horniness for SephirothKyloRenKnockoff #18384949 choking them into submission? Yeah, lol, I don't find it always tasteful, but I regard a lot of Public posting as honestly performances of drama and presentation and attention rather than necessarily a truthful representation of someone's desires. (Also, if you see how men, esp Normie men respond to these kinds of posts are usually with disdain and mockery and complaining about why women pick their VampireWerewolfMafiaBoss #399449 over them. So while there is often a lot of cringe heterosexuality (what is normative and assumed often) it definitely is not, I don't think, something people treat as "real" in the same way that say, many men's fantasies are sublimated so deeply into the societal consciousness as to just be taken for granted.
As for True Crime and Serial Killer fandom...those are honestly completely separate phenomena I think, because those feed into a very different desire. True Crime especially often has the complete OPPOSITE tendencies than DarkMance lovers in that it spurs ppl on to become more vigilant/paranoid/individualistic in "protecting" ones self from Crimes while voyeuristically digging into crime details, and the Serial Killer "fandom" thing is, if u look more into it, less Abt girlies wanting a Serial Killer Bf IRL than getting obsessed with specific existing figures and the details of their lives, or doin weird RPF about them. Are these actions APPROPRIATE??? I would argue there's a lot of stuff in Bad Taste, but in that sense the poor taste behaviors have to do with crossing boundaries (in the true crime/serial killer sense, the boundaries of IRL victims/people's privacy and information, and spreading/publicizing it.)
All of that is massively different in scale than fictional fantasizing which is a reflection of someone's self-expression of desires, which yes can be cringe and overwrought but is, honestly such a complete non-issue im surprised it's causing you this worry. Can there be overlap with corny people online and people genuinely doing invasive behaviors? Sure, but unless you have proof of their specific bad actions and bad opinions towards others, there's no way to know.
And it's best in the long run, frankly, for ur own peace of mind and others, to mind your own business.
do you prefer rpf to fictional cartoony designs? it seems like you draw a lot of real people and i wondered if it was just because it fit your style better
it’s funny because I think my style is very cartoony, i love cartoons and flat stylization sooo much! I actually struggle really hard with drawing irl people likenesses, it takes a lot of work for me (i’m trying to get better but it’s cursed…i have so many ugly sketches….) But yes currently I am more interested in (historical) RPF. i just think especially historical people stories are so deeply interesting, more so than a lot of fictional stories since the “lore” and “worldbuilding” is kind of infinite. many of people’s favorite fictional stories are built upon the tropes and stories that came from real people’s personalities established by their culture and contexts.
However i usually interpret that “realness” visually through a very cartoony lens, since I think cartoons are the peak of personal expression. (for example, when i draw shota stuff i feel like i draw them in a kind of “unreal” cartoonish way, that feels more like Concept idealized creature cuteness to me, when i draw the occasional Sexy Woman or bishonen I feel i’m referencing more the “idea” of sexiness than an irl woman) . because i’m interested/hyperfocused etc on Medieval People, its doubly interesting bc we have no idea how these people looked and acted aside from verbal description and stylized cartoony depictions, and thus my depictions kind of by necessity need to be Made Up. It’s different ofc for ppl who RPF people who lived during the age of the photograph….
i do want to improve my realistic likeness drawing so I can be more flexible and also make BETTER cartoons, but yeah XD It’s an interesting artistic relationship for sure
that realization about zygotes and such is what did it for me. unfortunately, as a teen i was a huge prolifer and went to the march for life about 4 times bc it was a church activity (truly i could write a whole piece about why the prolife movement today would be nothing without the catholic school system boosting march for life numbers artificially by allowing teens to take two days off school + free tours of DC monuments and access to smithsonian museums during the duration of this really felt more like a field trip interspersed with getting bombarded by aborted fetus gore!) but i was like on my way doubting myself out of the faith when i realized this train of thought and i was like OH....that is BULLSHIT... #abortion4all
Lmao when I was a teen I volunteered at one of those Christian crisis pregnancy centers, and even tho they were pro-life it was really eye opening to see how much resources it took to care for pregnant people, and how callous ppl could be to them. This is before I knew how problematic those orgs can be, but even just a short time there seeing the practical needs of ppl really made me resent the conservative pundits who would just call everyone pro abortion as like Supporting the Holocaust or some shit. That, and when u grow up u learn how like 1/4 of all women have had an abortion at some point, even the Good Christian Conservative Women u know in ur community, and their having access to abortions is what allowed them to live the lives they're living's really like looking behind the flimsy curtain. 😭 Alas, the Catholic inflation like u said continues their nonsense.
