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a mouse · 7mo

I think I might have asked something in the past, if so just know that I never expected it to get answered soon, no reason to be scared when replying late. But also, it's fine to not reply.
Anyway, I'd love to hear some more RMR song recs from you if you have any!

I have a few! Tbh nearly all love songs are them to me because of the brainworms but I think these fit them very well, and I haven't seen anyone else mention them:

Can't Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon
Third Eye - Florence + the Machine
Love Yourself - Sufjan Stevens
I'll Believe In Anything - Wolf Parade
Our Song - Matchbox 20

Separation arc and aftermath specifically:
A Little Respect - Erasure
I Don't Really Love You Anymore - The Magnetic Fields
and Faithfully by Journey plays at the end LOL

(also thank you for understanding orz)

a mouse · 7mo

Will you make a straw page so that people can send you silly doodles? 👉👈 I'd like to send you sillies

fsjdgfk i feel like i don't really deserve doodles tbh so pleeease do not feel obligated or anything but...i did make one...

splendid · 7mo

do you ever listen to futile devices by singer-songwriter sufjan stevens and think about…reimob…

i do...."you are the life that i've needed all along" is one of the most romantic lines ever and so Them it makes me wanna scream

a mouse · 7mo

You once said something about being into scat in theory in just very niche ways once if I'm not wrong. Care to elaborate?

a mouse · 9mo

I see you listen to sufjan stevens!! Whats your fav sufjan stevens project?

a mouse · 10mo

Hello, I love your fics! <3 Do you have any advice for someone who'd like to start writing? I have no experience but it seems very fun to try.

a mouse · 10mo

What colour do you picture when you think of your own fanworks' vibe? mysteriously vague answers supported and encouraged

For specific stories: In Good Hands is sunset-colored like the ending scene of the separation arc, Safekeeping is soft blue-gray, Hair's Breadth is the pastel easter-egg color of dawn.

For art: mijello mission gold indigo. i just love using it and making washes with it and looking at it; it ends up in almost every watercolor piece i paint, lol. mijello prussian blue and yellow ochre are also very good but their indigo is so moody and beautiful...idk i just love it

a mouse · 9mo

Why don’t you like ritsu anymore? I don’t mind I’m just nosy lmao

2020 and associated real-life stress sucked a lot of the fannish energy out of me so my feelings for the non-mrm mp100 pairs i used to ship had already faded a bit, and then i had a bad experience with one person (no one on here, to be clear! it happened elsewhere and idk if the person in question even had any social media) that killed all my interest in him. /o\ i don't HATE him, i just don't care about or want to engage with anything about him fannishly anymore.

a mouse · 9mo

miss your RMR thoughts on my tl... hope you're well!

thank you anon! may was an extremely busy month for me and then i came down with some sort of sinus bug that's been draining my energy recently, but I'm okay and hope to be back to active rmrposting soon <3

a mouse · 10mo

Any tips for coping w jealousy as a creator in fandom orz

🚸 · 10mo

Somehow you give off a very soft vibe but then your fav RMR is 2814 and the spice you put out there is SO GOOD please never stop

fdjaskljfdks this is so kind, thank you rune T____T soft, caring canon age reimob is like air and water to me

thesickozone · 11mo

Any headcanons on what Mob and Reigen's respective kinks would be?

a mouse · 10mo

How did you come up with the idea for the mobstocking?
It's so wonderful every year!! Thank you for making it

a mouse · 10mo

How would you describe your personality?

WHOO BOY...for a long time my biggest fear was that I don't actually have a personality :D These days I think I do have one, but it's still kinda hard for me to parse out where Me, The Person ends and Disorder Symptoms begin. Overall though I think these words are a pretty accurate description of me: curious, creative (in the sense that I enjoy creating things), sensitive, shy, passionate about things that are important to me, and prone to self-doubt and overthinking . I try to be kind and considerate, and I like my sense of humor, but I'm not always sure how it comes across to other people.

a mouse · 10mo

ReiMob MobRei or no bias?

both are wonderful BUT if they're doing penetration i do prefer top reigen/bottom mob because it dovetails beautifully with my size difference kink haha. when it comes to searching out fandom content toprei/bottommob also has a higher percentage of canon-age fanwork, in my experience, and since I'm deeply invested in their canon dynamic and 14-15-year-old Mob that's a big factor in how much of which configuration I read.

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