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i too am just a little guy (they/them)
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What if Ivan death is a great marketing opportunity for his sponsors & to promote R7? Interactive Ivan AI ads are everywhere and there are even customizable version for sale. How does Till react?
extremely late response because i’ve been sitting on this one for a WHILE but i’m not ready to give it up yet because its such a damn good idea sob… but there is a real fear i wont get to this by march so if you want to just copy and paste this. exact prompt in my (dreamwidth here)[] if you’re still interested… otherwise know that i will write it one day and leave a note in the a/n about where the genesis of this idea came from ❤️
Warm duke of the south ivan & cold duke of the north till…or, two cold dukes of the north ivti? (till does have the white hair/blue eyes…)
Media/type of media you think the alnst characters would like?
i'm gonna assume media as in movie and book genres since that is... a very wide range LOL
ivan: classical literature, as stated, but i think he would deeply enjoy psychological horror as well. historical fiction; he'd like to take a look at how humans used to be in the past (if canonverse) or because it just feels like reading another world.
mizi: horror movies. anything horror. she can read horror books, but probably not too long or with too complex themes. that probably goes for her taste in overall media. nothing too complex, nothing too thematically convoluted. she does like action, jumpscares, gore, etc, all are fine. VERY bad with psychological horror, though.
sua: likes romance novels, chick flicks, comedy. i think she'd actually enjoy comedy quite a bit because she does enjoy the laughs, it's just hard to get her to crack in social situations because she's just usually worried about how she presents herself or how others see her to let loose and enjoy the moment, so low stakes comedy in the privacy of her own home would be fun for her. doesn't really enjoy horror at all. likes quieter music, crooning ballads, love songs, etc.
till: romance everything. romance novels, romance movies, love songs, the whole nine yards. he also probably enjoys a "things go boom" loud action film, but he's a secret sucker for melodramatic chick flicks with too much sincerity. anything that gets into the human emotion side of things, he'd really enjoy. i do think his taste in music is wide ranged. he'd enjoy anything from classical to heavy metal to rock ballads, etc.
luka: i don't think he particularly cares as long as he can enjoy it with hyuna. preferably, though, nothing that's too scary or infuriating or loud.
hyuna: she doesn't particularly care for horror. likes movies/books where things go "boom," but she does enjoy the complex themes or morals of a good movie/book every so often to really get her thinking about like. Society.
Au where Ivan time travels to post his death 10-15 years in the future and sees how fucked up he left till who despite having escaped alien stage remains forever trapped by Ivan’s death. This is a thinly veiled excuse to a have a till who matured into a till sunbae.
i've honestly been rotating this one in my head for AGES but kind of a different form of it? just some idea of ivan time traveling to the future where he discovers he's dead and he knows that in order to arrive to this future where at least till is safe and alive, he needs to go back to his own timeline and do whatever he needs to. except till won't let him go because how can he when this is the last time he'll ever see ivan? another thought i had about this was an au where till is the one who time travels instead and finds himself face to face with... well, himself, but more importantly a version of him who's been changed irrevocably by ivan's death. regarding these two ideas, i'm still working on it because i desperately (like you have no idea how desperately i've talked to maybe a dozen people about it trying to ram my head against this plot) want to write it, but i haven't figured out how it would end. in the meantime, since this answer came so so late, a brief dialogue scene i imagined (without context, per usual).
Ivan takes one look at the Till's pale, frozen face and knows the truth. "How long have I been dead?" he asks, feeling calmer than he sounds. He sounds quiet and uncertain; emotionally, he feels very distant from this situation as a whole.
Till's throat bobs when he replies. "Three years. Eight months. Nineteen days."
"You remember it down to the day?" Ivan asks, surprised.
"How could I not," Till manages.
Ivantill Amnesia AU where Ivan loses his memory (even better if him and till are together. sorry till)
Ivan piercing tills ears…
note: very drabble-y, typos, etc. hope you still like anyway!
"And you're sure it won't hurt," Till says, rubbing at his immaculate earlobe.
It's like waving a red flag at a bull. Ivan's mouth waters; it's a herculean effort to tear his eyes away and focus on sanitizing the needle in the flame. "Of course," he says smoothly. Complete lie. Till has the pain tolerance of a child. Chances are ninety-nine to one that he'll tear up and shake through it. Ivan should feel guilty about misleading him, but guilt is an emotion that has long since disappeared where Till is involved. Now it's something like a missing limb--at best, he knows when he should feel it. "Are you ready?"
Till eyes the needle with no small amount of fear. "You said it won't get infected?"
"Till, we either do this or we don't. You're the one who wanted to."
"I know!"
"So..." Till's teeth grinds. He squeezes his eyes shut and wrenches his head to the side, exposing the lovely line of his neck and his bare earlobe. "Fine. Just get it over with."
Ivan leans in. "Shall I be gentle?"
"You're a dickwad."
"Rough it is, then."
"Count to three," Till mumbles. He's sweating. His fingers wind in the hem of his sleeves, pulling at the loose thread of his old hoodie. Here comes the shaking. "Don't just--do it, okay? Three. Count to three."