It seems a lot of these culture/sexuality war stuff ends up being ppl complaining about Abstract Definitions (when does LIFE begin? What IS A Marriage? What IS a WOMAN) that feels increasingly demeaning and philosophical and don't engage with how it affects ppls lives hdjdjd sorry for going off but man djdjdj
same anon as last: fandom in question is semi western popular gacha game. and im elaborating on it cause like a lot of gacha games it likes to yoink arthurian figures to turn them into sexy waifuhusbandos which i thought maybe you'd find interesting but i have Lots to say about them so I'm asking for permission before going further cjeicirjf (the game in question is granblue fantasy i left it at the end so it doesnt appear in the tweet preview of this ask)
Idk much about that fandom but I wouldn't be surprised hahaa, seems like for lots of gacha stuff there's a lot of flexibility in how you can play with and interpret the characters since they are kind of inherently dollified in a way. I just know that one goofy sexy guy from it, Belial? I remember when he was popping up on the TL a lot back in the day lol
ALSO i forgot to say i love your martha wayne your comic you made a while ago about jer badtouching shota brucr is still one of my fav pieces ever
THANK YOU I wish I could repost it here but I'm afraid of getting the Axe again of my faves. I love a gothic woman who is both victim predator and objectified, her brief mention in the movie is so fucked up how they bring up like "yeah this woman had a traumatic life and death" and then just dismissed as just Riddler True Crime fodder. Sick! I love it
i was near my prolife relatives for christmas when i got this thought. if one is a catholic and affirms the church's official belief that a fertilized egg is ensouled immediately upon fertilization, then they must affirm that 40-50% of all human souls to ever exist either go straight to limbo or heaven bc they dont implant. can you imagine being some medeival peasant that fucked outside of marriage one too many times going on the escalator down to hell and then seeing some uncooked soul that didn't implant into the uterus wall getting its wings and going straight up to the beatific vision. me personally i'd be PISSED. that means that like 95% of all souls in heaven didn't even touch grass thats CRAZY
Haven't had the chance to use it yet but it's a fun one for the prolifers is, so do unborn fetuses go to heaven or hell, and if ur answer is heaven then truly abortion is the moral choice lmao bc ur saving a soul from becoming burdened with sin 💜 and if they say Hell bc of original sin and whatever then u have to admit ur worldview of what wrongdoing is is fucked up lmaoo. Anyways this was interesting and I was just reading this Medievalists article about medieval contraception and abortion
That is an interesting image though hehe I kind of want to draw it....escalator down 2 hell indeed ! I don't think the Medievals knew about all the zygotes that don't make it but the concept of it is kind of fun and spooky 😭
my current big hyperfixation has so little moms I had to either 1/ momsonify the dadson 2/turn the Dead Mother Figure (narrative tool) into an Actual Character for nefarious incest reasons 3/inject freudian psychosexual undertones into other dynamics and while it's hard it is honest work and a very humbling experience i think every incest freak should get overinvested in a fandom devoid of their fav dynamic at least once
anyway what is yiur fav momson dynamic
Noo I feel this when I was in Batman 2022 fandom I made up an entire freak momdelusion for myself loool (giving Martha Wayne a Woman Hysterical backstory was so gothic and great. I got a ton of mileage out of that 5 seconds) ...I had so much fun XD my other Momson delusion that wasn't really delusion but just Text was probably when I was in my Back to the Future stage, bc I love Lorraine Baines 💜 BTTF is famous for the momincest but weirdly enough to me it's like....not incest ENOUGH? like there's nothing really exploring Marty and Lorraine's relationship as a parental one, in-text ofc in the movie past sequence she's just an normal teenage girl trying to connect who is ignorant of the narratives she keeps being put in. We see a glimpse of her as an Adult in the beginning as a sad and prudish woman but that existence is literally wiped out. It's a very fascinatingly objectifying story and something that I think prevents a lot of momsonanalysis hdhfh
My favorite Momson as u know from my Eleanor/Richard posting is that kind of Super Structured Royal (usually) inheritance kind, the one where the Mother contributes a lot to the Inheritance but it's often overshadowed by the Legitimacy of the Father/Paternal nominal line. Inspired a lot by real life, since I'm fascinated by the multiple accounts in the 12th century of men literally Marrying Up and into titles and legitimacy bc of their wives, that even if they themselves didn't claim it, mothers could pass things on to their sons, sons as tools/extensions of the Self in a patriarchal society 💜 it's very fun And spicy to me bc it's like the Mom living vicariously through the son's achievements, and enforcing toxic masculinity through him too. Very cool and lots to explore there haha ..
