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Don and Howard

Don and Howard are archaeology students at Hopefall University. Don is a Racoon Anthropomorph, and Howard is a tiger Anthropomorph. The two have studied and unlocked many secrets of the past.

Hopefall University
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We're a team of archaeologists based out of the university town of Hopefall. We have had many adventures, so ask us about them!


Archaeology Enthusiast · 10mo

I don't know if you know, but sometimes Precursors were allergic to animals, like cats or horses. Are Uplifteds or Anthropomorphs ever allergic to each other or to regular animals? Could, say, Howard, a tiger, be allergic to pet cats?

Don: "Well, I don't think we can be allergic to other Anthropomorphs of the same 'animal type' that we are, and I haven't heard of anthropomorphs becoming allergic to ferals or uplifted of their own species either. Buuut, we do get allergies, and I've heard of some Anthropomorph couples having to regularly take medication to deal with being allergic to one another's fur. I've even dealt with it before. My folks had a dog... uh, a domestic dog that wasn't uplifted. I had a mild allergy to their dander."

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

Hey there, it’s Otto. I heard you’re currently traveling with a group. What are they like?

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

Greetings, Don and Howard. My name is Halphas. I saw your question regarding the Goetia from the one called Gretchen. Suffice it to say, there is history between us. Normally it would be unwise to trust her, but she is actually being truthful on the noble demons. But regardless, I’ve heard of the city of demons you are nearing. How have expeditions into the area fared in the past?

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

What's your favourite object you've discovered?

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

Are there any discoveries you regret making? Anything you wish you never found?

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

Aside from the recent demon wolf and group dream, what have been your experiences with ghosts? Have you experienced intelligent haunts? Poltergeist activity? Demonic activity? Or do they seem to be more residual haunts? Echoes of times gone by? Lights? Sounds? Shadows? Cold/Hot spots? Full body apparitions?

Howard: "Multiple times, all of which were after the demon wolf and the dream. For starters, we uncovered the skeletal remains of King Stephan, an uplifted king who fell during a raider attack hundreds of years ago. Kneeling over the body was a sort of apparition of the king. It was not aware of me, and the words it spoke sounded like it was praying to a precursor artifact it was kneeling next to."

Don: "Then, when we got to the ruins of Nassau, we found the place so haunted that the entire city literally screamed at night. We've been warned that there are demons in the city as well."

Hawk Redsky & Mordecai Tal'Set · 1y

Hawk here. Is there some Precursor item that has eluded you two for so long that you now consider it a myth?

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

Alright. A non-cooking question. What was the worst monster you ever encountered and had to fight? What about the most disgusting one?

Don: "It used to be the corrupted vines, but now?"

Howard: "The answer to both is probably that possessed creature we were attacked by during our investigation into the Ruins of Hope."

Don: "Yeah... it used to be a wolf, or I'd assume since that's what it turned into when whatever possessing it got booted out, but it was just this horrible monstrosity. It towered as tall as the trees and had snapping, drooling jaws covering every part of it's body. It was spewing this rotten gas and slime from it's many mouths that just sucked the life out of everything it touched. Whatever it was, it wasn't natural..."

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

Greetings, Don and Howard, you may refer to me as Gretchen. I am curious, if you have ever come across any information to these beings known as the “Goetia?”

It would always be of help to know how …prepared, another person is.

Don: "That word doesn't really ring a bell... Howard?"

Howard: "I believe it was mentioned in the book of demonology Athene loaned us. Some kind of noble demonic clan, with members varying greatly in form, power, and in their dealings with mortals. Most of them are labeled as dangerous, and many apparently claim your soul as payment for their services."

Don: "Ah. Yeah, sounds like a group to steer clear of."

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

Howard, how many times have you stopped Don from "experimenting" with cooking in the kitchen?

Howard: "Not very often, actually. He does not attempt to cook that frequently."

Don: "You guys know we're archaeologists, right? Like, seekers of the world's lore, delving into tombs and shrines and ancient cities? We've met immortal precursors, encountered monsters, seen ghosts, and uncovered lost tombs. Why have nearly all questions been about my efforts at cooking?"

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

Since you two are best friends and live together, do you enjoy pranking each other? If so, what's the best prank you've successfully pulled?

Don: "Probably the catnip one, to be honest. We don't really pull pranks on each other much."

Howard: "I have a favorite prank. It was something I did in retaliation for that little catnip incident."

Don: "But... you haven't retaliated. What's the prank?"

Howard: "You'll find out soon, I would think."

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

Howard: As a cat, what are your thoughts on dogs/dog zoomorphs/dog anthropomorphs? Does that species rivalry still exist?

Howard: "I don't have any issue with canine Anthropomorphs. We're all technically the same species, and we all get along relatively well regardless of 'species' especially since most Anthropomorphs have 'interspecies' families."

"I can't speak for Uplifted, however. They tend to have stronger differences between their different species. Canines and Felines, both being obligate carnivores, have a bit of history with competition over resources that Anthropomorphs don't have, but in modern times the rivalry is minimal."

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

This is a question for Howard. Did you ever figure out that Don drugged you with catnip?

Howard: "No. No, I didn't."

Don: "WELP! Time for me to go, I'm late for classes! See ya!"
Don ran away

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

Are there canine Anthropomorphs or Uplifteds in the form of Precursor-domesticated breeds (terriers, spaniels, retrievers, etc)? Or are you all wild-type (wolf, fox, coyote, etc)?

Don: "Yep! In fact, domestic breeds of dogs, cats, rats, basically any species that was domesticated or lived frequently around humans were some of the most common animal breeds to be used for anthropomorphs. There's plenty of dog anthropomorphs, cat anthropomorphs, and rat anthropomorphs, though 'pure bred' breeds are pretty rare nowadays since Anthropomorphs didn't restrict themselves to their own breeds when starting families."

"I guess if they were looking to build a species of worker, it makes sense that they would look to species they had already domesticated for the job."

Archaeology Enthusiast · 1y

Does catnip work on Uplifted or Anthropomorph felines?

Don: "That's a good question! To answer that question, I have placed some catnip in Howard's coat pocket. Let's go see exhibit A!"

Howard: purring and laying on top of his coat "Heh... heehee... I can smell purple..."

Don: "Aaaand there you have it! Now I should run before he sobers up and realizes what happened. See ya!"

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