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Nagoya, Aichi.
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fill the cup with your curiosity!


lovely cereal! · 1y

kmu idgaf ato gaf person

I'm between a dgaf and a gaf person, I guess. It's all based on how important or unimportant the things are to me. But I think I'm mostly an idgaf person, because others opinions of me don't really affect me.

Hayden · 1 answer · 1y

Do you have a favorite gameplay to watch? I want to kill my boredom and distract myself a bit

lovely cereal! · 1y

hai jane aku yg suka nanya soal moveon, aku udah moveon hehehe akhirnya!! thank you for always answering my questions💙💙💙

hello there, sweetie! AAAAA CONGRATULATION. i'm sooo glad you're finally moving on from your ex. thank you for your effort and for being so brave in taking the decision. keep going, sender. i hope you can find someone who really deserves you. be happy, yaaa!! <3

Mahesa. · 5 answers · 1y

Just in case no one tells you today, you’re worth having around. You’re worth committing to. You’re worth appreciating. You’re worth loving.

Some warm affirmation on my bad days from you makes my feelings get better. Thank you so much for being so kind, Herschel. Just in case no one tells you today, you're more than worth it. Thank you for existing!

lovely cereal! · 1y

tips moveon pleeeeek😓

Jerian · 3 answers · 1y

Cara mengatasi asam lambung versi kalian gimana ya? (Yang punya aja) sering mual dan muntah entah sebelum atau sesudah makan, cara atasin versi kalian gimana ya?

kalau sesudah makan, biasanya aku minum air putih dingin terus makan permen yang rasanya asem manis. ngga ada teorinya sih, cuma itu ampuh ngurangin enek di aku.

Mahesa. · 4 answers · 1y

Hi guys, I just changed my theme. Can you visit and give me rate for my new theme? Thanks before!

you have a great taste, keren banget. i like the theme, the color scheme, and the layout. it suits very well!

lovely cereal! · 1y

boleh gak sih aku geer mantanku koar” simping over his new crush padahal belum jadian di akun yg masih ada akunya supaya aku liat that he’s fine without me.. hikd

your feeling is valid, sender! engga ada masalah punya asumsi seperti itu karena orang seperti itu memang ada. tapi sender, daripada mikirin itu tanpa kita tau pov dia seperti apa, mendingan pura-pura bodo amat. kayak.. asumsinya tuh dia kelihatan baik-baik aja tanpa kamu, kamu pun juga keliatan bodo amat sama keadaan dia. aku engga mau energi kamu habis karena mikirin hal yang kurang perlu. focus on yourself dan segala hal yang bikin happy aja yuk? :(

lovely cereal! · 1y

makasii maaf ya nanya soal move on terus, my ex is also a sagi and i am that desperately need him back 😞

hshshs that's totally fine, sender! aku sama sekali engga keberatan kok buat jawabnya. i know it must be so hard for you, aku juga pernah ngerasain hal yang kamu rasain beberapa waktu lalu. if you need someone to talk to untuk curhat soal mantan kamu, ngobrol, atau mungkin perlu temen untuk cari distraksi, kamu boleh banget hubungi aku yaa! i'll help as much as i can. semangat sender, semoga perasaan beratnya segera lepas ya. 💪🏻💓

lovely cereal! · 1y

mnrut km lebih sakit liat mantan masih aktif twitteran atau off ngilang pas proses move on?

lebih sakit dipaksa move on bang (bercanda). kayaknya lebih sakit mantan ngilang pas proses move on(?). soalnya, ya sometimes i still care about them.. kayak sekedar pengen tau life updatenya dia.

Juliette Demetria · 3 answers · 1y

Hi Meng! Aku kan udah libur nih, saranin kegiatan yang bermanfaat dong selama aku libur. I do like outdoor and indoor activities btw <3

karena aku lebih betah di rumah, aku cuma bisa saranin kegiatan indoor sih. mungkin bisa baca buku, baca manhwa, nonton film atau series, belajar bahasa asing!!

Historia Violett · 1y

hey jane, i just want to say your retro theme is so cyute! have a great day >_<

manis sekali sih, terima kasih ya cantik! aku juga suka banget liat tema retro kamu huhu. warnanya cocok bangeet and looks so fresh! 💓

lovely cereal! · 1y

kita jarang interaksi tp semoga aku ga dibub…… i really enjoy seeing you on tl

aaa.. how sweet you're, sender! i hope we can have more times to talk yaa. no worries, aku jarang banget bersih-bersih akun kok! enggapapa kalau memang lagi engga bisa banyak interaksi, i hope you're okay, ya! <3

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