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Dedicated to the Twyle Agenda 💘
Account ran by @imblue66🦊 and @twilightflares🐺
💌 Any kind of question or prompt is welcome, please just don't be weird!
♡Hear me out- Witch Kyle discovering a twitchy, yellow looking cat who smells like coffee and also finding a black one with a small red and blue hat too. After he saw them both fighting eachother, He takes them home to use as assistants and in the night they both transform into humans Tweek and Stan!! They both love Kyle like an obsession but think he'll never reciprocate the feelings they use some sort of spell they heared him cast to put some sort of sleeping magic on him which they (think) works and both take turns fucking him!! after they're done they turn back into cats and we end up finding out the spell never worked and Kyle liked the fucking so he made it continue!!
witch kyle is SOOO good... big ol hat, stockings... tiny dress... personally i think he'd be allergic to cats, but not able to keep up with dogs either. require a lot of attention... but... imagine a dog that's too big (wolfy... stannie...) and there's a pretty yellow ball python (tweeky) around it's neck. kyle just ??? this is fishy. really fishy. WITCHY, EVEN........ (nice one, jas) maybe he even took them in from the rain, during a storm... doesn't have the heart to kick them out or something. so kyle just goes with it. whatever. they're well behaved, don't bother him while he's working. maybe he runs a little shop... sells less potent potions... love potions... healing creams, etc... cute
when they transform kyle's not even surprised. just annoyed. cause they won't leave, they insist they like helping... protecting him 🙄 as if he needs it. but he doesn't throw them out. fine. even more free labor, because he sets them off to do inventory and stocking and all the other heavy shit kyle doesn't wanna waste time on. stan and tweek are more than happy to do it ofc (ahem... pussywhipped...)
stan and tweek in spare aprons from kyle, so they don't get dirty. too small on them cause they fit kyle better LOL. they fight over so much, though 🙄 about who gets to do kyle's tasks, who can do it faster, better. living for kyle's praise... but in the process they break a lot of shit LOOOL
omg kyle using spells to sleep 🥺 so cute... kyle kicks them out of his room nightly to get himself off, but stan and tweek can hear. and kyle has been so exhausted... doing overtime making all these replacement potions for what they broke... he didn't have time tonight. so.
they fight over who gets to go first, though. compromises by sticking both of their tips in... then one of them slides away to suck on his tits, toy with his clit. freak!!!!!! wait u didn't even say tmasc kyle im so embarrassed erm......
ok well anyway tweek goes next... but kyle wakes up like halfway through switching, and he's just ?!?!?! angry, then good, because it feels good... way better than by himself... sigh... just another need that kyle passes off to them to take care of. stan and tweeky are happy to!!!!!!!!!
though, if kyle thought they were annoying before, it only gets worse from here. after that night, they wont leave kyle alone. he doesnt know why he didn't kick them out when he woke up with their dicks inside of him... and he doesn't know why he keeps putting up with their antics now. but it's worse, cause they keep trading off shifts; stan in the back hurriedly restocking shelves while tweek wedges his head between kyle's legs while he rings up a customer. hidden away on the other side of the counter, hard to breath beneath layers of kyle's skirts and apron, and especially with his tongue fucking kyle's hole.
it drives kyle crazy. feels good... feels annoying. but he's given up fighting them off. just tries his best to keep his composure. tries to stay upright and keep the trembling to a minimum, or the shake in his voice down. only one of them gets to do errands at a time now. stocking the shelves while the other is under kyles desk at the front... switching off... freaks...
at night they curl up together, or when they take naps on days the shop is closed... kyle leaning into stan's fur, snake tweek curled around his neck... cozy...
and every time kyle thinks he's getting used to them, they prove him wrong. fucking up a potion, or trading one out to play with him. mischievous... playing around with invisibility potions, either for tweek or stan to fuck him in broad daylight without anyone seeing their indecency, or for kyle to watch their cocks disappear. size potion too... micro fairy-sized kyle... lots of fun things can be done with potions and magic 😏
Share your facts about Tweek 🥺💛
hiii op i'm sorry this took SOOO long. i'm just indecisive pretty much. LOL. so. facts about tweek. let's give it a try!
