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opinions on feet?
I am a certified freak for them but I'm also a really particular freak about them? I think 9 times out of 10 they're nasty, especially when they're the focus of art (specifically the bottoms of them) but when they hit? just right? usually as a more casually and subtly incorporated detail? they can have me howling like a wolf.
I also can only get into girls' feet l-lol...occasionally I can make an exception for guys but they can't be real life guys.
thoughts on reigen tickling mob?
I think ever since Mob laughed, Reigen has been addicted to the sound of his laughter. This means an increase in telling Mob terrible jokes and puns. When that fails, he has the natural next course of action right (very literally) at his fingertips. He already has such fast-moving hands that Mob usually can't duck out of the way in time before Reigen's fingers touch his sides or stomach and he's completely helpless as laughter incapcitates him. It's so damn delightful for Reigen to hear, because even as Mob has opened up more emotionally, it's still so rare for that kind of unbridled joyful emotion to bubble right out of Mob.
Fortunately, Mob doesn't mind (I think he even likes it), his only concern is the office (or whatever space they're in) being in complete disarray because his powers also yield their own ticklish reaction.
was there any particular moment that made you go 'ah. i ship this.' re: mob+reigen or was it a gradual realization? what made you fall for them?
It was a gradual realization on my part--and a bit of an iceberg in hindsight!
To begin, I loved their relationship as it was in canon. They've got such a unique dynamic unlike any I've ever seen, and I remember my makor takeaway from season 1 of the anime being "I just want more of -them-."
When season 2 of the anime was airing I actually got distressed over the Separation Arc (I hadn't read the manga at the time so I was going in blind) because I really, really didn't want Mob and Reigen to ever break off their partnership, not helped that a) I think it'd make sense for the characters and their development and b) I'd seen so much fanart (in the English-speaking sphere, at least) of Reigen being endgame with Serizawa or Dimple (no shade at either of those ships, by the way) that I figured "maybe that's the way canon goes (why am I crying)." Should add this happened while I was strictly into their platonic relationship--I'm not exactly sure I'd call this a "sign" I shipped it, but it was an indicator of how deeply invested I was in their relationship!
Then somewhere while season 2 was airing, I -think- I stumbled upon a "what if Mob pursued Reigen when he was older" prompt or scenario somewhere that sparked -something- in my brain that had me transfixed. "Something" being "what if Mob got taller than Reigen" and "what if Mob got physically strong enough he could pick up Reigen"--I even wrote a bare bones scenario of it, and mind, this was -still- in my "platonic only" era.
I think the turning point for me was in season 2 episode 9 of the anime, when Mob collapses from relief in Reigen's arms--"turning point" here meaning "when I got curious enough that I poked around looking for art of them as a ship." (I'm a sucker for when a character can bring another's guard down so well they feel -safe- with them enough to pass out.) It was a little difficult to find the stuff that aligned with my tastes, but when I found it I went, "Oh shit, I really -do- ship it, don't I." (Thank you, spillingdown, tentacleboye, crowtoes, and many many other artists for helping me come to this realization <3)
And the rest is history! Sorry for the late response, I only just saw this in my inbox now and hope this answer was worth the wait. I'm sure I could go on about my history and love of MRM, but my eyes are getting tired, so I'll make this the stopping point for now.
I know very little about Hellaverse but do you have thoughts about what if Reigen & Mob ended up there
It's something I've thought about a lot!
I think Reigen would be a sinner (a once-living human soul damned to Hell) with a cockroach form (most sinners get an animal-based forms and there'd be no greater a torture for Reigen than that) and Mob would be some sort of hellborn (something created/born in Hell, as the name suggests)--I'm tempted to go with a hellhound because dog!Mob is underrepresented and hellhounds seem to fit that mold of being both powerful yet hieararchically subservient.
Reigen's life in Hell isn't much different from the one he had on Earth--he's still running a business scamming others out of their money via life advice and other Hell-based problems, but now he's doing it under the guise of being an overlord (sinners that have basically gotten far enough in Hell that they attain a high-ranking status in society). Things change when a certain unassuming hellhound enters the building looking for help, things unfold like they do in canon with Reigen giving Mob those life-changing words of wisdom, Mob inadvertently reveals he naturally has magical powers (something neither sinners nor hellborn have), and Reigen promises to use his status as overlord to continue mentoring Mob, while Mob being there helps buff up his false "overlord" image.
And that's about all I've got! Oh, and they share a building with the IMP crew (an assassination business) from Helluva Boss, of course. I haven't thought of what shenanigans might come about from that yet.
what’s mob’s favorite sex act?
I see Mob as someone who would love oral sex, both giving and receiving, but especially giving. He loves receiving because it's a form of sex that's gentle and soft to the touch while still being highly stimulating. He loves giving because he's an "acts of service as a love language" / "my partner's pleasure is my pleasure"-kind of guy in general, but there's a very particular joy he gets from hearing moans of approval as he goes down on them with his tongue and tasting them. (Obligatory "Mob loves milk" here)
spin the kink roulette wheel and write a mini manifesto about why you like [kink of your choice]! obligatory question mark?
