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Immortal Intergalactic Ex-Bounty Hunter and current member of the Champions.
The Kaiju Mayor Of Thunder Bay (The neighboring town of Crater City)
Greetings, Hawk, Halphas speaking. I was made aware that you hold no love for shotguns with shortened barrels. I’m curious as to why? If it’s the lack of range and small ammunition amount, I can understand, though I will admit, it is quite satisfying to discharge in the face of an opponent like I once did with the archdemon, Phlegethon. Now if only that truly accomplished something…
Honestly, I blame popular media: In every piece of fiction I've seen or heard of, double-barrel shotguns were seen as the be-all/end-all of shotguns, able to royally mess someone's day up and are the go-to weapon for zombie slayers and demon hunters. In reality? Double Barrel Shotguns are the most pointless weapons in existence and I do not understand why anyone would use them.
First of all, a double-barrel is just as powerful as the ammo you load in it, meaning if you load 12 gauge into a double-barrel, you'll do the same damage you'd do if you load it into a pump, auto, or semi and fire said gun twice. Now, I have no doubt that feeling of blasting Phlegethon was cathartic and I don't mean to take away from it, but you would've had the same experience with any other type of shotgun out there, even at a far away range (depending on the rifling the barrel has).
Second and more importantly, you spend more time reloading those guns then you do firing the gun. So, in a situation where you got, say ten enemies approaching you and you got is that double-barrel? Unless you have Celestial/Cylestial-tier reload speeds, nine times out of ten? You'd be dead or, best case, wounded before you finish reloading after your first shot. That's not even taking into account what type of ejector the gun has or if it's sawed-off or not (Non-sawed offs tend to be a bit heavier and awkward to hold and reload).
It's those reasons and more why I despise double barrel shotguns...and before you say anything: The two I carry are NOT double-barrel by the usual terms. The ones I carry? The two barrels actually hold the shells (four shells each) as the barrel is located under the tubes (whenever I cock the lever action, a shell is inserted into the tube and, once the one barrel is empty, I switch it over to the second barrel and use the shells in that one).
A question for Hawk: What was the worst thing you ever fell into?
Worst thing? When I was chasing a bounty on Sularise, I made a mistake and ended up falling into lava. Looked like the physical embodiment of the Grim Reaper when I emerged...
A question for Hawk: When you first started out as a now ex-bounty hunter what was the most embarrassing thing that happened to you?
Most embarrassing thing that happened to me? While I was bringing a bounty in on the city planet of Falcose, I was trying to hide the guy from another hunter and, so, I told him to hide in the nearby dumpster and I hit a button to close it....I didn't uh realize it was a trash compactor. Yeah...lost half a million there...
Question for Hawk: Would you join a Mortal Kombat style tournament? What would have to be on the line before you would be willing to participate in such a thing?
Actually, I've been part of the tournament, during my early days. This was before I learned I was immortal but to make a long story somewhat short? I was relaxing after a successful hunt when this guy popped out of a colorful portal and invited me to fight for something called 'EarthRealm' and, seeing as I had nothing to do, I joined. Did pretty good against the combatants...sorry, kombatants, and ended up helping the guy with saving this 'EarthRealm'. He asked if I wanted to stay but I said my home's in my dimension, but to keep me in mind if they ever have another tournament.
Greetings, Hawk, Macabre once again. A rather general question, what can you tell us regarding these “Cylestials?” I’m afraid I don’t believe I’ve heard of them before. Are they some variant of Celestials I’m more familiar with?
They're not really a Celestial, so to speak. In fact, the name 'Cylestial' was given to them by researchers on the planet known as 'Earth' in their year of, I believe, 1980 as their actual name is unpronounceable in any tongue, even those of Celestials and Demonic origins.
To describe them would also be a bit of a task as each one is vastly different from the other. But, one common trait they share is a power called, in our tongue, 'Conjoinment', where they would become one with a mortal (Per the mortal's permission, of course) and said mortal would gain immortality, along with any power that the Cylestial possess.
There's only two that never conjoined with someone: Bastet and Taweret. While Bastet's reason is unknown to this day, Taweret's reason is simple: She rather help families take care of their children, which is why she has the nickname of 'Aunty Taw'.
Heya, Rapidash, Sickle again. So, some buddies of mine have been talking about this KDF thing after being introduced to it from some guy there. I’m curious, what would you say your experience has been with the group like?
Rapidash? OK, that's a new one I actually never heard before...kudos.
