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When you have a piece or idea you really want to write but just can't get it down, what do you do?
Well, at the very beginning of writing fanfic for this fandom, I ended up making a plot list actually - like, I've wailed on twitter quite a few times about having. at least 85? or so fics that I wanted to work on. and at first, I just took those ideas and smacked them on the list, THE GOAL was to try to work on them one at a time ( and i'm very determined so i was like, UNTIL IM 30, WHATEVER )
any way, i tried to stick with that for a few months, and when the ideas came to me with the words, i usually ended up just opening up a new google doc, titling it with the prompt then writing down the scene that cropped up in my head, thinking if i had it settled and waiting, i could just continue and work on it another day.
THIS METHOD: I DO NOT RECOMMEND. because before i knew it, as AMAZING as it is to find these little treasures of things you once wrote and actually being incredibly delighted by it, because you're gonna go 'DARN, I WROTE THAT, THAT'S SO COOL, IT'S GENIUS' - its also. very cluttered.
at some point i had like. closes my eyes. 40 wip's as actual open documents, and none that i knew which one to work on next. it helps !!! to play roulette with them, when you're in the mood to write and you go through one by one and poke at whatever genius you had once upon a time. but if you keep up that method of writing, the documents will just add up and add up and add up and it feels a little exhausting.
so what i do now is, i have a private discord for myself :) in my discord, its just me, and i segment my things by whats game stuff and writing stuff, but in my writing stuff particularly, i have these channels segmented by 'ideas' or 'process' or 'concepts' - and what i do is that when an art piece inspires me, i put it under 'happy concepts' so that when i'm looking for fluff, i find it there. the same for sad or lore pieces. things that make my brain tick but no words come out exactly.
in my ideas, i put there specific ideas for fics i have, but these things don't necessarily have words that i can yet jot down. its the 'i want to do it, but i dont have the time or energy yet' server. in that one, i make Threads in the channel, segmented so that they're all combined based on whatever vague concepts i had in my mind at the time. its like just a whole long list of things i wanna include, just as a reminder to myself, but other then that its just messy random thoughts.
and then in my process thread, i put the pieces i'm Actively working on at that exact moment in time, things that i work to finish asap. and then i do Threads again, the same as ideas, i put my concepts BUT i also put my thoughts that come into my head when i'm working on it. the actual words. when i'm doing revisions and the words no longer fit, but i really like them, instead of outright deleting, i'll put them in the thread so i can at least have something to maybe utilize again for another day. or something to consider and compare, with my finished product versus my draft.
by doing it this way - it accomplishes 3 things:
i also just. really love the concept of not having to delete my words, you know? a lot of phrases or thoughts i had before, i hated deleting them because i spent my time on them. i worked on them. i had thoughts. full 4 page paragraph thoughts. and now they just dont have a space where they can fit. i used to put them in a google doc that was just like '?' and it was a whole mismatch of things from different fics for me to pick and choose. but that eventually reached 68 pages long and it was exhausting.
now i just put them in discord and i can pick and choose without the clutter. its very nice !!!
anyway dsahbdhas sorry for the long and very delayed response! i hope this helps, and i hope the discord method might eventually come to work for you too, if ever you choose to do it! though the mountain of ideas be large, it helps to gently get through it as best you can, and this is the most seamless way for me to go! 💜
What are Jazz's morning/evening routines? Before breakfast and bed sort of stuff?
In the morning, her general thing is to wake up at least 30 or 45 minutes before she’s supposed to be awake and just kind of stare into the ceiling, take stock of how she’s feeling and breathe in the silence until she feels more settled and aware. Kind of like meditating but just listening to the world and her feelings and what it tells her. After a bit of that, she’ll get up and fix her bed, grab her things and then go take a bath. After that it’s just a matter of heading back to her room, double check she has everything she needs for the day, always always makes sure to leave her window open before she leaves, and then she’s off to breakfast and out the door.