to be honest... when i (jas, hi) first started writing tweek with blue, i wasn't really sure what to do. LOL. i was primarily used to writing stan and kenny, and other characters (craig, kyle) became easier to write over time. but tweek??? tweek was something i had to throw myself into headfirst, pretty much. and for a character that doesn't have a whole lot of insight, it was really difficult.
i forewent the whole... ‘voice tics’ thing as a rule, because it's jarring to read in text (to me), and makes tweek seem more like a caricature than a person. what i ended up doing instead, since he has these in the show, was repetition. :)!! along with abrupt stops, lapses in speaking, etc. it's easier, and it's a lot more natural imo, especially when you're writing an older character who has outgrown their childlike tendencies.
Tweek has a bad habit. Like, criminally. Like, he should be serving prison time, if they even do that. Do they try 17 year olds as adults? He's not sure. He should look that up, probably, yes. He should. But not right now, no, not right now.
“My—? Oh, oh. It's Tweek. Tweek Tweak, really, but—”
“If you like it, you could come back. If you want to, of course. I just — For free. Well, obviously, but I mean you could pick something... Uh, maybe — if I could have your name?” [...] “Just to remember you. If you do.”
stuff like that! it's clear that he struggles to communicate. not just through speech in general, but the right words evade him, you know? it's frustrating. and tweek has a tendency to get fixated on things, to the point of his detriment. which makes it even more frustrating because!!! the words aren't coming out right!!! on that note—apart from adhd for tweek, i like to write him with ocd :,) which is also something i like for kyle. two sides... same coin...
i'm particularly drawn to characters that i can see myself in, so it's easy to sort of... lean into them. i guess! anyway. another thing i like for tweek, is that this ^^^ these speech habits, don't really apply when he's determined about something. like, dead set on it, or, he's thought about it so much that there's nothing left to say. there's only what he can do.
re: picking up a bazooka to save his friends. LOL.
“I started a couple years ago, when I was eighteen. Pencil at first, but my hands—” Tweek wiggles his fingers at Kyle. “—shake too much. Wasn't all that pretty. And a couple months after Craig and I broke up, I bought charcoal sticks. Suddenly, my hands weren't all that useless.”
“You have to face it, too, Craig. Whatever it is. You know you can. And I know you can.”
in turn, i think this is also how it is for him during sex. not in the very beginning, when he hasn't really focused yet, but in the middle, up to the end? yes. confident!!! or moreso, completely fixated.
and i looove to write fixated tweek!!! specifically for kyle, because he gets so worked up about him that it's incredibly endearing. but, i also like to write it as a peek into his mind. how fucked up it can be in there, what he thinks about when no one is looking.
His eyes wander somewhere to the side of Kyle. He can see it. Just up against the wall. All of the walls in this room, actually. Blood. Dark streaks of crimson dripping down until it pools on the floor. Slippery, but sticky, like it can’t make its mind up. The smell of rust so thick that he can still taste it in the air. He can feel it, too. The way it stuck to his skin for hours afterwards, no matter how hard he scrubbed his skin, how raw it became. Craig couldn’t get it off of him either. That’s what he said. Or, something along those lines.
“There’s nothing there, Tweek. It’s over.”
Is it? He can still feel it. If he sits still long enough.
“Can you hear me? Tweek—”
teehee i love to put tweek through stuff!!! i think his monologue is very interesting, because it's like, tweek actively represses these things. his needs are hardly ever met, so why bother? and he shoves it down, down, down, until he ends up exploding. (before kyle, that is. because kyle listens.)
that's actually one of the reasons why i don't enjoy cr//eek, because craig just… doesn't get tweek. it's not like he doesn't try, and it's not like he doesn't care about him, because neither of those things are true. i think that craig gets very good at anticipating tweek's wants and his needs, but it's not intuitive. it's more of a chore, more of an identity that craig is forced into. a caretaker.
and as tweek gets older... that sort of thing that was fine when he was a kid... isn't so nice anymore. it's suffocating. it's debilitating. wanting to do something on your own, and this person is controlling your every move. even if it's unintentionally. it sucks. and it sucks even more because it only reminds you of your dad and growing up seems to mean that they just can't make themselves fit like they used to. you know?