"Okay," Ivan says, and plunges the needle in.
Body swap ivantill
note: just a little drabble thing? shrugs...
"Were you aware that you have perfect pitch?" Ivan says, in Till's voice.
Till, in Ivan's body, shudders. It's disorienting. Even the act of shuddering feels wrong; the movement feels wider, bogged down with more muscle and mass than he's ever had in his entire life. Ivan's expressions on his own face are making him nauseous. "Stop that," Till snaps.
"Stop what?"
"Smiling like that. You look... you look like a baby criminal."
"It's your body," Ivan reminds him. "Can you hum a C3? I definitely can't from memory."
C3? Till tries it. Something about his innate sense is--shit. God. Everything sucks. His voice is so low, what the hell. Whatever sound comes out of his mouth isn't a C3. Ivan laughs.
"Shut up," Till hisses. "Stop laughing."
"I asked for a C3," Ivan says. "You gave me a B4."
"Okay, thank you, Mozart."
"I like your body," Ivan says. "It fits me quite well. And your chest--"
"Stop groping me," Till yells.
"Never," Ivan breathes. "I have to seize the day. Carpe diem. You can grope me, if you'd like. I'm sure we have differences in our body that you would like to explore."
Till, resolutely, does not think about Ivan's penis.
"My pants are yours to unzip as you please," Ivan says, magnanimously.
"I hate you," Till chokes out.
mizisua and…. sex? maybe?
Hyuna & Till bonding over their freak boyfriends
i won't lie the concept of this is so funny if only because i think it would start out with mutual airing out of grievances, which then quickly transforms to till just listening to hyuna and thinking in his head, okay at least ivan's not THAT bad. okay at least ivan's not THAT bad. okay at least ivan's not THAT bad. okay at l-- repeat ad infinitum until till is actually feeling worried and says so and hyuna goes HAHAHA! hah... hahaaa... (head in hands)
ivan comes to pick till up from the hangout and they kiss on their way out. meanwhile luka has been messaging hyuna every 45 seconds and hyuna is considering fleeing the country but knows that luka would be in the neighboring seat. so she just gives up and goes home because she does like him at the end of the day. unfortunately. the end LOL
hello a little late to the party and i know this isn’t how it necessarily works but would be a fun idea for if ivan choking till during r6 was also him sneakily unlocking his collar but keeping it in place!
brother i won't lie to you. the logistics of this would be so crazy ivan would have to have insanely dexterous fingers and in the heat of the moment idk if he'd be able to manage it... especially while getting shot.... but something to a similar effect it's always cool when ivan does things that seem to hurt till or push him away when it's protecting him, and till never finds out until it's too late. thanks for the prompt!!
Wait wait ivantill fwb in canon setting where till is too ashamed of himself for doing this (because he did not escape with ivan) to look ivan in the eye during sex cue really angsty sad sex and miscommunication on both sides
i'm always going to go feral over how happy and shook ivan gets whenever till demonstrates that he /knows/ ivan and notices his habits
no joke this is one of my favorite things to slip into fics if i can find the room, but there's this little hc i have (in modern au at least) that till knows ivan so well that he predicts ivan's. coffee orders. like "just get ivan a hazelnut mocha with whipped cream and cinnamon on top, he sounded a little annoyed on the phone today" and then ivan arrives and goes yay!! thanks mizi! and till's like I GOT IT FOR YOU FUCKFACE and ivan goes .....? you ............ what? (error 404) idk. it's just fun. ivan will never be able to properly process that till does pay attention to him and commence organ explosion
How do you think io’s presence affected till? I’ve been thinking a lot about the context his forced separation from her adds to the meteor shower and the flashback in r7 with mizi. There’s an interesting parallel of those two scenes where he’s unable to let himself reach out to the two of them despite very clearly wanting to. He only finally manages to reach out to mizi after being traumatized into doing so through ivan & mizi’s (though assumed in her case) death
the latest alnst friday comic was definitely fascinating to me because i thought that vivimeng really put so much thought into conveying the idea of how "love," that didn't necessarily stay for long or be affirmed between two parties, can still seep into someone and shape how they see themselves and interact with others. one of my favorite lyrics from cure, to this effect, was 너로 물들여 / 네게 물들게 (aka "let me drown in you, i'll drown in you" in till's and ivan's verses respectively) because thematically it felt resonant with one of the final lines in the comic, which was "...그리고 그 흔적은 끝까지 산물을 외로운 소년으로 내버려두지 않았음을."
for cure, it's more an all-consuming love that you want to overpower you so that everything else seems less scary, but it's still the core idea of wanting a love that leaves those traces in you, a love that leaves you changed. i thought this idea was beautifully echoed in the till&io comic, because it's just conveying that idea that love (those traces of io's love in till that he might not actively remember, but still carries with him) didn't leave him ever feeling lonely. it's the idea that love can change you, protect you, seep its colors into you, even when you can't recognize it or consciously remember it because it happened so long ago.
