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Queer, non-binary, AuDHD, disabled disaster hamster. Exists mostly as a ball of anxiety.
Do you prefer seaside or mountain vacations?
I was practically born on the sea and seaside vacations are the only kind of vacations I've ever had. I've only seen a mountain once in my life, and that from a train going through it.
So I guess you could say I have a preference for seaside vacations? Would be nice to experience a mountain vacation at least once, though.
Do you own any fan memorabilia or fandom merch?
Not much, just a couple of things. I've never been much of a collector and fan merch needs to really speak to me for me to get it. I've often wanted more because I like a certain fandom, but most official merch for my favourites has been kinda meh. I don't want anything I won't actually use.
But I do own a print T-shirt which has a 4-panel anxiety comic by one of my favourite comic artists, Hannah Hillam. I also have an American Horror Story T-shirt with the text "normal people scare me" which someone has described as the "live, laugh, love" of emo's. Don't know about that, but for me the meaning is that because everyone is basically just as normal or abnormal, it's all the same if it just read "people scare me". Because social anxiety. Both shirts are in regular use.
My spouse got me a War & Peas comic book as a gift a while ago and that came with a bookmark and an enamel pin. Haven't yet found a use for the pin though, it's kinda big. The bookmark is currently in a knitting design book.
A few years ago spouse got me two Star Wars easter chocolate eggs with a toy inside. They had those kinda decorations you can stick at the end of a pencil? Maybe called pencil toppers? I dunno. Anyway, the other was a stormtrooper head and the other R2D2's head. Every year I put one of them at the tip of our miniature christmas tree in place of a star.
That's about it. Two things I bought myself and a few I got as a gift 😄
What cat would you be if you got reincarnated as one? Color, shape, personality...
A ginger one! With white socks. I was born with ginger hair, although you wouldn't believe it looking at my hair colour now. Ginger cats are also exceptionally soft and I would get many pets.
I'd probably be on the small side, picky with my food except for treats. Prone to hissing if strange folks got too close, but very clingy and cuddly with my chosen human(s). Most of the time I'd enjoy lounging in my cat tower with the occasional playtime chasing a feather toy or my nemesis, the red dot.
Loves: salmon
Dislikes: loud noises
Favourite activity: sleeping
Weakness: catnip
Strength: being too cute to handle
If you had to assemble an emergency survival kit for the apocalypse, what would it include?
This is gonna sound hella depressing, so be warned:
I don't wanna survive the apocalypse. If decades of playing, watching and reading dystopian sci-fi has taught me anything, it's that the apocalypse absolutely, unequivocally sucks ass. I've also told my spouse that the moment disaster hits, we're just gonna put on some good music, cuddle together and wait.
Like, I can barely survive as it is on my own sofa with all my modern comforts. Ain't no way I could handle living in the woods evading or fighting whatever the hell has destroyed the world.
So yeah, no kits, no survival. Just let it be over.
Do you dislike people as a species or you dislike being around them due to anxiety?
Yes. Also I love how poorly I've managed to conceal my misanthropy to get such a question.
However, there are several individual people I like, and even love. In the words of one of my favourite video game characters, it's too much work to hate them one by one. So I don't throw murderous glances at everyone I meet and I generally try to assume people are at least somewhat kind or pleasant, and try to act accordingly.
But it's true that I've lost hope for humans as a species. And my anxiety makes being around folks weird and uncomfortable, even with familiar people, let alone strangers. I'm often convinced that everyone hates me. But their hate will always come second to the contempt I feel for myself. Every day I'm absolutely sure that I should just remove myself completely from the internet and world in general and hide in my blanket fort for all eternity. But I haven't, yet. I guess that's something.
Choose your nerfed superpower:
Flight, but you can't get higher than two metres off the ground. Telekinesis, but your aim is always slightly off. Everything lands just short of you or flies slightly past you. Invisibility, but you can only be visible for a total of four hours per day. Extra set of limbs you have full control of, but they aren't human. Invulnerability, but you're also the clumsiest person in the world.I'm not sure how weird it is to answer my own question when I'm the one who set the parameters but who cares.
I'd probably choose flight, because walking is a bit of a painful business for me so if I could get around without using my joints and muscles, that'd be great. Also could reach more than just the two lowest shelves in the kitchen.