Maybe that’s why so many of the past years are shrouded in fog, blurry and unfocused. Isolated with work and Craig. Stuck in their paper house that always smelt of smoke, like it was burning beneath their feet.
Craig listened to his ramblings. He did. When the words would spill out like water, lest they fill Tweek up and drown him from the inside out. But it was always with a cold sort of detachment, because Craig liked to solve problems. Action. Resolution. He never would have said something like this to him. If it could be fixed, why dwell? If it couldn’t, why not let it go?
of course, tweek pulling away doesn't make it easy for craig, either. craig clings on tight because he doesn't know anything else, and the thought of trying to? well, that's fucking scary. and it's just as scary for tweek, but it's even scarier to be stuck in one place. with both of these things set on the same scale, tweek will choose to flee. every single time. every one.
anyway… i love tweek having lots of interests :) you could make a case for him being interested in just about anything, it feels like. but i love building models for him!!! i love art for him!!! especially messy, hands-on kinds of art where he can be as erratic as he needs to be. charcoal… pastels… flinging paint at a canvas. PIANO!!! there's so, so much that goes into learning the keys, how to use them, how to put feeling behind it.
i think tweek likes things that are hard, to be honest. difficult. puzzles… kyle… it makes it more… gratifying when he finally cracks something. when it satisfies that itch under his skin. another thing i love is drummer tweek (and drummer craig!) because it's a lot harder than it looks. and it's a great way to expend energy :,))
uuuh. other facts. hm. i think tweeky likes snakes (goes with the whole exotic pet thing, like his bird) and also i love snakes. so. you know. ball python owner tweeky is real to me! tweek is someone who puts his all into everything, even if he really fucking sucks at it. you know? there's plenty of things that he hangs up when they're no longer fun, or when they're just too hard to keep going. but. yeah. whatever tweek is into, he's gonna get good at it, or he's gonna get really good at being bad at it, but it's important to him. because it was something he chose. something that's his.
tweeky's my little guy… i love him a whole lot :,) ofc i love brown ends in his hair for him and i love tattoos for him because abused kids have a higher pain tolerance and in a much stronger way, it's taking back what you never felt was truly yours. your body. your mind, yourself. everything.
i think he's got a real sleeper build going on, he's much stronger than he looks. all those years of coffee beans against his back… yeah… um. i think, most importantly, control is very important to tweek. not in a ‘control freak’ way like kyle can be, but in a ‘i need to feel like i can leave at any time’ way. which makes it all the more easy to lose himself in something, or someone. because his guard is down. top tweek forever and ever…
hmmmm… there's probably more i'll think about after the fact. but i like rotating this guy around in my head. love character analysis... thought pieces... so. thanks, op!!! sorry for the wall of text and i hope this helped :,)
TLDR: ???
kyle bent over in the tweek coffee house back room where they keep supplies and extra bags of coffee getting railed hard on his break by tweek who needs to fuck out his frustration after they had to deal with a line of customers half of whom had annoying orders. don't worry nichole and clyde are covering the register and drink machines while tweek and kyle fuck on their break time
loooooove kyle working at tweak bros. we actually had him work there in our art au (dwkan), sometime after tweek had went off to soul search (re: not be told what to do anymore, by his father or by craig. tattoos... learning how to top... sigh... yeah...) anyway.
tweek's having a real shitty day... so sorry to nichole and clyde but i'm throwing them out for craig and kenny 😇 craig is hoooorrible at following tweek's directions. because he's been working on and off at this place almost as long as tweek has (still shit! BOO!) and he broke something :,( kenny's been like, losing it, all day. because it's INCREDIBLE to watch craig and tweek bicker like siblings, come real close to killing each other over coffee, all while him and kyle dick around on kyle's phone.