In terms of bed time routines, she’s generally super tired when bed times comes around, so when she walks into her room, the first thing she does is just drop all her things on the side, take stock of everything she has in there for tomorrow - strips out of her clothes Immediately ( she doesn’t like hanging around her bed space in dusty clothes ), goes for a bath and then comes right back to go to bed. If she has trouble sleeping and generally has some bits of energy left for herself, she might try to do some maintenance on her weapons, sharpening them while sitting by an open window to get some fresh air. Otherwise, she just sits back to stare at the stars until she falls asleep there 💜
What would a 'day to absolutely nothing, hang and chill' look like for Jazz?
Sleep, mostly. On days she has a full schedule or just something she has to do, the norm is she wakes up with a somberness, almost. A tension. A feeling and a sense of duty and purpose, as she gets ready to go about her day, to do the things she's required to show up for.
But on a day off where she's able to do nothing but relax, she sleeps in, almost utterly refuses to leave the bed until just a little before noon, before she drags herself out and dresses in the most comfortable clothes she can wear - loose, casual attire - before heading down to the markets for a quick shopping trip for food or whatever pretty trinket strikes her fancy.
On days like that, there's a languidness about her that you won't normally see. That little soft laziness that makes her look like she's walking on clouds, almost. There's a few yawns, a few stretches, a lot of stopping to smell the roses or look at the sky. Paused moments where she just lets the moment exist before her. And when she's had her fill, eventually, she moves on, picks up all the things she's bought and heads home. Back to her room, back to bed, very much back to G'raha, who's been waiting for her with a book open in his lap - and it's just a day of cuddling and soft kisses left before them, quiet discussions about anything and everything while she drifts in and out of sleep, and G'raha is beside her, his hand running through her hair as she sleeps through the rest of the day.
It's a very happy thought 💜
What would be the most relaxing way to spend a weekend for Jazz? Would she prefer to travel to a location to relax or stay at home?
Aaah thank you Moen for this question!!! And oooh boy, she’d definitely go to the beach! Particularly the one in Shirogane, where she has an apartment there designed as her little hideaway of sorts. Small and very private, not too many people bother her when she goes out there, so it’s the one place she can escape for an entire weekend or even just a week and just relish in the quiet.
G’raha and her make their way there pretty often when they have the time. They often spend their days just swimming in the ocean, many hours taking naps beneath the gazebos, eating sushi and dango and countless other Hingan snacks while they sit back and watch the sun set. Just listening to the waters crash against the shoreline brings Jazzele so much joy, and she’ll often fall asleep in Raha’s lap right there while he reads, until he wakes her up hours later, and they tread the stone steps to head back to her apartment and get comfy.
They also enjoy just wandering over the cliff sides and looking at the views, also making use of the secret hot springs near her apartment whenever they can. Shirogane is entirely what you’d consider their happy place, and there’s never a moment that they go where they don’t leave refreshed 💜
What is Jazz and Raha's favorite thing to do for each other? Like small little thing that they do to bring a smile to the other's face. ; w;
🥺💕💜💖💕💜💖i love this question, thank you so much Ari !!!
Gosh, I have so many thoughts, but like mutually, the most prominent ones would be mainly brushing each others hair ( especially when the other is dead tired ), drawing them a bath and then singing each other soft songs when the other is falling asleep.
G'raha sings her old Corvos songs along with some he'd heard from the First. Jazzele sings him that which she remembers from her tribe and Othard. It was through a lot of these songs that G'raha has begun to learn a lot of the language, and the same goes with Jazzele. It lulls them to sleep with better dreams, and the comfort it brings them is utterly unparalleled.
On the other hand, in terms of what they love to do for each other - G'raha loves getting Jazz little trinkets whenever he can. Not even just those he buys though - when he finds unique rocks or beautiful flowers, he gives them to her and watches the way she just brightens up in joy! She loves to turn them into good luck charms or incorporates them into clothing, or for the flowers, when they start to wither, she embeds them into jewelry, so she has a piece of it always.