Telekinesis would be nice, but I'd be so annoyed for always missing, that I'd probably never use it. My aim is terrible as it is, if I try to throw a piece of paper in the trash, it's more often than not on the floor even if I was standing right next to the bin.
I don't know if invisibility would cure me of my anxiety to go outside. If it helped with that, it'd be cool, but I somehow don't think it'd be that easy. I wouldn't mind the time limit though. Four hours of visibility would be plenty, I'd use it when I'm with family.
Extra limbs! I wouldn't mind a pair of raccoon arms. Or cheetah legs! But flight would still probably be more useful.
Invulnerability would be a nice upgrade. My skin's very fragile and I seem to be getting cuts if I just look at my hands too intently, but I think the clumsiness would be just annoying as the poor aim in telekinesis. Especially since my problems with proprioception already make me quite clumsy. Don't wanna add to that. Although, if invulnerability cured all my existing illnesses and would also make me invulnerable to mental hurts, that'd be quite something and would probably make me choose it over flight.
Did you have a mythological figure or fairytale character you liked the most as a child?
I can't think of just one I liked most but I was always partial to, let's say, unconventional princesses 😄 The kind of protagonists and female characters who had other interests besides looking pretty and waiting for a prince.
I was a kid in the 80's and 90's, so there weren't too many characters like that to choose from and even the ones we had weren't that progressive. I grew up with Disney films, H.C. Andersen's and Grimm's fairytales and with Moomins and Astrid Lindgren's books. When I got a bit older I discovered fantasy books and I think I read just about every single one our library had.
Before school my favourite character was probably Belle from Beauty and the Beast, because she was smart, liked books and had an inventor for a dad (like my dad is). Pippi Longstocking (Lindgren) and Little My (Moomins) were others I liked.
After I started school I moved from princesses to witches, wizards, sorcerers and all others who could wield magic. That stayed with me a long time and I guess you could say they're still my favourite.
What type of anarchistic behaviour would you partake in if you lived in a city like Gotham? Graffiting your opinion around town, throwing molotov cocktails, breaking rich people's property, or something else?
Well. I'd love to say that all of the above and then some. But the sad reality is that I can barely stand on most days and even walking down to the mailbox is often a chore.
I couldn't do graffiti because the paint fumes would break my lungs and brain in an instant. I can't throw anything without my joints dislocating. Same goes for breaking stuff, I only do that by dropping things on accident. If I somehow did manage to get into a rich person's house and started accidentally dropping expensive coffee cups, I'd still probably get caught in an instant since I can't run.
And I really can't think of anything I could do from my blanket fort with my current skills. I could send strongly worded opinions to the Gotham Gazette that would never be published? Or I could act as a safehouse to other anarchists, provided that they don't expect any sort of communication or care from me? I might also knit the occasional pair of mittens to someone, Gotham nights can be chilly.
In other words, I'd be the worst anarchist in the world. Sorry to disappoint.
Can you please tell me a joke?
This feels like a question better suited to Google Assistant or Alexa. I do find humour in almost everything and I laugh a lot, but unfortunately manage to actually tell jokes only by accident.
I was tempted to post The Longest Joke in the World here but as it's almost 11 000 words I ultimately decided against it.
I also tried googling for jokes but I didn't think any of them were funny. However, that wasn't what you asked for, so here goes:
When is a door not a door?
When it's ajar.
What is your favorite room?
My own. It's where I spend most of my time and also sleep half the night, because for some reason I can't fall asleep in the bedroom until I've first had a nap on the sofa.
The sofa in question is big and takes about third of the room. Around (and on) it are all my hobby things I need to distract me from the agony that is my existence. The room's also got windows on all sides but one, so even if I can't go outside a lot of the time, I can still admire the nature around us from this terrarium of mine.
What hairstyle or haircut of yours made you laugh after coming to terms with?
Oh dear. I don't think there's been a hairstyle I haven't had at some point, some more successful than others. I've never had a really serious relationship with my hair, if something doesn't work, I just change it the next day.