making bets on who will kill each other first. on who will snap at a customer on accident first. sometimes it really gets on kyle's nerves, when he's trying to get shit done and they won't shut the fuck up. he'll just roll his eyes, share a pointed look with kenny, and eventually whirl around and yell at them "will you two just kill each other already and save us all the headache?!"
though kyle has learned that's not very appropriate of a response for work. so he just... bears it now. rolls his eyes. pointed looks. hides in the back with kenny to fuck around on his phone when it's extra bad that day.
sometimes tweek storms off to the back, or outside to get some air when it all becomes too much to him. and kyle will follow. despite everything, the headache 🙄, he'll always find tweek and console him. smooth tuffs of hair that tweek has pulled on too hard from the stress. it helps... calms tweek down more than yelling at him does... just long enough until he goes back in. and it starts up all over again.
so. coffee production is halted ❌️ for the rest of the day. it's fine, cause they still sell hot chocolate, lemonades... pastries. that kinda thing. but tweek is PISSED still. like, rocking his stool back and forth behind the counter... so loud that customers are staring... scratching his arms, digging his nails into his hands, angrily swiping blood off onto his jeans. yeah.
kyle just putting a hand on tweek's shoulder, running his fingers through brown ends. tweek instantly stills... soothed... or so kyle thinks. but then his apron is being untied, tossed over the countertop. and kyle's like ???????
tweeky snatching kyle's wrist and dragging him to the back, muttered little "doing inventory." to kenny, who's smirking SOOOO WIDE LOL. craig comes back from the bathroom to kenny all by himself, quiet thuds from the backroom, and is just 🧍♂️ standing there. kenny bites his thumb... mimicking what's going on back there... and craig, who's already in deep shit anyways, just. flips the sign to closed because the last customer left right as tweek dipped, and...........
anyway kyle's confused questions on their way to the backroom and the way he's grabbing tweek to make him stop, only to be shoved up against one of the many shelves. tweek's mouth over his, shutting him up. bruising kyle's forearms... then his thighs... ripping their jeans down. sigh... dreamy sigh...
kyle's angry whispers past tweek's lips, scrambling to hold onto tweek's shoulders when his thighs are pried open, his knee hoisted up in the crook of tweek's elbow... or whirling kyle around, bent over with tweek's fist knotted around his hair 😳 kyle gripping onto the shelves to hold himself up.
when tweek calms down enough to SLOW DOWN a little, and he's kissing kyle's bites and bruises and sweaty hair, there's like. a tiny sound... that isn't kyle's... and kyle groans way before it clicks... anyway crenny and twyle getting off on each other. the end
they don't speak about it after that. the four of them breathless while they close up the shop. parting ways in the parking lot, still not saying a word... and the next day, either. no one speaks about it, but kenny keeps giggling under his breath, pinching craig's side to get him to jump. and kyle... he kinda wants craig and tweek to yell at each other again. kinda wants to piss them off, or just tweek at least, so he can be dragged into the back again 😇😇😇
kneels by my bedside like a midnight prayer i would love to know more about innominate - chai anon
Hehe thank you so much for asking! Innominate… otherwise known as Brothel AU… My beloved….
Tweek regularly goes to a brothel to unwind from the stress of business (dont ask what kind of business) It’s sort of like an impulse. He doesn’t like going, necessarily. Gets sensory issues (whores are too loud, too annoying, too much.) Plus he has to hold back when he fucks someone. None of them can handle his tastes (bondage, control) The whores he’s been with are all too delicate.
But he sees Kyle one day, zeroes in on him from across the room. He wants him immediately. Drawn to him. But Kyle isn’t here by choice. Kyle is here because Gerald’s gambling addiction put him here—owed the wrong people a lot of money. Sheila, even though she couldn’t save him, cut a deal that his virginity has to be bought. So for Kyle, it’s only supposed to be once. Do this one time, and then come home.
