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Any sweet nothings are well-received!


Visitor · 5mo

mik, spill cara beli layout

Cari ready stock layout yang disukai atau postingan open request —> DM BA tersebut sesuai format yang ada dalam TNC —> Kalau nggak ada balasan, tag aja karena bisa aja request DM tidak masuk —> Nanti dikasih invoice pembayaran —> Bayar —> Layout diterima!

Visitor · 8mo
Visitor · 8mo

Hy…. Akun lama mu sudah tidak bisa dilogin kah…?

Iya, sender t____t BUB aja, yaa! Akun baruku sekarang @miichurin, follow aja di situ, dan boleh DM semisalnya aku belum mengikuti kembali.

Visitor · 8mo


Sender? Kamu yang harusnya jangan lucu-lucu, nanti aku jatuh cinta sampai nggak bisa bangun lagi gimana?

Visitor · 8mo

can i follow ur account again?

Of course, sender. Whoever you are, it'll be fine to follow my account again! But if I haven't followed you back in a few minutes or hours, do send me a DM, karena takutnya kamu nggak masuk notif atau kelihatan di list followers. Thank you so much in advance. <3

Visitor · 8mo

Karmika, apakah kamu ganti akun...? Aku baru balik X lagi terus liat akun kamu yang 550 itu di batasi t____t

Iya t____t Maaf ya, sender... Aku sudah ganti akun karena akun lama sudah nggak bisa login lagi. Untuk akun baruku, ini usernamenya, yaa: @ceowrl.

Visitor · 8mo

mika, how do you view “love”?

The way I view love is akin to how someone views the moon’s light escaping from the clouds as the person remains inside a blackout room; ephemeral; “it was beautiful while it lasted” quote and alike. Truthfully, I don’t believe in “eternal love” or something like that despite the amount of stories that I have read. That’s why I view love as something that’s nothing more than a fleeting happiness. I’m sorry if my answer disappoints you…

Visitor · 8mo

youre so lovely, indeed. no wonder almost everyone loves you. if im being honest, im a little jealous of you, maaf

Thank you for the very sweet praise, sender. I'm thankful for your honesty, and you don't need to apologize! Emotions aren't something we consistently have control of, so it's natural to feel something like that. I'm happy to see that you're still kind enough to compliment me, I'm sure you're a lovely person as well, dear sender. Whoever you may be, I hope you'll always be fine and taken care of. <3

Visitor · 8mo

how does it feel jadi everyone's favorite? 😅😅😅

Visitor · 8mo

mika mika, mika cantikku, ily <3. kita udah lumayan lama kenal, tapi ini perasaanku aja atau emang gitu.. aku merasa kita kurang deket, jadi aku mau lebih deket sama kamu. cuma aku takut kamu malah ga nyaman denganku kalo aku sokab. (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠). kamu positif vibes banget, aku paham kenapa banyak yang nyaman sama kamu, soalnya aku juga termasuk dari mereka. -ayya

I love you more, Ayya. Kita udah kenal lama bangett, tapi aku nggak ngerasa kita kurang dekat atau semacamnya kok, aku nyaman banget sama kamu, malahan aku masih simpan screenshot beberapa pesan kamu dulu. Jadi kamu nggak perlu mikir aku nggak ngerasa nyaman lagi, ya? Feel free untuk sokab ke aku sebisa kamu. Aku nggak bakal permasalahin sama sekali. <3

Visitor · 8mo

Haloo karmikaa! I miss u soo much :( are you doing alright? My timeline feels so empty without you >:( i hope you're doing great and healthy! Oiyaa, can we be moots again if you ever made a new account? Hihi <3


Hi there, Zeva! Thank you for missing me, I appreciate it, you're so sweet. I'm doing well and healthy, it's just been a bit busy for me these days. Of course <3 In fact, I already made a new account, it would be my pleasure if we can be mutuals again. Here it is: @55O149.

Visitor · 8mo

this one is gonna be my last message, still one sender with two latest retro, i never fell uncomfortable around u mika until this day, it's so comfortable to talking or being around you, but yea I think it's the best option, hope we can be friend again in sometimes... bye bye.

Okay, sender. It's nice to know that, whoever you are, I hope you know that you're one of my precious mutuals as well. Iya, if it's for the best, then I don't mind. Maybe at some point in the future, we can be friends again. See you, sender. <3

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