There's really only one time I can remember that I was close to tears over my hair. I went to a new hairdresser so they'd dye my hair blonde from this really deep brown I had at the time. If at the time I'd known anything about hair, I would've known you couldn't do it in one go. The hairdresser though was very confident they could do it and I believed them. Of course it ended up being this completely uneven, piss yellow pile of dry hay. Worst thing was that the hairdresser was beside themself with joy at how well it turned out. I was just stunned into silence and left with a hat pulled firmly on my head as far as it could go.
I went straight to another hairdresser and asked for a brown box dye. They asked to see under my hat and when I took it off they looked something like 😵😳🫣🫢😂😬 and said that they can't promise it won't turn out grey if I dye it now. I said I don't care, anything's better than this.
I don't remember what the box dye did, but I suppose since I can't remember, it turned out fine. Luckily I had a bob cut at the time and it grew out quickly.
So yeah, eventually, like most things, this too made me laugh. Also I don't know if this counts as coming to terms with it because I changed it right away.
Nowadays I cut my own hair and really, the only thing I can do is laugh because it usually ends up looking like a crow's nest no matter what I do. But I don't really have any options at the moment, so yeah. I've come to terms with the fact that my hair will henceforth always make me laugh. Better than crying, I suppose.
Anybody else still remember their first e-mail address? What domain did it have?
I picked mine from this Latin American web portal "StarMedia" which apparently still exists? I thought it sounded cool 😅 At least compared to the alternatives. I was NOT going to have something ending in bloody "Hotmail" or worse, "Yahoo."
Back then I used the screen name "Artemis" thinking it sounded like the male version of the Greek hunter goddess (we call her "Artemisa") not knowing it was also female. 🤭
I have absolutely no clue. I've had so many over the years and I kept changing my screenname so I feel like I made new ones constantly.
I googled a bit and found a couple of domains I remember having, either one might've been the first. One was called and it was one of the first free email domains here anyone could sign up for. The other was, "jippii" being the equivalent of "yahoo" in Finnish 😄
But yeah, can't remember any of the names I used.
Which part of yourself do you find easiest to reveal to others?
It depends totally on the person I'm revealing things to. I'm generally an open person and don't mind talking about just about anything with a person who's kind, curious and open-minded. But I close up and walk away if I sense the opposite.
Also for several years now I haven't had any new people enter my life, unless you count online. The only new people I talk to are doctors, nurses and therapists. In those scenarios I always first talk about my anxiety disorder and how it might affect our communication and the things I say.
That was also the first thing I said in my fedi introduction nearly a year ago. So yeah, while it might not be in itself an easy thing to reveal, I do find it makes everything that comes after easier when the person understands that side of me and how it affects my behaviour. And also that I don't have to try and pretend to be anything other than a quivering, sweaty mess who can't find words 😄
If you received a billion right now, what unnecessary but cool, for you, thing would you buy first?
Hmm. Well, first I'd have to figure out what exactly is unnecessary. I assume this question means something extravagant and silly, like Jimi Hendrix's burned guitar or something and not like a new car or house.
Aaaannnddd... I can't think of anything. A castle in Scotland? No wait, I know! A yarn dyeing studio or a yarn shop. Is that cool? Probably not. But I'd always have access to the loveliest of yarns and could just spend my days floating between the shelves going "mmmmm, yaaarrrnnn...."
(Sorry, I didn't sleep last night.)
The egg thing worked 1/3 times and it was awesome despite the mess. Thanks for sharing it, blessed cooking!
Great, you're welcome! It took a few tries for me too to figure out how to do it without just smashing eggs all over the table.
I originally came across it from videos where they actually dropped the egg on the table, from increasingly greater heights, and it always seemed to just work. Unfortunately I can't for the life of me find the video. There are plenty of videos though where they just drop the egg straight into the pan and then pick up the shell halves. But I feel like that only works if you plan on frying just one or two eggs.
Anyway, I've noticed that my aim and hands are not quite that adept at getting it to fall right if I just drop it, so I googled a bit more and came across videos (like one from Real Simple channel) where they tapped the egg against a flat surface and got essentially the same effect. And yeah, it's still messy, but not as messy as all the times when I've cracked the egg against the edge of the bowl and then managed to fumble it into an explosion of egg where most of it is on the table, floor and myself and maybe a teaspoon of it made it into the bowl.
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