He’s a hefty price, but Tweek forks over the money, despite how confused he is about it. There’s no explanation to why Kyle is so much more expensive than the other whores, and he doesn’t know why Kyle is so special. Tweek tries to ask when Kyle is presented to him, clad in a sheer little babydoll, pretty pink panties. Kyle won’t answer though… He’s being so feisty, fighting Tweek off, like he wants Tweek to be rough with him; to be real.
Tweek is too blinded by want to see past it though, what Kyle’s biting and clawing and crying really means. Tweek is rough with him at first, but he does start to notice some of Kyle’s distress… Starts to wonder if he’s being too mean, so he eases up. Lets Kyle take control and ride him instead.
Afterward, when Tweek is cleaning him up and tucking him in, Kyle cries a lot… Tweek is so confused. Worried. He’s starting to wonder if he hurt Kyle, so he kisses his skin so gently. Traveling down until he’s eating him out so softly, all while Kyle is sleeping. But it’s starting to bug him… a nagging voice in the back of his head. The way he feels, so tight… and the blood on the sheets.
It hits him then, that Kyle was a virgin. But the way Kyle smells, so fresh… The price tag suddenly makes so much sense. And Tweek starts spiraling into guilt. Kyle comes on his tongue, waking up with sleepy little mumbles, and Tweek reaches for him. Asks him ”How old are you?” And Kyle says thirteen.
Tweek loses his shit, crying and sobbing. Asking so many questions that he can’t even finish, blubbering for forgiveness. All while Kyle is just watching… confused, because he thought Tweek knew. Kyle is upset, he feels broken, and Tweek made him feel good in the end. So Kyle tries to comfort them in this new found way, kisses Tweek and quietly pleads for him to touch him. They have very gentle sex this time… Sweet, soft, and it feels good. Tweek resigns himself to this, taking care of Kyle… because Tweek ruined him.
This is about as far as we’ve written for them, but the plan is that Tweek leaves and comes up with a plan to get Kyle out of there. Find out who his parents are, see what their deal is. But when Tweek comes back to take Kyle, he’s been sold again. Going against the deal that Kyle knew about. Tweek saves him just in the nick of time, and whisks him away to his home where he takes care of him. Taking Kyle back to his family isn’t an option anymore, but Tweek is fighting the urge to keep Kyle as a wife. And Kyle, attached to Tweek in some bizarre way, isn’t making it easy to resist.
curious why you guys assigned tweek's animal to be a wolf!
He's meant to be a coyote, actually!!! (no emoji for that sadly) We felt a coyote fit him really well for a number of reasons 🤔
Coyotes are skittish and hypervigilant, see you before you see them... etc... They're very vocal and bitey, monogamous and mate for life. And coyotes hunt with foxes sometimes too :3 There's an article that talks about coyotes visiting fox dens and taking the food they leave for their kits. They aren't aggressive towards them at all, and the foxes don't ever move out. They're just "ok, i guess this is fine?"
And of course, the color of their coat, too! More in-line with our vision for Tweek, I think. Blond with the brown at the end.
In your Vulpinate AU, does Kyle end up liking all the depraved stuff Tweek does?
Short answer, yes. Long answer, still yes, but it's a little complicated. Just a little.
Kyle was attracted to Tweek from the beginning. But given the circumstances--Kyle being older, being Tweek's old babysitter, and now his instructor--Kyle finds his attraction inappropriate. It isn't entirely realized at first, however. He's sort of in denial for a little while 🙄 He tries to turn Tweek down very gently... but he feels bad. He always hated when Tweek was sad, always wanted to make him happy. So when Tweek mentions he needs a place to stay, Kyle lets him crash at his house for a few nights until he gets things in order...
Tweek drugs Kyle the first night they're reunited, touches him in his sleep. Kyle is none the wiser, but he starts having dreams about Tweek. The kind he can't help but touch himself to 😏 And he starts thinking about Tweek when they're away from each other, when Kyle is with Stan (fwb) His dreams are so vivid, they feel so real. But then Kyle wakes up one night sitting on Tweek's face.
