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Kyle Brown

I am a professional software developer, hobbyist programmer and retro PC software collector

Calgary, Ab
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Ask me something, everything, anything


Random passerby · 9mo

Are you a summer lover or hater?

If I had to choose one, I would go with hater. I'd much rather be really cold than really hot. Especially lately that it requires actual work to manage heat.

I do like the sun and green plants so it's not an extreme heat. I would probably pick any other season over summer though.

Random passerby · 9mo

What smell/scent brings you good memories or feelings whenever you encounter it?

Random passerby · 9mo

What is your favorite color?

That's tough because I feel like I appreciate a lot of colours.

Greens are nice, you get some organic feeling colours there. I especially like a dark green. Lime greens are also very nice.

Reds and oranges can also be really nice. Fire is pretty, as are flowers. You also get brick colours that feel very strong. There are a lot of animals with redish orange colouring that look very good.

With blue you have the colour of the sky and some flowers as well. I think blue can be a very comforting colour.

I think I will have to go with a light blue with just a hint of green. A light teal

Hämy · 4 answers · 9mo

Choose your nerfed superpower:

Flight, but you can't get higher than two metres off the ground. Telekinesis, but your aim is always slightly off. Everything lands just short of you or flies slightly past you. Invisibility, but you can only be visible for a total of four hours per day. Extra set of limbs you have full control of, but they aren't human. Invulnerability, but you're also the clumsiest person in the world.

Assuming I can hover, being able to go up 2 meters actually sounds super useful. I can easily clean the tops of shelves or finally properly hang the wall hanging that's on the wall above the stairs.

Random passerby · 9mo

Why cats?

Because I was working in an office and expected to again. You can't leave a dog alone for 111 hours.

Random passerby · 10mo

Of all the places in the world, which one do you absolutely not want to visit?

That's tough because I think given the chance I would probably be happy to go anywhere. I think you could find something interesting to do wherever you go.

I am going to go with the Republic of Mali though as the internet says it's one of the hottest countries on earth and I am not built for heat

Yuriel · 5 answers · 10mo

Anybody else still remember their first e-mail address? What domain did it have?

I picked mine from this Latin American web portal "StarMedia" which apparently still exists? I thought it sounded cool 😅 At least compared to the alternatives. I was NOT going to have something ending in bloody "Hotmail" or worse, "Yahoo."

Back then I used the screen name "Artemis" thinking it sounded like the male version of the Greek hunter goddess (we call her "Artemisa") not knowing it was also female. 🤭

My first email address was with on and I still use it today as my primary email

Although, I have recently created a new email using something like my real name so that I don't have to deal with comments when telling someone my email in public

Random passerby · 10mo

What's your least favourite dessert and why?

I have never liked pie

I don't mind the filling but I find pie crust to be extremely unappealing. It kind of reminds me of the skin on fruits which I also don't like. Weirdly hard and lacking in flavour

Random passerby · 10mo

What are your favourite quirks of each of your cats?

For Robin, my older grey tabby, if she is walking around upstairs and I come to the top of the stairs and sit down so that my head is at floor height, if I look around the corner at her, she will come to me so that I can give her a kiss on the head. This usually happens when we are running around the house together

For Lupo, my younger black and brown tabby cat, it's his ability to entertain himself. I will often find him playing with some random thing he found. Batting it around, throwing it in the air and chasing it.

Hämy · 10mo

You said in your introduction that you also do non-computer related things. What are they?

Asking the hard questions I see.

I draw/doodle every so often. I cook and bake as much as I can. I build legos. I have been trying to get into taking care of plants but the cats make that difficult. Both because they eat them and because I have ceded most of the window space to them.

I have been doing the paper folding when I volunteer at the library. I started a hook-latch project that was a bit ambitious for me. I have supplies and patterns to make some of the things with the plastic grid that you put thread through. Not sure what that's called

Yuriel · 10mo

You were allowed to have an e-mail at 12? 😯 I didn't even go online until like 17-18. What's up with that?

Thinking about the timeline I might have actually been younger than 12. This would have been the late 90's or early 00's so no one really knew what the internet was to be scared of it.

Interestingly I lost the internet at home sometime after that because we moved to an anchorage and my parents didn't want to pay for really slow dial up

I didn't get internet at home until I was 17 when we moved again. I had access to the internet at school and I used to go and hang out at the library where my mum worked and use their internet

Random passerby · 10mo

Why "wearwolf"?

When I was around 12 years old, I signed up for my first email address. I chose wearwolf plus some numbers because I thought werewolves were cool and I didn't know how to spell it properly.

in my defense I would have known about "wear" as in to wear clothing but not "were" as in something human.

The name being a spelling error actually made it feel more personal. I wasn't a werewolf, I was the wearwolf. So I have used it ever since as my online handle. It sometimes gets shortened to just wear.

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