those lines from cure are some of my favorites from that entire song because i like to think that it's also quite representative of the ivantill relationship in canon, where they never really professed their love for each other (ivan more than till, obvs) in words, but the way they interacted with each other, built a relationship of trust and camaraderie with each other, comforted each other--all that was in its own way a form of "love" even if they never knew to call it that. i'm not quite sure if i'm making sense, but i think the comic with io really put into perspective how the existence of love (and the time he spent basking in io's warmth and love in turn) allowed him to grow confident in his abilities, express himself honestly, and never really act in the self sacrificial way that the other candidates did. he wasn't lonely, because he was loved--and that's not something that he had to remember in order to feel it.
on the sadder aspect of io's impact on till, i definitely think there's an element of how that abrupt (and traumatic) separation blocked out his ability to entrust his emotions fully to another person. as you said, it's interesting to think about in context to the meteor scene and how he interacts with mizi, because happiness isn't something he seems to actively chase as opposed to watching it from afar, maybe because he's afraid of the vulnerability and emptiness he might feel when it's taken from him again. the meteor scene is one of the few scenes where we see him so unabashedly happy. of course mizi seems to be one of the reasons he turns back, but i have to wonder if there was a fear in his head that were he to leave and chase that freedom and happiness with ivan, it would just crumble and leave him in an even worse state before--and that's why he chooses to return to the cage he knows, because at least the type of pain and emptiness he faces there is something he's already familiar with. idk it's very interesting...
there's also his relationship with mizi to factor in as well for sure. i have the opinion that till did love mizi, but his love for her was largely out of convenience and his own ego and from his perspective as an artist, which is why he never really seems to be bothered by her love for sua. he never expected or wanted it reciprocated in the first place. the patreon mentioned something to the effect of how she caught his eye because she's the only one who could keep up with his genius, which is admittedly a very cute reason, but it also gave me the impression that till loves mizi because she's easy to love. she's bright, pretty, happy, and loving her would largely be an uncomplicated affair that he doesn't have to invest in too much emotionally (compared to, say, loving someone like ivan, who is much more... gestures). i'm not denying that he has a crush and a love for mizi and that she was his beacon and hope at the end of the day, of course, but i do think that from how he sees her, how he interacts with her, how he remembers her in his head--all of those reasons paint a picture of her role almost as a muse? to inspire him and allow him to live without much investment or sacrifice or vulnerability on his part. idk. i'm very much rambling and being long-winded and obvs these are just my opinions, but i guess those are my thoughts? if you've read this far thank you for reading haha
tl;dr io's presence and her love and warmth seeped into till that encouraged him to become someone who never really felt lonely, because being raised by love allowed him to connect with those around him in an honest and unfiltered way, even if he doesn't necessarily remember her or being loved by her. on the other hand, the way they separated so traumatically is something that i think might have impacted him negatively in his hesitation to chase after his own happiness, until it was too late. (final disclaimer that these are just my opinions and how i'm reading the disclaimer, do not send shit after me for this, but i'm open to reading other interpretations and thoughts as well xoxo)
Prompt: I’ve been thinking about everyone lives au where till maybe comes across an artifact like a movie showing a sex scene where it’s just really loving and tender and seeing that it’s not the traumatic act that the aliens inflict on them. Seeing that even this form of love the aliens tried to take from them and he starts thinking that he wants to take that back. What I’m trying to say canonverse ivantill smut please if you’re ever up for it 🥺
hmmm this is just my opinion but i think that in canonverse, ivan and till wouldn't really find sex as something that they'd actively try to "reclaim"; as it is, both of their experiences with sex are probably irrevocably marked by trauma and violence, and i can't really imagine that reclaiming it and trying to rewrite those memories based off a movie of how sex is supposed to be would be enough to get them (much less till) to make that effort. it's just my opinion that in canonverse at least, sex for the both of them would become something of an unhealthy coping mechanism, a way for them to feel "connected" with another human being that they trust, or something that they fumble into by accident with a lot of fear and trepidation.
i'd love to write canonverse ivantill smut but tbh i can really only ever manage shorter fics for ivantill (in a sort of "missing scenes" esque type plot) in canonverse because the amount of character work to make that plot work with the type of accurate characterization i want would be insanely hard? if that makes sense. i definitely have a few longer ideas for canonverse ivantill, especially if they both lived and made it out of alnst, but i'm not really sure when that would be written since, needless to say, it would be extremely taxing emotionally and mentally to write haha. it's definitely something i'm thinking about and trying to figure out in my head before i try tackling it on the document. thank you for the ask!
Thoughts on older till and younger ivan dynamic? 틸선배? 틸형?
this gets my metaphorical penis so hard so yeah nods so furiously my head snaps off etc. till hyung and little ivan dynamic is best imo when till is so used to ivan being cute and disarming and playing innocent that even when he grows up to be a menace (always was a menace but he just doesn't bother hiding it as well anymore), till's like "why are you guys bullying an innocent kid??? back off" and innocent kid is like 186 cm 79 kg benches 400kg idk. it's great. i'm gonna write it one day it's definitely on the agenda.... thank you for the ask....
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