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Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Omega Sukuna can't remember how long he's been trapped in Gojo's basement, he can't hear his Alpha- can't even feel him and it's crushing enough that he's finally falling into Gojo's grasp. Sukuna feels like a dirty whore for seeking comfort for his spirit breaking, if his King could see him now he's sure Yuji would want nothing to do with him, seeing him broken down into This and having another Alpha touching him.. He's a whore, one undeserving of Yuji

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Older alpha brother Sukuna & younger omega brother Megumi, where Megs starts dating some loser Alpha & Sukuna gets jealous/ticked off & starts to scent & mark his brothers clothing to scare loser bf off. It work but now Sukuna can't stop & both brothers actually get off on it now. Specifically when Sukuna pisses on Megumis thin lacy panties then let's them dry so he walks around having basically been marked by his big bro all day.. Megumi practically flooding said panties w slick it pools whenever he sits

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Mahito screws Yuji in front of his friends, it's not like they can really do anything as Mahito can keep them away while making Yuji cum his brains out

thryhryj HELLO ANON PLEASE Yuuji ends up being fucked so much, cumming so much, he ends up forgetting it's Mahito screwing him. He starts moaning, panting. Anytime Mahito asks if he's enjoying himself Yuuji's nodding because he is. It's so good. the pain subsided a long time ago and now all he knows is overwhelming pleasure, the drool sliding down his chin, tears in his eyes, fingers scrabbling desperately for something to hold onto... I- I realise you maybe wanted it completely Non con but Yuuji breaking under Mahito whilst his friends can only watch in horror as they lose him? hnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Mmmm I'm feeling some more pole dancer Sukuna.
Maybe yuuji finally got comfortable with Sukuna spinning naked in front of tons of male strangers. And slightly less comfortable with Sukuna brining men into their shared home, but he loves his brother. And Gojo at least is super fun. They get along better than a house on fire, gojo loves his cooking, his hobbies, his face...
Sukuna's twirling on the pole one day when he sees a black haired boy in the crowd, uncomfortable, trying to become a shadow on the wall.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Just saw that u finished writing The Devil You Choose. I got 22 tabs open of skfs stories I want to read & sometimes speed read them in hopes that I atleast finish them before the author decides to delete them. Hope u keep this one up. I know it’s the author’s choice on what to do with their fic but just wanted to say don’t mind the haters. They’re cowards and not worth wasting time over. There are more of us out there rooting u on! Take care and hope u have a good day!!

I did finish posting it! Hehe. I hope you enjoy it! <3 OMG Speed running fics? I LOVE THAT (Honestly, it's probably the best way to do it haha. Binge an entire story in one sitting) For now, this one is staying! And you're right, they are cowards. (the punches still hurt when they keep cropping up every now and again 😅 and obey me has had the punches since day one ;-; ) I'm doing okay! Keeping myself busy and trying not to think about the comments too much! (one day I'll unhide the fic)
You take care too anon! And i'm wishing you a wonderful week <3 <3 <3

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Obey me disappeared ? Can I ask why?

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Gojo knows the best way to get to KoC!Yuji is to go for his vessel, to take Sukuna away from him and if there's another motivation to make the vessel finally accept that he doesn't need to push people away. Poor Sukuna never had this much stimulation in his life, Gojo's leaving bruises along Sukuna's hips from how hard he's thrusting into the vessel. KoC!Yuji would have been doing something if not for the amount of talismans restraining him, no-one should be touching his Human he loves

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Megumi who grows into his body and becomes as big as Toji (🤤) and Yuuji who is too used to being shorter but bigger than Megumi doesn't know how he feels about now being smaller than him until he gets manhandled and realizes, oh, Yuuji LOVES being manhandled, it makes him feel small breakable but protected with Megumi and he gets far too turned on

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Dragon Sukuna's Human form is getting bred by the knights and paladins to create controlled powerful beasts for them to use. Yuji visits him the most, trying to comfort him and being gentle whenever it's him and Kuna, hearing his purring an the way his tail wraps around and pulls Yuji closer. Suku likes Yuji a lot, he hurts less when Yuji's the one fillin him

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Hi Wimsi! New anon here, I’m so sorry to hear you are going through that, sucks that people are mean for no reason. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your writing so much, your fic is a masterpiece that I recently discovered and read in just two days because of how much I enjoyed it, you are a great writer never forget that! Hope you feel better soon <3

Hi anon! Thank you. It does suck that people want to spend their time being mean for the sake of it. Ahhh thank you so much!! ! 😭😭 I'm- ANON!!! You binged it in two days? Holy shit. Bless you. Bless you so much! You are absolutely wonderful and I hope you have a fantastic week. I'm gonna spend some time for myself (I'll probably still rt some stuff here and there but in terms of posting stuff... it'll be quiet apart from some zine/bang stuff)
Again, thank you so much anon and please, have a wonderful week 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Hey babe, not the same anon but I'm so sorry you're getting hateful comments on your fics/retro. Honestly, writing is so hard takes so much out from you and to have someone consistently leave hate, it definitely gets exhausting. I hope you remember that more people love your fics than they hate it and feel better soon! Take your time and just do things you enjoy. Hopefully we can find out who's being a bitch so we can publicly shame them. (I'm vindictive.)

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

i see the Q&A about hiding obey me. it's one of those most amazing works in jjk fandom that ive ever read. i once recommended it to my friend who wasn't in this fandom and she was amazed by ur work 2. ur writing style is detailed and precise. so no matter which couple u writes about, ur work is wonderful as always.
im not a English speaker and my expression isn't that good. sorry 4 showing my love so late.
just really love ur work. and hope u well too.

😭😭 I don't know how I'm supposed to cope after such a confession. Anon!! I cried when I read this yesterday (in a good way) and I might cry again 😩 You've expressed yourself just fine honestly and please, there's no need to apologise. I probably will unhide obey me (there's only 2 chapters left to write) but not until I'm in a much better place for it. Thank you again for being so kind and I hope you're taking good care of yourself. You deserve all the good things 😭💕💖

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Hi Wimsi, I am so sad to hear you are receiving nasty comments here and on your wonderful story. You are a truly amazing and wonderful person, a true treasure of an individual. I am so sorry some jealous people don't know how to get a life and leave you alone. You deserve nothing but the best here and everywhere. I hope you have a wonderful day today. ❤️

Hi anon! You're trying to make me cry 😭😭 I swear! Bless you so much! I wasn't expecting this kind of comment or reaction from anyone. (I wasn't even expecting anybody to notice I hid Obey me 😅) Thank you for such sweet words. I'm hoping they get bored and find some better way to pass the time. I hope YOU have a wonderful week !!! Thank you again for being so kind ;-; 💖💖💖💖💖

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Omg bb I was wondering why you stopped talking about obey me for a bit I'm so sorry some little bitch is being nasty at you 🥺 Get behind me your majesty I'll fight them off 😤
But fr take whatever time you need. As much as I love your writing your mental well-being is way more important ❤️

Yeeeah it's kinda hard to enjoy talking about something when somebody else seems ready to make unncessary comments 😅 I always hope they'll get bored and find some other hobby to entertain themselves with. (Thank you for defending me 😭😭)
Thank you anon! I am definitely going to take some time to myself and try to come back with a better mindset. I hope you're looking after yourself too anon!! 💕💕💕

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