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B. Zuka
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customers · 6mo

can we get an update on that relationship chart

🐚 // yah

ASSUME THAT NOBODY IS TOGETHER. the emoji by one characters name is how they feel about each other - for example "C1 😊 --- ☹️ C2" is read as "C1 thinks positively of C2, C2 thinks negatively of C1!"
😊 - thinks positively of
☹️ - thinks negatively of
♥ - romantic attraction
♠ - hate-love
🔹 - familial bond
💍 - married

Zuka ☹️♥ --- ♥ Darkheart
Zuka ♥ --- ♥ Broker
Zuka 😊 --- 😊 Venomshank
Zuka 😊 --- 😊 Firebrand
Zuka ☹️ --- ☹️ Illumina
Zuka 😊 --- 😊 Ghostwalker
Zuka 😊♥ -💍- ♥ Ju
Zuka 🔹 --- 🔹 Traffic
Zuka 🔹 --- 😊 Lightblox
Zuka 🔹 --- 🔹 Subspace (12)
Zuka ♠ --- ♠ Scythe

customers · 4mo

when will 👀👀👀 you talk to darkheart👀👀about things thatve been going on recently👀👀👀👀will you ever let them back into your life again or is that a no-go?👀👀👀

customers · 5mo

HI IDK IF JU HAS A DEDICATED STRAWPAGE BUT I NED TO KISS AND LOVW ON JU. I . WANT THAT FUCKED UP THING SO BAD... its so stupid I have such a big crush on Ju gdhgdfjkbhs if you need someone to take him off your hands I beg you to call me up first thing <3

customers · 6mo

why is. why is there someone behind you in the diagram. who is that

That is my husband! He is there because we live together. I thought everyone knew about him by now.

customers · 6mo

with all those beans, how do you sleep at night ?? you make it sound like they dont leave you alone

customers · 6mo

Sorry if this is a weird question but whatever happened to Rocket? Is he alright or??

customers · 6mo

Vegas more like new Vegas am I right fellas’ gets tomatos thrown at while running away from the stage

customers · 6mo

Wait okay I thogut the Ju Zuka marriage thing was mostly joking since Zuka was drunk off her ass is it legit ??? LIke are they . Legit legally married in love etc etc

🐚 // its legit yes. they are legally married, zuka doesn't want to go through the process of getting a divorce. ju is in love w/ zuka and while she hasnt realized it yet zukas gaining budding feelings for ju in return. if u want the best equivalent i can give its like the ross & rachel marriage in f.r.i.e.n.d.s. lol

customers · 6mo

can we get an update on that relationship chart

🐚 // yah

ASSUME THAT NOBODY IS TOGETHER. the emoji by one characters name is how they feel about each other - for example "C1 😊 --- ☹️ C2" is read as "C1 thinks positively of C2, C2 thinks negatively of C1!"
😊 - thinks positively of
☹️ - thinks negatively of
♥ - romantic attraction
♠ - hate-love
🔹 - familial bond
💍 - married

Zuka ☹️♥ --- ♥ Darkheart
Zuka ♥ --- ♥ Broker
Zuka 😊 --- 😊 Venomshank
Zuka 😊 --- 😊 Firebrand
Zuka ☹️ --- ☹️ Illumina
Zuka 😊 --- 😊 Ghostwalker
Zuka 😊♥ -💍- ♥ Ju
Zuka 🔹 --- 🔹 Traffic
Zuka 🔹 --- 😊 Lightblox
Zuka 🔹 --- 🔹 Subspace (12)
Zuka ♠ --- ♠ Scythe

customers · 6mo

wait im confused why is he married when did he get married and who is he married to

is it zukaheart

🐚 // zuka is married to @/Ju33magicwand. she got married 6 days ago, while blackout drunk in vegas.

customers · 7mo

Admin I love your interpretation of Zuka so much I am not good at writing my thoughts out but how you write her especially her bond with the Broker and the way they care for each other makes me really emotional 👍👍

customers · 7mo

HI ADMIN. SO I FOLLOW U AND DARKHEART'S ACCOUNT AND I REMEMBER ONE OF THE PLOTLINES DARKHEART ADMIN SAID 2 MONTHS AGO WAS PLANNED WAS "It'll be over soon... It'll be over, and you'll be back... You'll be back home..." "...We broke the rule, ███████████. We broke the rule." "Don't touch me!!" AND YOU SAID ONE FUTURE PLOTLINE WAS "Something with Subspace" AND I THINK. I UNDERSTAND. IM PIECING THINGS TOGETHER AND I DON'T LIKE IT

customers · 7mo

Are you inviting Broker over to kiss... :3? Or just cuddle!! Even if it's platonic, I think you deserve to have some physical affection and care. When was the last time you got affection other than from the beans?

I... No...? I invited him over because I hadn't heard from him in a good while - I just wanted to be sure he was safe. As for that last part - I fail to see how that... Is any of your concern.

customers · 7mo

If that's the case, then maybe you should try and help him see that he should stay? Try and hit the hidden target.

I've been trying, but I can't suddenly change his mind on anything. Even if I did, I doubt Blackrock would let him stay. They were very adamant that he be sent back at the end of summer.

customers · 7mo

Is there anything that really stands out to you when it comes to Subspace? Anything you worry about that might happen to him if and when he goes back to Blackrock?

I... Worry quite a bit about letting him go back to Blackrock. It's not hard to miss what happened to the other Subspaces. I really don't want that to happen to him.

customers · 8mo

Have you ever felt insecurity of your parenting? For both Subspace and Rocket

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