Regarding the KDF, I really haven't interacted with them much, outside of Wildfire and I hope the other kaijus in the KDF aren't like him. There is one, though, I do recall having a good head on his shoulders; A man named Otogami Hazemaru. He was assigned to me as there was a breach in security at their HQ (which makes me really question their effectiveness now) and, honestly? I put my trust in him than any kaiju or Showjus that work for the KDF.
Hey, Mr. Ed! Sickle with another question.
So I’ve heard that the giant dragon, Wildfire has to keep a distinction between his disguised self and his regular self in order to keep safe from people who actually know how to kill giants. I’m wondering, how public are you about your own identity, and what measures are there against these hunter guys!
Hi, Sickle, this is Rourke; Member of The Thunder Bay Council. Mayor Mordecai asked me to answer this as your various names for him are getting annoying (it was cute at first, but he's starting to get a little annoyed).
Now, to answer your question? The Tikbalang are very open about their identities as they feel that hiding anything from humans does more harm than good; something they believed in since they first arrived in the States around the Civil War.
As for the other? Well, in Thunder Bay, at least, when we catch a hunter? We offer them two choices: Jail time or a chance to change their ways and work for us as security for the town, keeping an eye out for Rogue Kaijus (which they would be properly train to spot one), and, overtime, getting to better understand kaijus. Most of the time, sadly, many take the jail time, but those that do work for us? We treat them right and they soon start to respect kaijus (of their own freewill, I must stress).
Hopefully that answers your question, Sickle.
Question for Hawk: What was the largest enemy you've had to face so far, just in terms of size?
Outside of the occasional huge body guard or droids that were literal walking tanks? None really come to for this one half-human/half-droid looking...thing on Arhyes-VI. He or it was close to 9ft tall but I didn't really face it, per say: I kinda found a way to disable it before hand so I didn't have to worry about it.
Don: "So, Hawk. You were a Champion. What can you tell Howard and me about the group? What were they like, from your memory of them?"
They weren't a perfect group, despite what you may have heard, but what group is? But, I do remember that I enjoyed working with them and that they all would go through hell to get a job done...some quite literatly.
Hey, Mordy, My Large Pony, how’s it going? Name’s Sickle. So, I’m curious, what traits of your species, the Tikbalang, put you so above other species of Kaiju, what do you consider incredibly important to you? Asking for….research purposes.
First of all: Never call me "Mordy" and never refer to me as "My Large Pony".
Secondly, I don't know where this whole idea that we Tikbalang think we're above over Kaijus out there. We're not perfect and we never strived to be perfect. However, I will admit there are a few things that make us a bit better then others (not by much). I think the biggest one is that since we've been here longer than most Kaijus out there (we first arrived prior to the Civil War), we're one of the more respected and trustworthy Kaijus. Yes, we all had to work hard to achieve (it didn't happen overnight) and there were plenty of setbacks but, especially nowadays, most if not all of mankind trust us to, well, not be a typical Kaiju and/or Showju, like, in my case, being the mayor of Thunder Bay.
Regarding 'Showju', we describe a 'showju' as 'a kaiju who uses his/her ability to show off and be something akin to a Carnival Attraction, therefore planting a false belief of what they are in someone's head.' There were times I've seen a kaiju showoff their powers and kids are in awe of them, only to see them scream as said kaiju starts attacking another, realizing that this 'friendly beast' they saw is actually an animal, leading them to be fearful of them, instead of trusting them. That's why we Tikbalang do not do anything 'Showju' of the like. When we're as a Kaiju, we are either defending mankind or aiding them in someway. It's why, if you ever come to Thunder Bay, you'll see Kaiju in the bay itself, working on ships in Kaiju-form; It's to show that we are not here to be entertainment, but are here to help mankind in anyway we can. Now, yes, I have allowed the KWF (Kaiju Wrestling Federation) in our town at one point and, yes, those are, by all definition, Showjus. But I only let them in cause not only were they helping out with a fundraiser we were running at the time....but because the KWF was actually founded by a Tikbalang back in the 60's and, even though there were some opposition from us? We did eventually come around to it as it basically allows Kaijus to be Kaijus, but in a controlled environment and without the threat of rogues (It's a bit more complicated than that but that's the tl;dr version).
But, yeah, KWF aside? Again, our main trait is that we Tikbalangs pride ourselves as being some of the only Kaijus that mankind trusts and can look up to without fear.
Hope that answers your question for your "research", Sickle.
Question for Mordecai: What do you think of Crater City and the Kaiju living there?
In short: It's a decent city, but I'm not impressed with the kaiju.