where can i find commission info for you? (different anon!)
It's in my pinned! Also u can email me at [email protected]
I’m back at it again with a random ass question!! I was thinking of writing a sex work plot recently, so I tried to do research on Reddit, but that of course brought me to a lot of odd radfem/Marxist feminist arguments against sex work at a fundamental level. Mainly arguing inequality and that paying=coercion, therefore paid sex=rape. I feel like these abstractions are not helpful, but I also feel like, very wary of in person sex work (as opposed to digital content creators) as the chance for exploitation is so high. Do you know of any arguments against this idea that paying=nonconsent? Whenever I google something like that, all that shows up is arguments in favor of that idea! Additionally, I see a lot of arguments to the tune of: egalitarian cultures and tribal cultures of the past did not have sex work, but I know for a fact from some of my anthro classes that is false. Additionally, I think even in a non-patriarchal world sex work would still have a disproportionate amount of men paying for sex with women due to biological factors (sex for women is a bit more dangerous and taxing, with risks of pregnancies and STDs being higher for cis women). Does this belief like…make me a ‘bad’ feminist? Am I craycray? Sorry!
I don't really feel qualified to answer the more specific aspects of this directly since it's quite a lot out of my range of knowledge! I've seen lots of contrasting stuff written and I can see where a lot of ppl r coming from. I guess if I were to give like my personal opinion, it's mostly ig a pragmatic one...rather than really debating whether or not "is Full Service Sex Work Moral or Feminist or Not" (seems to be the conundrum) I prefer to think "How can we best support sex workers?" I guess it's similar to how I personally approach "is Being A full time Mother Feminist or Not" is like, well while we debate it, how do u support the women working in that role right now. Maybe that's "short sighted" of me ideologically but it's something I think about a lot, that while the debate rages on Abt whether or not the Madonnas or the Whores are feministing enough, they still are very much existing and working (and are often the same woman!) and will continue to have needs regardless of ideological disgust with their positions . I haven't read much scholarly stuff on this, just anecdotal from ppl on here and some acquaintances, so I'm just firmly of the belief that we don't need to make sex workers' lives and control of their livelihoods harder even if it may be ideologically uncomfortable for some ppls personal codes
i'd love to commission you but i'm scared to ask. i want to know what you WON'T draw. can i make the assumption that 20th century rpf is too close to modern day for you be comfortable drawing it?
I'd be down for some 20th century folks! 👀 Tbh my limits are pretty flexible, they have more to do with if something sounds too complicated for my skills, or if ur being like literally making a propaganda or something 😂 I can't know unless u ask! I'm curious now
do you have any book recommendations about richard+john?
I always recommend Dan Jones' "The Plantagenets" as a starter book bc it covers the basic facts pretty well, is an easy intro, and is up to date with the modern research. It also gives more of the background to their dynamic so you can understand why each of their reigns was the way it was.
For more advanced stuff, I'm currently reading Sir Maurice Powicke's "The Loss of Normandy" which is more detailed regarding the later years of Richard's reign and the beginning of John's, with a heavy emphasis on the warfare and conflicts between the Angevins and Philip Augustus. I like it a lot, though it's more academic and also you'll really need a map of Normandy to follow along lol.
For Richard specifically, I enjoyed Jean Flori 's and John Gillingham's biographies of him a lot; both are very good historians who disagree on some subjects, but I think whose work makes up pretty much the authorities on the subject. I'm not as versed in John-specific biographies I'm afraid (blorbo bias...)