Kyle tries to "fight him off"... weakly. Because he actually wants it, though he convinces himself he doesn't given all of his concerns. It's inappropriate, it's disgusting, he'll get fired and his whole life will come crashing down if he willingly sleeps with Tweek. Though, everything changes the night Kyle wakes up to Tweek finally balls deep inside of him. There's no going back from here.
Kyle still plays coy, though. He likes feeling wanted, likes feeling sought after. It's fun to feel a little powerless when Tweek is pinning him down onto the floor, because Kyle's clothing keeps getting smaller and smaller, tighter and tighter. Almost like he's doing it on purpose to entice Tweek 😏 Some days Tweek takes what he wants when Kyle is awake, and sometimes he still resorts to drugging Kyle. Like its a game they're playing, cat and mouse. Kyle Never knows when it's gonna happen until he's waking up with Tweek on top of him again, cause the effects of the drug is wearing off on him, and Kyle wakes up to it every time.
Kyle never admits to it though. Never confesses how much he loves it, because then he'd be committing a crime that'd get him fired, right? Despite Kyle's pathetic demands to stop, Tweek knows better. He knows Kyle so well, practically grew up with him, his idol.
So, Tweek touches him after class, bending Kyle over his desk once the students have left. He doesn't let him finish, lets Kyle get just on the edge before pulling back. And then Tweek takes him out to dinner. Touching Kyle under the table, dragging him to the bathroom, bending him over Tweek's motorcycle once they make it home. Edging Kyle the entire day, until he's finally got him in bed and begging to be fucked. Tweek is so excited to get there, to get Kyle to fess up. And that's when Tweek asks again, "Finally gonna tell me you like it? Taking my cock?"
And Kyle says yes, says anything to get Tweek to stuff him full.
And then they live happily ever after hehe!!!
I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT VULPINATE AND CALEFACTION !!!! it sounds so cool oh em gee ???!!!
🐝 (💐💐 boket boket for blue and jas)ALRIGHT, OK... Where to begin...
In this AU, Kyle is older than Tweek!!! Kyle babysat him when he was 16(?) and left at 18 to go to college. Also our firstborn kylussy au
Tweek latched onto Kyle hard. Tweek had abusive/neglectful parents... and Kyle always sorta filled that void. Kyle was like a rock to Tweek. Kept him grounded, didn't make him feel like he was crazy like his parents did. Helped soothe him through episodes and meltdowns. Kyle genuinely cared about him and showed him love, and Tweek held onto it. Until Kyle never shows up again without a word... Thought kyle abandoned him... In reality, Kyle was going to college, but still wanted to be able to visit Tweek. But the Tweak's forcefully kept him out and away from Tweek, wouldn't let him give a proper goodbye...
Tweek growing up without Kyle... Watching him over the years, mainly through social media, also by sneaking into Kyle's room when he sleeps over at Ike's.
Oh yeah, cause Tweek and Ike are the same age, sthey're close friends :3c Gamer Ike... the closest thing to Kyle that he could get, at first, but he's used to Ike now.
Tweek going to college... has a motorcycle...
Kyle is a history professor and he's Tweek's last class to graduate BECAUSE Kyle is a popular twinkfessor /f and Tweek had to finish all of his other classes (FOUR YEARS) before he could finally get a spot for Kyle's. And finally, fianlly getting into Kyle's class.... Can't help but approach him after class.
Tweek is a biochemistry major, and he often creates drugs to self medicate (insomnia, adhd, etc...)
Naturally... he drugs Kyle on their first outing because the waiter is flirting with him, to "protect" him... Tweek swears that he won't do it again (he does) and there is a whole lot of somno here. Like, knocking Kyle out with a pill in his glass, climbing between his legs to taste him... Kyle is none the wiser... that kind of somno.
UMMM... extremely jealous of stan :froggythink: who kyle is somewhat fwb with...
Tweek inherited his parent's coffeeshop after their murders a few years back, which he mostly runs by himself. operates on a split day/night shift schedule every day, because Tweek prefers to sleep in the afternoon, far away from the dark.
Craig is his best friend (one sided feelings from Craig😔), and has been by his side since forever, but especially since Tweek's parents were murdered.