For G'raha, his favorite thing is when Jazzele sometimes reads his books to him when his eyes get tired, when they end up curling up on the bed with him snuggled into her chest, awake and listening - resting but his mind still working, allowing her to take some of the strain off him for a few hours so he can somewhat meditate and recover while listening to her voice. She also likes to prepare him snacks and coffee for when he's really stuck and buried for hours in his books, like she just patiently hangs around with him and ends up organizing and putting away the things he's already gone through, makes sure that books are in easy reach for him so he can work uninterrupted, and when its all said and done, he got his work finished + they still got to spend time together, which in the end is what Jazzele and G'raha value the most.
I think there's - that's one of the biggest things that's so important to him when it comes to her. The fact that she's so patient and just allows him the time to do what he needs to do, and she supports him gently through it - allows him to take his time doing things so long as she can spend that same time actually with him. And in the end, he follows up by making sure every moment after that is focused on her and her alone.
In every respect - it's like they're constantly caught in a state of 'this is enough, I'm content, I'm living for this moment with you and we have time to enjoy it' and also 'no amount of time is ever enough for me to get my fill of you, I love you always' and it's like !!! THE CUTEST THING 😭💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 INSATIABLE BUT CONTENT ALL AT THE SAME TIME, ITS MY FAVORITE PART!!!
How old is Jazz? I also have a Viera WoL but I can't settle on an age for them, given their lifespan
drags out my meticulously crafted notes that included a lot of math and took me 4 hours to compute because i'm bad at math
✨Updated now with Endwalker Timelines✨
Lmao, okay, so I won't actually subject anyone to the actual math because it's very long and stupid detailed but! Jazzele is currently 75 years old as of 6.1.
The summary is: she left the forest when she was 39, stayed around the Othard area for around 15 years, wandered a bit more for 2 before eventually finding her way to Limsa. The Calamity happens another 3 years in, 5 years rebuilding and when she starts ARR, she's around 64 years old.
I know this messes with how old the twins remain during MSQ, since technically this means she's been with them for 11 years or so, but time bubbles aside, I guess I'm latching onto how Rielle mentioned she didn't have her growth spurt yet when hanging around Sid, so I'm playing around with that vaguely.
I actually have this all calculated down to months and weeks in my notes, only because for Jazzele's story, I wanted to look at it realistically for how long things like the wars would take, along with mourning periods for friends and what not, so it gave her time to be more of a wanderer and adventurer rather than just a Scion. So she has longer periods where she was actually able to take more of the world in, rather than just popping in and out for MSQ. She also does Raids and the like during this time, of course, but I also wanted to make sure she had time with G'raha to settle in before 6.0 happens too.
The only exception to that was Endwalker, which I know most people headcannon as like two weeks, but Jazz had two months - essentially things were a bit slow in Sharlayan and Thavnair and Garlemald for a bit, and it just went into overdrive after the Moon, so that's where the urgency went hard.
I think with regards to choosing the age for Viera characters, in my opinion, it really depends more on how mature you want them to be in terms of wisdom and understanding of the world and the like. Like I know some characters who are in their hundreds, and they've got a whole wealth of experience under their belt, whole lifetimes spent so far apart from being the WoL before they eventually landed in that role. I also know characters who went straight from the forests and popped right into the MSQ, fumbling a bit with the wonder that are other races and being more or less a bit oblivious and having to be taught a lot of things.
So in terms of choosing an age for them, I think it would help to decide how the character came to that sense of maturity - like did they have time to understand and explore the world before they came into their final role? Or did they shoot straight ahead immediately and it went on from there? Did they leave the tribe while fairly young, so they were still young and impressionable? Or did they have even 50 years of their life settling into their role so that when they finally left, it was like 'I'm old and this is how we did things so I'm having trouble adapting to this'?
In choosing what scenarios happened between leaving their tribe and then making it to ARR, it may help you narrow down that age number to a specific 💜
Thank you for sending this to me though aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I LOVE ANSWERING VIERA BASED QUESTIONS VERY MUCH, IT MAKES ME VERY HAPPY!!!! 💖
Does Jazz want to have / ever have kids?