I really feel like the kind of "Good vs Bad King" lens thru which both figures are viewed from is pretty reductive. Since they kind of emerge from very different contexts and had to deal with similar but different issues in rule, and of course are connected. I think understanding Richard and his decisions and where he left off at his death kind of helps in understanding John and his deal as well, and of course the relationship and conflict with Philip overall in the contentious king-duke-vassal relationship I think is the key to understanding the dynamics overall.
Hey I have a question! What do you think of ppl who claim they were made susceptible to grooming due to consuming age gap fiction young? Like I have this really distinct memory from back in the day (before proship discourse was a thing!) of seeing someone say their consumption of sebaciel made them seek out older men and romanticize relationships with them as a 14 yo…I read this post when I was 12, and I thought, ‘are you dumb?’ A bit mean of my young self at the time, but the question remains: what sort of effect does this thing have? It definitely happens sometimes, but I’d guess it’s pretty rare and maybe depends on other factors…but that makes me wonder how this stuff plays out overseas where there’s so much high schooler x working adult shoujo? I realize those manga are usually pure fantasy material where the older partner doesn’t try to get with the protag before they’re an adult, but still…
I mean, the first thing I'd think is they were probably too young to be reading such things lol...tbh, when people say that my first thought is I'm sorry that they probably didn't have better support or education in their lives to help them relate to fiction healthily, and know what makes up healthy relationships irl. It also reflect sadly a failure of the structure around them and adults around them to prevent grooming.
Honestly tho I think it's natural for teens and young ppl to fall in love with and have crushes on older people, and so it makes sense that fantasy-material will often include fulfilment of those fantasies. Idk we'd have to look at statistics to see what's more common to pop up where and in what genre, but I feel like that probably reflects both that fantasy-desire, as well as probably dynamics from real life (especially older works where young women often marry men who serve as more "mentor" figures first). It can be problematic but i would say the trope follows the reality more than vice versa
Thank you for answering my question! That was a pretty insightful thread you sent me, but I kind of feel like the author went a little bit off the rail at the end during the addition about City Hunter, it felt kind of odd, as if they were solely blaming it in a vacuum for fostering that kind of environment--then again I haven't read City Hunter at all, but one of my favorite trashy manga is To Love-Ru, so maybe I'm biased (similar concept of the protagonist behaving like a dirtbag towards women, but in the case of the latter it is all accidental and unwanted on behalf of the protag, and the series' whole purpose is trashy fanservice). That being said, I do dislike characters like Mineta from MHA, but I'd probably fall on my ass on the way to the bookstore if some kind of pervert yuri manga dropped. On the bit about the male gaze, I did once read a really interesting critique of it from some academic book on objectification (i cant remember...) where they argue that it really only applies in specific circumstances and it gets misapplied colloquially so much! I always feel that artwork in a vacuum cannot be harmful, but specific circumstances can a picture of sexy legs is just a picture of sexy legs until it's used to sell something, and if Playboy was just nudes it wouldn't have been problematic, it was the fucked up dynamic between the bunnies and Hefner. Anyways, I BABBLED-- thank you for your time!
I FORGOT ABOUT THE CITY HUNTER RANT LMAOOO … I do get what she was saying re: frustration at what becomes known as “mainstream” and critically acclaimed/framed as “for general audiences” when expressing such clearly horny/sexual fantasies, but it is kinda out of place on the general info thread looool. In a later reply i think she talks about enjoying various comic works that have similar Problematic Pervert stuff but are specifically framed as erotic fantasies…
I think that would be similar to you and ur pervert yuriz, where the pervert yuri is being IN the genre where it’s expected. For me, it would be like I enjoy when there is some sexy homophobia and misogyny in my yaoiz and like, series that are very heightened fantasy drama bc it makes situations have a particular intense flavor, but feels jarring to pop up randomly in stories presenting itself as more objective/serious etc. But i feel the line can be blurred a lot tbh…i do think, when it comes to “representation” of any kind, the bad thing about sexist/homophobic/racist etc portrayals is actually kind of a craft issue, where its more like in creating a new thing, why go for the “easiest” most cliche portrayal that reflects the assumptions ppl already have…and if you DO decide to go for the cliche, you’ll make a better work if you have greater awareness of why that cliche exists, and make it more fun and cool than if u worked from ignorance…whether its pervert yuriz or homophobic yaoiz, it becomes much sexier if the ppl making it understand the essence of why it’s transgressive or exists in the first place
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