One "why tickling is my favorite kink in the world" minifesto coming right up
In a lot of ways I don't think it's very much different from sex. It's both deeply sensual and deeply intimate, it relies on touch and stimulation, there's a lot of SQUIRMING around and uncontrollable noises made, at least one party member is flushed and panting by the time it's over. I love when fingers are used the most because that's when it's at peak intimacy--you're feeling the person all over you (or the other way around) giving the gentlest of touches that manage to nudge all these reactions out of your body and mouth and you just -feel- them in all over you even when it's really only five or ten digits on your body. I love that the image of fingers wiggling threateningly alone can trigger a sort of fight or flight response from the body or even make the person giggle before it's even begun.
I love when it's used in fluffy contexts but I also love the rarer instances when it's explored in darker contexts. A lot of people hate being tickled, some people actively fear it and it's easy to see why--it gets into non-consensual touching territory fast, it can get downright unpleasant when oxygen is being forcibly depleted from your lungs, and people in general -really- do not take "no" for an answer when finding out someone is ticklish. And because it doesn't do any lasting physical harm, it can be easy for an abusive party member to exploit--hell, it's even been used as torture in real life because of the no "harmful" side effects. And just as feeling that you love person all over you can be wonderful and pleasurable and it can be a -nightmare- when that same feeling is being brought by someone you don't want to be intimate with, or someone who's ignoring your boundaries.
tl;dr I love tickling it's my bulletproof 10/10 will cum every time kink and I think there's a lot of amazing psychological layers to unpack from it though that the end of the day it's all about the SQUIRMING
How does it feel to have such excellent taste?
Excellent 😎
gay SEX
not a question!!!! try again
sexiest g-witch ending prediction?
Oh man am I sorry I missed this ask 🥹 On my wishlist I wanted the Suletta Mindbreak Arc to have lasted longer with greater consequences for both her and the cast (mayhaps with a significant body count in mind), eventually leading her into mentally plunging into the deep end and maybe have her consciousness merge with Aerial/another Gundam's as a result of the trauma.
From here on out I'm just throwing logic out the window and making things up as I go along. Miorine has to accept an arranged marriage with Prospera, with an actual wedding this time--maybe there's hypnosis/mind control going on as well as Miorine goes to the chapel and has to wear Slave Leia garb designed by Prospera. There's a lot of groping and fondling and "if only my daughter could see you now" on Prospera's part.
Suletta eventually breaks out of her comatose/Aerialpilled state OR she's still stuck there in her mecha body but she has control over it and she crashes the wedding, with a big declaration of love (preceded by Suletta getting flustered over Miorine's look) that breaks Miorine out of her trance. Prospera smiles, bringing the girls' hands together, happy to see her plan come to fruition.
Other things--epilogue scene, reveal that the three of them are living together, Eri as their shared daughter/sister, implications of sex with Suletta's robo body or human body.
I don't know that it would have been a good ending, but it could be a sexy one.
What’s your favorite mp100 scene from each season?
S1 - Surprise to no one but "it's ok to run away"!
S2 - So so many fantastic scenes to choose from (Mob reconstructing Emi's manuscript, everything in episode 5, "my shishou is a good person", Mob's wildly spiraling emotions culminating in him choosing to stay and talk with Touichirou being among some of my very favorites), but I'm actually going to go with one that also doubles as my favorite Mobreimob moment, and that's the meeting with the ghost family in episode 3. I love the quiet, eerie atmosphere, the understated way Reigen manages to comfort Mob, the themes it establishes for the Mogami arc and the rest of the series as a whole, and I just love the "what if the spooky ghosts are actually sympathetic and lonely" angle in general.
S3 - EVEN HARDER TO PICK JUST ONE I love love love the confession scene it squeezes my heart just thinking about it and the buildup to it and the epilogue with Reigen's birthday but...I think my actual favorite is when the gang gets to hang out with the aliens in episode 7? I love the quiet, relaxed mood of that episode in general (not to mention all the beautiful scenery and Hakuyu Go's return with stunning animation) but the coziness of their time with the aliens makes me indescribably happy every time I watch it. It has a similar appeal as the ghost family scene, now that I think of it? The idea of what if that "scary, unknown" entity was actually benevolent and friendly (...hey, kind of like the entire concept of ???%, huh, I never would have made that thematic connection until now).
what’s your favorite intimate details to read or write in fic? like tiny things between characters that never fail to make u smile or your heart clench up
For both reading and writing, I love details that allude to or recount the history of the relationship, be it from canon and fanon. I love stuff like Reigen's hand grasping Mob's with the desperate intensity he felt in the eye of that storm, or Mob watching as Reigen sips his morning tea out a mug Mob had personally handcrafted himself that Reigen refuses to part ways with, even with the increasing number of cracks fissuring throughout--two examples I totally made up off the top of my head as one that is rooted in canon and the other rooted in fanon. I love getting little stories out of stories and things that show the level of closeness between the characters, especially seemingly incosequential details.
what have been your big interests lately? stuff like books, movies, games, etc.
Mob Psycho Mob Psycho Mob Psycho
NOT REALLY LOL..I'm very unimaginative when it comes to cocks and other genitalia (´• ω •`) Reigen is probably regular-size and Mob is...probably regular-size also...? I-I got nothing.
just wanted to say that you are cool
You are cool too 😎 thank you
what's your favorite thing to write?
Even though I don't think I've actually published any stories of this nature (though I am working on a couple), I really love writing character studies and angst. It really puts me in that perfect "raw" mindset where I don't stress over whether my draft is polished or even coherent in its beginning stages, I just let the words flow out and sometimes that "messiness" of the first draft can lend itself to being more of a feature than a bug.
I also really enjoy that I don't have to write as much in the way of my nemesis: physical description.
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