Kyle is a vampire and has been for some time, turned against his will (during noncon😞) He killed Stan on accident when Stan offered his blood to him. And because of the way he was killed, Kyle has the vampiric ability to attract/lure victims... like pheromones sorta... or like a siren of sorts...
Craig is a werewolf, and him and Kyle previously did a whole lot of hatefucking on their hunts in the forest hehe! Craig hates him because he's a vampire and Kyle hates Craig because he stinks like a dog. They both sorta used each other to get their own frustrations out.
Both Kyle and Craig are territorial over Tweek... While Tweek is oblivious to both of their underlying natures, but he's head over heels for Kyle, no matter how strange he might appear.
Tweek's parents were murdered by a rogue vampire pack, and Tweek has never quite forgotten the blood. It haunts him.
Tweek used to hallucinate often, having panic attacks in his bathroom that Craig would have to clean up come morning. Tweek gave Craig a deep scar (scratch) across his chest during an episode.
Kye is a nurse in this AU. Likes to give back this way, after having taken. Works the graveyard shift to keep out of the sun... and it's perfect, because Tweek works late hours at his coffee shop. Kyle gets caught up in the rain and finds refuge in Tweek's shop. He hasn't drunken in a while... and he always gets weaker. Which means his ability goes a little haywire... Sends out signals he doesn't mean to send. So Kyle gets caught up with Pete, one of the baristas, cause he won't leave him alone. Insists Kyle see him. Tweek comes out to the rescue, and it's like love at first sight between the two of them...
I can keep going but this is getting long... If you have anymore questions or want more details, please feel free to ask hehe!!! THANK YOU FOR THE BOQUETS WE LOVE YOU!!!
any twyle ideas you would like to explore in the future?
We have a few ideas we have cooking on the back burner!!! Some that we've discussed a bit more in length, some that we just... jotted down briefly.
Elf Prince Kyle betrothed to Barbarian Tweek for [plot reasons lol]. Tweek knew about the betrothal early on, stalking Kyle in the forest to watch him and observe who will soon be his husband. Watching the way the prince interacts with the forest... Elves of Kyle's status are very in-tune with nature. Magical properties, all that good fantasy stuff.
Kyle forced to leave Stan behind, his guard who swore to protect him. "Where the prince goes, I go." But Kyle is taken away while Stan is on a mission, and he comes back to exactly that: his prince gone.
Then the marriage... Barbarian "mating ceremonies", one where they're forced to consummate the marriage by having sex in front of witnesses. Then another that's in private for just them 😏 Tweek's paint markings cover up his scars, and they can only be seen uncovered by his true love. So eventually, letting Kyle see them bare.
Sooner or later, Stan shows up to take Kyle home. "Kidnapping" him, essentially. Kyle trying to talk Stan down, convince him he's safe and ok. It's nice here, in many ways. The elves and barbarian's are strict in different ways, but Kyle wants to bring over a lot of barbarian practices to his kingdom. Make it better... Stan wouldn't be easy to convince, of course. And perhaps... a stwyle moment... 😏
Robin Hood Tweek... haven't really touched this one, just on our radar.
Yandere Kyle... 🤔 it's his turn to be crazy, drug tweek perhaps. Some somno... nothing too detailed yet, but it's a thought amongst the many.
Wonder Tweek and Human Kite... also haven't touched very much...
We were just talking about a Soulmate AU. You know the ones where everything is in black/white until they see their soulmate and they see color for the first time? That! But when Tweek and Kyle meet for the first time, Tweek's world is flipped upside down with color. Bright red hair, pink cheeks, green eyes... Kyle, however, is colorblind LMAO... achromatopsia, so everything is still in black/white... HE HAS NO IDEA!!!!!
I just discovered that there r actually more twyle aus??!!!! TWYLE NATION IS BEING FED ?!!! can you tell us more about them (the aus) ? if ur willing to spill a little tea ofc hehe
- 🐝
omg bee anon!!! hi!!! 💐
We have a list of our current AUs with brief summaries on our carrd here:
Is there one in particular you want to hear about :3c
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