Honestly, if you'd asked me this before Endwalker happened, the answer to this would have been so much more complicated.
But yes, yes, Jazzele definitely wants kids! She's always loved them, has always been softest on children whenever they come up to her in towns and the like. Sometimes she gets exasperated by the more mischievous ones, but they find their weak spot on her just as quickly - like Konogg and Anogg of the Nier Raid? Absolute nut jobs those two, but her heart absolutely shattered when it came to them at the end, god help her.
Before Endwalker though, if you'd asked her if she'd wanted kids, she wouldn't be able to think about it. I feel like there's always just been - a part of her inside that has Hurt when she's even so much as thought about bringing kids into the world. Maybe it's a bit of trauma from when she left her tribe? That whole staggering feeling of 'the world is in fact, not kind' that she couldn't bear to consider bringing out more kids to face that kind of conflict and pain that the world can bring. Not to mention the fact that she's never had real 'parents' for herself, in the way that other people seem to have, so she's not sure if she'd be able to do things right.
G'raha recognized this back then and they've had a few discussions regarding it - he definitely wants kids, but he only wants them if she does too. And it was slow going trying to get her to even open up about it, it's like her fear just kept her shut up and quiet. He has ever been patient with her though, and he knows if she wants them, she'll get to that conclusion in time herself.
At first in all honesty, she couldn't even bear to think about it, not names, not number of kids, not nada. And when She can't even think about it, I also can't imagine anything to do with it, so I just kinda swept it from my mind, sorta accepting that I'd never have the chance to write it out.
AFTER ENDWALKER THOUGH HAHAHAHAH YES, VERY MUCH YES. She starts considering it somewhere idly through Thavnair, like a little spark of 'hmm, i wonder'. Doesn't really think much of it, then Garlemald happens, the Final Days starts, and even when she sees for herself the sheer amount of pain and heartache everyone is going through, she realizes in that moment how much more important it is to experience a joy of love while she has the chance to take it! Even if she cannot promise them a world without pain, or promise them even a happy life - seeing the way the Garlean's still strived to protect their kids from the cold, with such earnest desperation, to save the only measure of love they had left - it kinda struck something in her.
She's always wanted kids, but she was never sure she could give them all the love and care they deserved, was never sure she could do it right, but to see the way these people still tried, even with such limited resources at their disposal, to give everything they'd had and more - it only made her want her own family more. To have a family she could love so deeply and with so much care, to give them even a measure of that same devotion these people felt and experience it for herself, with the one man on every shard who would so gladly share the experience with her, and make it something beautiful for them both.
Anyway, long story short - yes, she wants and will have kids. 3 to be specific - but that only happens After their two weddings, and they literally just got engaged so they have some planning to do hihi! 💜
What are some of Jazz's pet peeves?
Ooooh, I love this question!! She doesn't have too many, I think, but there are a few more prominent ones that trip her up.
Like frayed threads in clothes - like, maybe it's a weaver thing and very funny to think about, but she gets very antsy when she sees someone's clothes are fraying at the seams, even if it's because of something totally understandable, like you just came out of a battle and look like you went through hell, so of course your outfit will look messed up. Jazzele though, will be very quietly hyperfixated on it without saying anything, but it's very prominent to the person actually wearing the clothes because she's just insistently staring the whole time through!
As soon as she's able to get to a place where it feels a bit more peaceful and they can rest, she ends up stealing said clothing so she can hem it on the side, even if that means leaving them a little undressed... I want to imagine Thancred is usually the victim of things like this. But he's gotten used to it!
People who are needlessly clumsy and break things - not the 'i'm sorry, it was a mistake, i didn't realize how fragile it was' kinda clumsy, but like. the overly excited, too hyper, no care and respect at all for handling things delicately when they're very clearly breakable. Like she doesn't mind accidents, but she does mind if you've been gently reminded three times after the last broken glass to be careful, but then you don't heed it, that's when her patience slips.