Don't get me wrong, it's a fine city and I do enjoy some of my trips there. But I can't really say the same for some of its citizens and, especially, the kaiju that live there. Yes, I think it's great that many Kaijus are trying to show that they aren't all bad guys, something we Tikbalang have been doing since we first arrived in the States many MANY years ago. However, when I see kaiju acting like tourist attractions, like swimming in the ocean near a busy pier in such a way that makes them look like the Loch Ness Monster? To me, that is making us look more like something that belongs in a carnival instead of protecting mankind or, as what my people call them, a Showju. It's why when you see Kaiju's in my town of Thunder Bay, they're helping out with jobs, aiding folks, or just watching over the city. Yes, Kaijus can have fun and I'm not going to say they can't but I and my people feel there is a clear difference between 'having fun' and 'being a carnival attraction'.
One kaiju in Crater City, however, I'm on two mindsets on. On the one hand, his heart is in the right place and he does want to defend his home and he has some unique abilities (that healing fire is different)...but on the other hand? It's honestly hard to put into words my thoughts on him but I don't feel safe around him. For example; We were at this restaurant getting a meal when he suddenly acted and "protected" me from a hunter, which in turn scared a child. Now, I was OK with him defending me and I must commend him for spotting that's a pity that hunter was a stupid one. Listen, Kaiju Hunters are, despite some idiots, smart. They know when to go after a kaiju, how to go about doing it as to not attract any attention, and when to act. Any normal hunter would not have fired that round in a place such as that restaurant as they'd know it would cause an unwanted scene and anyone with two eyes would spot them either A) not reacting or B) trying to sneak away during the chaos. This hunter that fired? Not only did he do it in plain view but, from what I could tell, from where he was sitting? He was going to miss me by a mile.
Now, I'll give that kaiju credit; this DID result in us rescuing a person from kidnappers....but that brought on more issues with the darned Kaiju almost totaling the vehicle and, in short, scaring the child even more (perhaps even giving the kid more unwanted nightmares of being stomped on BY a kaiju).
Again, let me stress that I think Crater City is a fine city...I just don't think some of the Kaijus/Showjus that live there are, well, GOOD Kaijus to be looking up to.
Hello there, Mordecai, my name is Macabre. I have been to your world, but we have never met yet. I am a demon, formerly of Hell, with a love of music. I have been curious, do the different beasts of your world have their own cultures as diverse as humanity? I’d like to know what the music is like for creatures so large. Perhaps I could learn a thing or two from them.
Well, this is a new one for me. I can't say I ever had a being like you talk to me before and I've been to Crater City and talked with people there.
As for your query? I can't speak for other the Kaiju's out there but. for the Tikbalang, our music is what you'd call 'Nature's Soundtrack'; Peaceful, upbeat, catchy, and very easy to enjoy. I've seen even metal heads enjoy the music my people make and that is always impressive.
As for me personally? I enjoy my people's music, of course, but I do enjoy non-Kaiju music like those by the late Meat Loaf, the band Def Leppard, Flo & Eddie, and other classics.
Hey, Hawk. It's Eira. I heard you've had some experience with demons in the past, and considering I've now got something of an Archdemon stalker, I felt I should ask. How do you personally fight demons? They're immune to mortal weapons, and the only reason I'm so effective against them is because of my species' blessing from the Aspects of Fear.
Well, I have a few ways of fighting them, but the main way I do it is using either a special shotgun or auto crossbow I have on my ship (gifts from the monks who raised me and taught me how to be the bounty hunter I am today); both of which have been blessed by the an Aspect whose name escapes me at this time.
Hello there, Sir Hawk, this is Macabre, a former demon of the Goetia. I have heard that you managed to fight your way out of Hell. Such a feat is astounding for any mortal, unkillable or not. But I wanted to inquire, how are you holding up after that? The very environment of Hell is debilitating, both mentally and physically, to say the least.
Just 'Hawk' is fine, I don't need to be reminded of how long I've been in this galaxy chuckles
I'm doing better now. The first few months were the roughest for me, what with the constant nightmares, and I still get the occasional nightmare and I still have those moments where the smell of brimstone and death enters my nose...but I had some help from some amazing people, like the monks of Hylix when I lived with them for a few years.
Why do you wear those sunglasses? Is it a sort of status symbol among your group?
Nah they're just something I wear on occasion, especially in places where the sun's bright. I used to wear glasses with my old ensemble back when I started out, but that was leading to issues of some places becoming a bit too dark with them on.
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