She also has exceptionally low patience for whiners. For people who are needlessly cruel and talk down to others, who think they're above everyone else; those who have so much to complain about but do nothing to help themselves either. She's very quick to cut them down to size, but in a very low, cruel kind of way herself. She won't get outwardly mad, but she will be very blunt and say something exceptionally mean that strikes at how obnoxious she thinks they are and leave it at that. Basically she will be offensive back. So she's generally super understanding and empathetic for the most part, but she has her limits. ( Hi Emmanellain and Ramza :) )
G'raha is her love, but who would you say is her best friend? What solidified them being so close?
Alphinaud, absolutely 💜 Alisaie does her best to be there for Jazzele and look out for her like she would a sister, to give her strength whenever she needs it, but Alphinaud is her confidant, the one who recognizes what Jazzele needs without her needing to even say a word. Jazzele is extremely quiet about her heartaches at even the best of times, and it's difficult for most people to see when something is wrong - the only notes are often a certain light in her eyes that dies, a faint frown on her face that seems blank and very wrong. Yet G'raha and Alphinaud are two people who've come to understand her expressions very well, that have recognized that the best way to help her in those moments is to give her space, and prompt her to come out of her shell when she's ready.
Her friendship with Alphinaud particularly was one that she didn't realize was actually happening. When the Waking Sands was raided and she was incredibly numb, Alphinaud, for all his boasting and ordering - was the one that looked out for her. In the small ways that she needed - a handkerchief to wipe the blood from her face, a hand to keep her steady when she was stumbling in the snows. He wasn't very warm to her in the way that he coddled her, he was just warm enough in a way that told her 'you still have a duty to fulfill'.
And in a way, that's what saved her. That's what kept her going. Because when Jazz is overwhelmed in situations like that, she will never feel better if she's able to stop and to give in to her emotions - she will only manage it better if she's given a mission to fulfill. Someone to kill, someone to save, something to do. And Alphinaud gave her that push, one step after the other. Until things were better again, and everything was okay again.
When Ilberd and his Crystal Braves happened, she ended up doing the same for him in Ishgard. A hand to hold him steady through the snow, a jacket to keep him warm against the cold. He has seen her at her worst, and she has seen him at his - and they gave each other every reason to keep pushing on.
In the end, they have the same thoughts - to recognize that they both consider the weight of the world to be far more important than their own singular needs, and though it pains them, it was in this way that they came to an understanding when it had to happen in Ultima Thule.
The entirety of that moment broke her, it did - there is nothing she cherishes more than her friends, nothing she cares for more than the Scions. But it was with this concept in mind that she understood them all so much more deeply, for they have ever been of the same mind.
And in the end, she remembered exactly what he taught her, in the moments she was alone. To keep walking, to keep moving, to keep doing what needed to be done, until the end.
For it is only when the dust settles, will they have the space and time to care for themselves.
What are Jazz's favorite foods? Does she prefer to cook or have someone cook for her?
i answered that in the last question on here 💕but regarding cooking, Jazzele doesn't know how to cook actually, she burns water and chars to hell anything she puts over a fire no matter what it is, no matter how simple it should be.
she jokes sometimes that the char 'is' the flavor, and that's why she doesn't mind eating it - but the Scion's know better, and do try their best to make sure their Warrior is eating properly 😅 it doesn't help that G'raha himself isn't too great a cook as well, so when they're together - at the very least, they eat sandwiches and G'raha can make rice - at least Jazz knows how to roll rice balls.
What's Jazz's favorite kind of food to eat?
She likes vegetables a lot, and has a preference for Doman meals! So things like stir fry and sashimi, rice balls and grilled fish. In terms of taste, she has a preference for salty and sour things over anything sweet and overly spiced, so she won't enjoy anything that's too overwhelming in terms of flavor - if anything, she'll prefer to eat somewhat more bland things if given the choice - it might not bring too much joy but she's content.
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